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AN: for the sake of the story and in the Black Wolf verse Laurel is a Metahuman with her sonic scream after Flashpoint. Also I wanted you guys to know that i don't own the rights to any of the dc characters only my ocs and their dialogues.

Star City 2017

"Hey, guys we gotta talk. Earth to Black Wolf?"

A man dressed in clad black was sent through the wooden wall by a kick to the chest and through the hole outstepped Bucky Barnes supporting his alter ego White Wolf suit right with a menacing glare while his girlfriend Laurel Lance aka Black Canary was holding a few not far from her position. He blocked a incoming punch from the ninja's comrade and delivered a punch of his own to the cheek, knocking him out with his enhanced strength.

"A. Little. Busy. At. The. Moment." White Wolf said punctuating each word with every punch and kick to some of the ninjas he was engaging to show how little time he has to answer Overwatch's call.

"Well, it's not like you guys are dealing with Damien Darhk, I mean, these are some just ninjas."

"IF you were here, Overwatch, you would come to realize they are not just some ninjas." Black Canary said deflecting swords with her batons and sweeping some of the ninjas she was fighting off their feet. She took a deep breath and let out her Canary Cry shattering a few ear drums save White Wolf who was wearing ear protectors. The ninjas that were caught in the blast were sent towards the concrete wall, heads bouncing it of the cement. It rendered them out cold.

"Okay, this is serious. Barry and Iris need to know if you two are going to their wedding."

"Of course we're going." White Wolf grunted incredulously as he drew out a knife and threw it in the direction of his target with pinpoint precision. The knife struck the target embedding itself in the back of his target.

"Yes! Okay, so I'll RSVP yes, then?"

"Yes!" Black Canary and White Wolf exclaimed in unison as they doubled teamed on the last ninja taking him out with a double kick to the chest, the sheer power of those kicks sent him through the window, crashing into a car below the building.


Once the black clad men were beaten, Black Canary took a moment to recover. "I'd rather deal with the League of Assassins than have to fight these guys again." She panted, breathing heavily.

"You and me both."

England 1453 AD

"Die you vile witch!"

Hope Mikaelson, the original tribrid, the Daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner let out a sigh of annoyance. She'll never understand humans. All she ever did was casting a simple healing spell on a boy dying from a fever but no, thanks to an anachronism who was a key figure in Salem Witch Trials that began spreading the word about evil magic being cast which didn't bode well at all for Hope when an outsider saw what she was doing, all hell broke loose.
She could picture her mother scolding her with her arms crossed and a look of disappointment, but honestly, she was trying to help. Auburn haired tribrid also imagined her aunt Freya telling her that there's always consequences of using magic to solve every problem. Always.

"Ossox." She chanted and soon after her attackers were on their knees screaming in pain having their kneecaps blown off. Did they really think they were standing a chance against her, a Mikaelson witch? A tribrid? Please. "Phasmatos Somnus"
The troops fell asleep soon after. That was too easy even for her and her superstition was proven correct as an accounted troop that wasn't incapacitated snuck up on her.

He was about this close stab her from behind until he gasped frozen in the spot. he collapsed to the ground as his killer was watching him crumble with a devious smirk, heart in hand. his killer was no other than Beth Sanders-Mikaelson, Werewolf-Vampire hybrid. Hope's Wife.

"Being English is overrated."

Hope turned around and saw her short haired blonde wife dropping the soldier's heart to the ground. "I've had it handled, Beth."

She smirked flirtatiously, a playful glint was evident in her eyes. A trick that always seemed to work. "Oh, I don't doubt that, Babe. But still, thought you needed a hand, pun intended."

"I hate you." The tribrid rolled her eyes although there was no anger in her voice. She couldn't stay mad at her, especially when Beth looks at her like that.

"Eh, You love me really."

"Hey, Lovebirds. Boss and Professor wants you two back on the ship so that we can crash Red's wedding, so no smooching."

Sighing out in irritation, Beth scowled at the timely interruption of Mick's voice. "Can I rip his heart out? Just this once?"

Hope shook his head no, she actually liked Mick because unlike the others, he didn't treat her as kid but as an person besides being grumpy, hungry and all. "Sadly no. Come on. As Mick said, we got a wedding to crash."

AN: I'll update whenever I complete a chapter.

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