Chapter 3

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                                      A/n: Okay! Second chapter comming at you! :) Please tell me what you think! Comment, Add, Star! And if you have a book just tell me I will read it! :)                                 

Note: This is dedicated to @kellyclarito   for making the cover!!! Are you reading this girl? :)


Rapunzel drove for hours in her truck on the highway, absentmindedly crossing state lines. The blonde practicly zoned off the entire trip, its a miracle she did not crash the car. 

Around 6 p.m it started to get dark and Rapunzel realized she was desperately hungry, so she started to pay attention to the road signs. It apeared to her that she had driven all the way into New York and was closing in on New York City.  "New York City, huh?" Rapunzel questioned. She had always heard some people in school saying that New York City was the place for new beginings and making a name for yourself.

So, Rapunzel considered it fate and drove into the city. Sadly, driving into the city took an hour and a half. Once she got into the city parking was terrible, and people where RUDE! 

Taxi's where stopping everyhwere, "EEP!" Rapunzel swerved into another lane because she almost hit a taxi. Because she swearved, Rapunzel was inches from hitting a mammoth black hummer. Altough, the guy inside had windows so tinted you couldn't see his face. Rapunzel did see him flip her off. "Sorry!" She said in a shesh tone, talking to noone but herself. 

Then, it was as if the world smiled down on her. A spot had opened. 

Not caring where it was Rapunzel jumped at the chance and took the spot. Once parallel parked on the side of the road, Rapunzel hoped out dying to strech her legs. 'Beep Beep' her car locked and Rapunzel walked onto the sidewalk. She just so happened to be  a few stores down from a small cafe, called 'Teapot Corner'. 

Rapunzel decidded it sounded nice enough and jogged over in the cold to it. 

Once there Rapunzel realised it had a lovely bookish tudor style design, and it seemed to have enough books to keep someone occupied for years. Smiling at the posibilitys Rapunzel walked in. 

"Hello! Welcome to Teapot corner!" A young girl around 16 said from behind the ordering counter a few feet in front of the door. To the left and right where seating. But inside the ordering area there was a door that lead to the kitchen. And to the left of the ordering area -on the wall- was a door, while to the right there was a  darkened hallway. 

"Hello there," Rapunzel said walking right up to the girl -who' name tag read 'Alice'- because there was no line

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"Hello there," Rapunzel said walking right up to the girl -who' name tag read 'Alice'- because there was no line.  The girl had soft blonde hair, and almost seemed completely out of it. 

The time was 9 p.m and the place only had a few people scattered through out the front area. Alice straightned her white apron with the logo in the top left corner (a teapot and chipped teacup), "What can I get for you miss?"

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