Chapter 10

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Jack looked down at his phone. He has been stairing at it for almost an hour now. He promised Elsa, who was now just a friend. That he would do something. Something about his love for Rapunzel that is.

Yes, he'll admit it to himself. Just,  not to anyone else. He felt like a bit of a wimp for not being able to move on. But, he should atl east try to get Rapunzel back. Right? 

Jack was currently in the Arendale house waiting for Anna to get home. No, he wasn't going to kiss her.  He didn't like her that way AT ALL, and was feeling much better about himself. The 18 year old bubbly girl was the only one he thought he could get any information about Rapunzel out of. 

So, while Jack was waiting he would do step one of the 'Get Punzie Back' plan. Yes, he called it that in his head. The only problem was he couldn't work up enough nerve to do it. Like, not even close to enough nerve.

Thats when Jack heard it. The grand door to the house creek open. The maids haven't gotten around to oiling it yet. Fumbling with his phone, because Jack knew Anna must be home, Jack smacked the send button.

Here is what Jacks text said...

Rapunzel, it's me Jack. I know I care for you. More than I've cared for just about everyone. I also know I love you and want to work through the past with you. So, Please come back to me.

Jack waited a moment as he heard the steps of whomever was coming getting closer. Then, those few seconds ended. Jacks phone had betrayed him.


"She blocked me?!" Jack yelled at the phone his voice laced with hurt. He staired at it in almost disbeleif.

"Jack, What are you doing? Did you sent it?" came a voice in front of him, it was Elsa. Elsa of course knew what he was doing. She knew how hurt he was over loosing Rapunzel, and was the one to prompt him into doing  something. Like, how he prompted her into concelling.

Jack looked up, his eyed filled with tears, "Elsa, she blocked me! I've failed...She hates me!"

Elsa shook her head, "Jack, I am sure she is probably just hurt." Elsa than sat next to him on the grand couch in the living room and put her hand on his shoulder, "At least you still have plan B."

Jack straitened his back and the tears cleared from his eyes, "Yeah, I just need to talk to her! Now, all I need is your pesky sister to tell me where she is!" Jack, joked earning a smile and a playful punch in the arm from Elsa.

Jack sighed,"Enough about me, how was you theropy group."

Elsa smiled and scooted away from Jack on the couch so she could face him better to talk, "It was actualy really good! I got to share a bit of my story, and they all understood! Mr.Mouse even gave me some good advice to work on!" 

Elsa then blushed and Jack gave his signature smirk, "Elsa... Want to share anything else?"

Elsa silently reached into her bag and pulled out a small peice of paper, "I got... a phone number." She whistpered a bit embarassed.

Jack laughed outloud, "Elsa! Thats great! Tell me, is he a phycopath that loves to eat children or a raging adict?" 

Elsa puched his arm and shreicked his name, "JACK! He isn't like that!"

Jacks eyebrow went up, "Then, why is he there?"

Elsa put the phone number away and sighed, " He just has some self esteem issues because he had like 12 older brothers who hated him or something." 

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