is it?

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A drop
And then another
Till a stream lines my cheeks
Salty yet sweet in its own way
Tears flowing without a care
Is it worth it?

Sleepless nights
A cloudy mind filled with sadness
In the darkness of my room
I lay under the comfort of my sheets

A thought conjuring vehement emotions in my soul
A memory piercing my already breaking heart
A longing and craving to feel something that's elsewise from pain
Is it really worth it?

Silent sobs
Anger and frustration masked behind those streaks
Betrayal heavy over my chest
Breath caught between my burning lungs
Rage aflame in my onyx eyes

It's all nothing but the past now
The fog remains uncleared between us as time drags on
Neither brave enough to make the first move
Hearts shattered and trust broken

Is it really worth it?
Is it?

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