Chapter 4

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Monday morning rolled around she was about to get in her car and Bucky came up behind since he lived across the street and said "Hey ride with me."

"I um.." she said and she saw Steve coming out the door. 

Bucky grabbed her hand and said "Come on I'm a very good driver. I've been driving since I was like 14." 

She bit her lip and Steve said "Brae has her own car Buck." 

She picked up her bag and Bucky dragged her across the street and opened the passenger side door for her and helped her in and shut the door and Steve said "Buck I don't know what kind of game you are playing but you better watch yourself with her she's not like other girls." 

"I'm not playing a game Steve." he said as he got in his truck. 

He started up his truck and said "so um breakfast?'

"Sure." she said as she put her phone on silent and put it in her bag. 

Bucky stopped and got her some mcdonalds and they were eating in the student parking lot and he said "So um can I ask a personal question?'

"Sure." she said as she sipped her orange juice. 

"Um why do you visit your mom so much?' he said 

"Oh.. um well she can't exactly get out so.." she said 

"Oh is she sick?' he said 

"Yeah she has cancer she lives with my aunt. So I try and visit as much as I can cause she decided that she no longer wants to do treatment that she's ready to go when the time comes." she said 

He looked down and said "That sucks Brae I'm really sorry." 

"It's fine.. she was diagnosed 3 years ago right after my dad and Sarah started dating and last year right before my dad proposed she decided to stop treatments." she said 

"That's why you have live with your dad and Sarah?' he said

"Yeah.. I didn't have much of a choice I didn't turn 18 till August." she said as she looked at him. 

"Oh.. " he said 

"Yeah I"m only a month younger than Steve and he acts like I'm so many years younger than him. I thought he was like your best friend why does he act like this. " SHe said 

"Oh he um he's just protective over you. Like Nat told you I'm heartbreaker." he said 

"Oh." she said 

She saw the time on her watch and said "I should go in Bucky thanks for the ride and breakfast I'll see you during 2nd period cause you have a test in Chemistry." 

During 2nd period he came into the library with the test and he did it while she helped him when he needed it. Then after school she helped him with his make up work and homework then when they got to his truck he said 'Hey um can we hang out for a bit." 

"I guess that's fine." she said 

He took out to his grandparents old farmland and they went inside the barn and he pulled out his 4 wheeler and he said "Come on." He helped her on and she said "Bucky I have never been on one of these before." 

"Trust me darlin I've got you I won't let anything bad happen." he said as he put a helmet on her. 

He drove them all over the Barnes family land and out through the woods and then they came back to the barn and he parked it. He took her up to the loft of the barn and he turned the lights on a apartment looking loft of the barn and she said "Please tell me that you don't live up here all by yourself." 

"No you know I live across the street from you but this is where I come to get away. Me and my dad don't get along a lot of times and this is where I come to chill out for a little awhile." he said 

They sat down on the couch and he said "So um I wanted to know if we had to do the tutoring sessions at school or if maybe we could come here and do them" 

"Well we have to do the make up stuff there but we can always do the normal homework here is there a reason why you don't like being at the library?' she said 

"Your brother.. I see him every day coming to check on you after practice." he said 

"Oh.. well if it makes you uncomfortable we can come here after school we do the make up stuff." she said 

"Good cause your brother doesn't know about this place so he can't come spying." he said 

She smiled and said "That's always a plus." 

They talked a little awhile longer then they went home. 

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