Chapter 4: Icarus Part 2

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Mick Hope and Beth had to remain in Star Labs begrudgingly as White Canary, Alex, Supergirl, Green Arrow, Black Canary and White Wolf was walking on the roof of the staging area of Earth X Nazis outside Of Danville.

"Supergirl and Firestorm are sweeping the perimeter." Green Arrow told them as the Flash dashed to them for a sitrep.

"It's done. It's wall to wall Nazis in there." Flash reported.

White Canary turned to the former Army Soldier and Argus operative who has experience in the military tactics. "So how are we gonna play this, Buck?"

"We could play it like in Chicago." White Wolf suggested.

White Canary thought about it for a moment. That wouldn't be a bad idea. "Could work."

"What's Chicago?" Alex asked confused of what were these two old friends talking about.

"You'll find out." White Wolf told the DEO agent before giving them the instructions. "White Canary. Take Alex to the north west corner. Green Arrow, head south. Flash, you'll be his shadow taking out any stragglers. Black Canary you're with me. We'll enter from the west. And if anyone sees Overgirl, we take her out first. She's their super weapon."



Two Nazi foot soldiers were walking down the hallway of the facility having a conversation about their leader and the general.

"I don't like where this is heading. I have a bad feeling about this." He told his comrade of his concern regarding the current situation, uneasiness was evident in his voice.

"I'll bring it up next time we have the debrief with the Fuerher which I won't." His comrade retorted hotly. "You know how protective he is of the general. She is his wife."

The Nazi soldier that had a unnerving feeling grimaced in remembrance. "Yeah, I remember a guy telling him face to face about how the Fuerher values her more than the New Reich. He got an arrow through his eyes as a result for speaking to him. I pitied him."

"As do I." A sword protruded from one of the guard's chest catching his fellow compatriot by surprise ending the discussion. Yanking the sword out quickly of the deceased guard that fell to the ground, Black Canary appeared from from behind along with White Wolf who killed the second guard by an Uzi that he drew out from his holster before the second guard had a chance to react.

The vigilante couple rushed forward as more Nazi ran over to take them out from their positions after hearing gunshots from distance. Drawing his katana from his back, White Wolf killed a few with his sub machine gun sending them flying while slashing his sword to a nearby Nazi across his chest before pushing the Nazi that was next to his fallen comrade against the concrete wall, smashing his gun into his face hard multiple times until he until. Black Canary slashed her Ninjato at the incoming Nazis's feet causing them to cry out in pain before unleashing her sonic scream sending them backwards. They had fought their way through the hallway into the next area of the building as Black Canary stormed through the double doors as she in a quick motion grabbed the next Nazi's wrist that held a sidearm sweeping him off the floor and thrust the Ninjato through his chest. She quipped the sidearm as two nazis appeared from behind with their rifles aimed at her back. Unfortunately for them she had already sensed them as she spun around, firing two rounds through their skulls. White Wolf emerged into the area sliding the smooth surface on one knee, slicing across the stomach before locking the now dead Nazi's head in front headlock pulling the trigger on the UZI firing bullets into the last remaining Nazi's stomach.


Green Arrow entered the compound, bow and arrow ready for fire from the south entrance, only to see the Nazis already knocked out by the Flash in seconds.

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