Chapter 7

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                                                                               Jack  (outfit above!)

Jack looked up at the ceiling blankly. It has been a month since he lost Rapunzel. Jack was ashamed that he had never contacted Rapunzel. 

Because, deep down in his heart he knew her. Jack knew that she would want to talk to him, but would make sure that he wanted to talk to her. So, he would have to contact Rapunzel first. Jacks problem was he didn't know if he wanted to contact her. Jack was once her boyfriend, her love, and just doesn't think he could be just a friend.

So, Jack lay there silently in his bed telling himself over and over again in his mind that he failed as a boyfriend and a friend for not seeing what Rapunzel was going through and trying harder to make it easier. 

Jack cursed at himself in his head, did he really think she would be fine as soon as she left her mother? He should've known the abuse Rapunzel went through was something she would want to get away from. But, when she got away from that stupid whitch all stupid young Jack saw was that Rapunzel could be around him more.

Jack couldn't think about this anymore he shot upright in his bed in his apartment and threw the nearest thing to him, while letting out a roar of a yell.


Jack looked at what he had thrown, it obviously hit his light blue wall and broke. 

"No!" Jack cursed while jumping out of bed and practicaly flying to the object.

It was a picture of Rapunzel and him that he kept on his nightstand, "no,no,no,no..." Jack continued to mummble on and on  while softly picking the picture up. 

The glass was cracked all over the place,  Jack thought of what Rapunzel would say to him. She would want to him to get away from the shards of glass and she would sweetly check his hands for cuts.

Jack smiled at the thought before pulling himself out of it. Rapunzel wasn't here she was gone! He had to work to get over it. Once or twice when he would talk to his friends they would say Rapunzel seemed to be ajusting to where ever she was. No-one would say. 

But, what Hiccup did try to show him was a video.  He had sent it by text. Jack never bothered to look. Just like he never looked at any of his friends texts. Jack was growing distent. But now, Jack felt the curiousity growing inside him. 

Moving away from where the picture fell, but taking it with him. Jack went over to his dresser where his phone was. He put it to his face for it to unlock and went to Hiccups texts. 

Jack scrolled through the 47 texts landing on one perticular video. Jack scuffed at what Hiccup wrote, 'Pls move on, she has'. 

Clicking it open Jack focused on it. Mesmerized by her pretty face, he saw his love sitting on a bar stool.  Jack was just about clueless when she opened her mouth to intoduce herself. He even smiled at how cute and nervous she was, "Relax Punzie." he muttered.

Then, she started singing. It was beutiful and she seemed happy, Jack got lost in it for a while and found himself smileing. But, all to quickly the video ended. 

Jack was about to watch the 5 minute video again when a thought crossed his mind. It looked like she was doing fine, like she had moved on.

She had moved on.

Rapunzel moved on, and he can't seem to...

That hit Jack hard and he felt a burning in his chest, heartbreak, and an anger he couldn't help. Deep down he knew he should be happy for her, and a part of him was. But mostly he was blinded by hurt.

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