Chapter 7: Escape Part 1

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"Ya know if anyone told me that I would meet you guys today, I would've brought out some tissues." Natalie sniffled wiping the tears off her cheeks with her hands. Laurel let out a tearful laugh wiping some of her own at the joke.

Bucky was still speechless over the fact he's a parent in the future. It was surreal. "Wow. It's..."

"I know. It's good to see you again Dad." Chris replied, understanding what his father was trying to say.

Bucky chuckled feeling weird about being a parent and hearing that word. "I'll never get used to hear that."

"Then get used to it." Chris said smiling. Both men laughed.


"Alright, you referenced an army guarding the facility, so I assume you know how many are circling the perimeter?" Oliver questioned the Barnes-Lance siblings as they were all gathered around a table in the command center with the digital map of the entire building forming the escape plan after the family reunion. Now it was back to business.

"Yeah, most of the 100 foot soldiers that are stationed there." Chris replied crossing his arms across the chest. "We can fight them outside and gain access to the main corridor but there lies the tricky part when we try to break into the hangar: the entire facility has power dampers."

"Okay, we can't take that hangar with no powers, man." Jax said shaking his head in deflation. Another obstacle to overcome.

"These satellites indicate a control room off the hangar. That must be where the dampener is." Stein assumed looking at Captain and General of the Freedom Fighters who both nodded in confirmation of his assessment.

"Okay, well, we definitely can't take the main control room with no powers." Jax pointed it out. "It's not like we blend in here."

Oliver exhaled as a lightbulb lit up in his head. Why didn't he think of this sooner? "I think I know how to get in." he announced.


The plan was into infiltrate by using Oliver as his Earth-X counter part so that they could pass the security gates. After agreeing, they used the Quinjet to travel to the gateway where they landed in a safe distance. they hijacked one of the convoys and a large part of the team took their seats in the back knowing that they wouldn't get past the main gate while Oliver and Barry took the driver's seat. Surprisingly Barry played the part of the Fuhrer's driver pretty well. Seemed like Snart had rubbed off on him a bit. They got out of the convoy subtly one by one because it would've been too suspicious for all of them to leave.

"You know, I never got the chance to ask you guys this but what happened to me, Laurel and Sara on this Earth?" Bucky asked the very question they all had on their minds since arriving on Earth-X. Chris exhaled a breath preparing himself for what he was about to tell them the tragic backstory

"Well, Mom's and Aunt Sara's counter parts were born into the Third Reich and knew The Fuhrer and General Merlyn since they were kids." Chris began retelling the short version of their backstory, Laurel chuckled bitterly. At least that hadn't changed. "But they grew up detesting the ideals that their father tried to impose. I heard that Laurel-X begged to her sister to keep her sexuality a secret, fearing what might happen if their dad found out. Sara didn't care and as a result of her reckless decision, Her big sister found her father standing over Sara-X's body with bullet hole on her forehead. She fled the Third Reich and joined the Freedom fighters where she met you, Dad, or your Earth-X counter part who was the founder of the Freedom Fighters. And it was a world whirl romance."

Chris let out a grim sigh as he got to the worst part. "But that soon ended when one of the Freedom fighter member that turned out to be a double agent for the Nazi's and they were captured by the Nazis during a supply run. Both Laurel-X and Bucky-X were publicly executed on live television. Both the general Merlyn and the Fuhrer were greatly disgusted by their once friend's actions so they made her watch Overgirl disintegrating Bucky-X by using her heat vision and then the Fuhrer fired multiple arrows into her chest and General Merlyn cut her head off soon after just so that they could send a message across the globe: This is consequences of betraying the The New Reich."

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