Chapter 5

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Hey Everyone! So, I am sorry to report....I lost my editor. I am absolutely terrible at spelling, and so I needed their help. BUT, they can't anymore. So, if you see any terrible mistakes please comment corrections on the side so I can fix them! I am so sorry...but hopefully you still like it! :)


"Here you go sir, your lightly cooked steak with garlic mashed potatoes," Rapunzel said as she set down the food in front of a lanky old arabian man.

The man smirked and eyed Rapunzel, this sent shivers down her spin. "Please," he slimily cooed, "Call me Jefar." The creep then snached Rapunzels hand and kissed the top of it.

Rapunzel was totally freaked out and wanted to slap this mans face, but it was her job to be pleasent. So, Rapunzel only gave a akward laugh before scurring off back to the kitchen,

"Tiana! You will NEVER believe the RUFFIAN I just met!" Rapunzel huffed before dramaticaly leaning onto a cabinet.

Rapunzel's new friend was a girl in the kitchen named Tiana. Tiana was a hard working woman with dark, beautiful features, that showed no matter how hard Tiana worked. Tiana was also very out spoken and reminded Rapunzel of Merida. So, Rapunzel instantly felt like Tiana was a new friend.

"Girl! Let me guess.." Tiana played along with a small smile and pretended to think about it, "Its Jefar isn't it! That dude reaks creepy for MILES!"

Rapunzel looked up at the cooking Tiana and snorted before laughing. Pretty soon Tiana was laughing too.

They went on like that in the kitchen for a good 5 minutes untill there laughter naturaly died down.

"Thanks Ti, I really needed that laugh," Rapunzel greatfully thanked her friend.

"Sure no problem, but girl...Don't you need to be changing right now?" Tiana reminded Rapunzel while putting something in the oven.

Because Rapunzel had to deal with that creep and had such a good laugh Rapunzel totally forgot about getting changed! "Your right Ti!" Rapunzel chirped, "See you later!"

Rapunzel then raced out of the kitchen and Tiana called after her," Good Luck!"

Rapunzel mentaly thanked her friend for the wish of good luck while she ran into the front cafe area and raced up the 6 flights of stairs to her apartment.

Once at her apartment Rapunzel was out of breath. "Oh, pebbles!" She cursed herself for not locking the door, who knows what could have happened!

Sighing upset with herself Rapunzel slowly opened the door. Once it was open all the way Rapunzel had to will herself to enter. "You can do this Rapunzel," Rapunzel chanted again and again in her head, lately this was her montra.

Tip toeing inside Rapunzel looked around her apartment. It looked like absolutley nothing changed. She then went on to lock the door behind her and check behind every door and in every corner...Nothing.

Satisfied with herself Rapunzel turned to her suit case, that she still hasn't unpacked, and picked out an outfit. All the stuff she had wasn't really the kind of thing you would wear for a fine dining, live music, proformer experience. So, Rapunzel kinda just threw something together. She looked at her outfit and decided she would have to go shopping on her 1st day off.

What Rapunzel put on was a flowing off the sholder white top with an over the waist red white and blue skirt. The skirt had an triangle pattern on it.

 The skirt had an triangle pattern on it

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