a game of hangman

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She was all sunshine and rainbows when I met her
Till a phase of her life forced her up the meter

She said "it's okay I'm fine"
Yet between honesty and fib lies a thin line

I watched her demeanor falter each day
Her mind filled with grieving storms due to what people say

She vented aesthetically through art till it was ripped to pieces
Stabbing her heart and infecting her mind with mental diseases

It went from a cat scratch to a fall down the stairs
Soon it was too much to the point the she owned pet bears

Her catwalk looked like she was walking on nails
And I usually see her by the school rooftop rails

One night at a sleep over I was horrified to see her "flaws"
But never once have seen the bear or fluff balls

With a smile she hugged my dumbfounded existence
Whispering in my ears "it's okay life's a game, like hangman for instance"

Everyday passed by like a breeze as her eyes grew sunken
And every new day eating at her strength that's already shrunken

I wanted to help her, I really did
But any attempt from me made her scared so she hid

Till one day someone told her to die while she can
Later that night she played one last time a game hangman

It was game over with no restart button
So careful what you say, those words are not easily forgotten

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