3 a.m

44 10 0

Days, months and its almost a year
Yet while in solitude I drip tear by tear
My once bright and loud life now all just a dream
Days filled with regrets; just wanting to scream

Is it a curse to have walked into this path
My inner self fading to a broken hearted sociopath
In my head I thought it real- that deceiving view
Stupid me, even the devil was once an angel too

Like a late blossoming sunflower I hide
With a heavy heart that's afraid to confide
I deserve the pain in this tortuous game
Somehow I hate how I still remain the same

The gates of hell are open and wide
The predicted fate that calls me from inside
I've been holding on too long on this pointless wait
My immature mind wishing I never took the bait

Hopeful goals where I see none from my nightmare
Heart desperate and needy for a soul that can care
It's the Utopia that my soul yearns and seeks for
A feeling that satisfies, one I lack and need more

It's 3 a.m yet I still pull through the struggle
Body dead from this mad and hateful puzzle
It's time to give up, time to say goodbye
But I need to find another answer where I won't die

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