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_____________Peter's POV

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Peter's POV

The girl was resting in my room, after questioning she got tired and fell asleep. I was being wrapped up in the medic ward for the cuts and bruises I got while attacking hydra. The avengers facility was packed with heroes and as excited I was to meet up with them I stayed with the girl.

She looked quite peaceful, her h/c hair fell softly on her shoulders and her breathing was steady. She looked nice. Dare I say pretty. She had cut and bruises around her hands and legs. I could only imagine the story behind each one.


I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was the couch of the interrogation room was no longer a couch, but a warm bed. That's weird I swear I fell asleep in the interrogation room. I felt eyes on me and as I turned around I saw a figure sitting.


I had slid right of the bed frighten by whatever... whoever was there. They moved hastily to my side and held out their hand to help me up. I hesitated but took it.

"Friday, open windows"

The window blinds magically moved to the side revealing a city as well as the figure. It was a boy, he looked like he was my age. He had deep brown eyes and wavy brown hair and a big bandaid right on his jaw.

He looked at me and slightly smiled.  "Are you ok?"

I slightly nodded. I kept looking at him, taking it all in. It had been a long while since I'd seen a smiling face.

"Um yeah. The floor is hard for sure"

His laughed.

I scratch my head. It can't get more awkward then this.

Just then the door swung open to reveal Iron Man.  He glanced at us and smirked before clearing his throat.

"I see you met peter."

Peter. Huh.

"Uh yes Mr.Stark"

"Very well, I'll need to speak to the kid. Well the other kid."

He motioned me to the door and I slowly got up giving Peter one last look.

Mr. Stark took me to a room with a long table and many chairs. He motioned me to sit and I did.

"So after some discussion, we came up with a suitable arrangement."

I nodded, "Continue.?"

"You said you only looked forward to the future. We all agree you should still stay here with the us—"

I scoffed.

"But, you will get to go to high school like a 'normal person'. We will give you training and sorts like that. Give you a hopefully normal life."

Slightly intrigued i leaned forward.
" When I'm 18 I can leave, correct?"


"Ok fine . So if I'm training does this mean I'm going to be apart of the avengers?"

"That's the main goal."

"What exact do you do other than break into hydra bases."

"We fight the battles that others can't fight for themselves. Basically just the dream team."

Well this will certainly be an adventure. Or should I say avengture. So all I got to do is wait 3 more years then I'm out of this shit hole. Well at least hopefully if I don't die before then.

"Can i have a night to kinda think about it"

"Sure kid."

I nodded and walked out of the room. Well I need to make an estimate of how long I have to live.

"A Film" By Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now