Rule 12.

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I made myself a promise and I'm damn well keeping to what I said. So.... fuck you? Also, Lola barely has a personality as she is one of the popular chics. So mind that please.

"I don't understand the world anymore," Jenny says.

She falls on the floor. Not again!

"Jennifer?" I ask.

She hits her face on her knees, hard.

"Why the fuck are these rules against me?" She asks.

I go down next to her.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Rule 12 came... Lola, I'm a bastard, as you probably know I mention it sometimes," Jenny says.

"It isn't your fault... what does the rule have on this?" I ask.

"They don't want any children that's parents weren't married, they actually denied it," Jenny says.

I take her into my arms, trying to get her to calm down.

"How dare they?" I ask.

"Lola, no," Jenny says.

"They hurt you..... nobody is allowed to hurt you, Jenny," I say.

Jenny shakes her head.

"You don't need to protect me," she says.

"Yes-yes I do," I say.

Jenny holds onto me.

"What if they learn about it?" Jenny asks.

"They won't. I swear to God, they won't," I say.

She smiles a little. I kiss her on the forehead.

"You're amazing, Lola," she says.

I laugh and rise my hands in surrender.

"So I am," I say.

She laughs back, drying her tears. I wish we were as confident as Token and Kyle but we are not. We're scared of going against the rules so we just stay together behind doors. If we did not, they'd separate us, I'm sure of it.

"Lola," she says.

"Yeah, Jenny?" I ask.

"Would you care if I d-?" Jenny asks.

I slowly put a hand on her shoulder.

"That's not even a fucking question," I say.

"Yes it is, Lola. Would you?" Jenny asks.

"Would I care? Jen! When have I indicated I would be anything below heartbroken? Death doesn't hurt you after it but everyone here would miss you for Y E A R S," I say.

"I don't know if that's it, it just feels like... why would people care when I am dead when they didn't care about me when I was alive?" Jenny asks.

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