Chapter 9

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The next morning they were in the middle of making out when they heard one of their phones vibrating without breaking the kiss Bucky reached over to grab them and he said "mine." 

"hello." he answered

"Hey Buck just wanted to let you know that your sister had her baby last night if you wanted to go by the hospital and see her." Winnie said

"Oh I want to go see this baby." Braelyn said

She pushed Bucky off of her and started to get dress and he said "We will be there soon Braelyn is so excited." 

They both got in his truck and headed to the hospital and went to Rebecca's room. 

"Oh look little Aiden Uncle Bucky is here." Rebecca said as she held her son. 

Braelyn said "Can I hold him." 

"Yes you can." Rebecca said

She took him and she said "Hey there little guy you are handsome." 

Bucky smiled when he seen her being like that and James said "How did you night go?' in his son's ear.

"It was perfect she loved it." he said to him 

Bucky came over and took his nephew and loved on him for a minute or two then gave him back to his sister. They stayed for another hour then they went back to the barn so she could get her car and he said "Um baby please tell me if you are late ok please. I know we use condoms but they can break."

"I know baby." she said 

He followed her home and she went home and took a nice hot shower and then took a nap cause Bucky had basketball practice. 


It was Bucky's birthday she was getting ready to go out to eat with him and his parents for his birthday. She felt sick but she wasn't really worried about it cause she hadn't gotten sick. She walked downstairs and was half way down the driveway when she felt nauseous and she took a deep breathe and said "It's ok it's ok." as she got to Bucky's house.

Winnie answered the door and she said "Honey you alright you look pale" as she felt her head and said "No fever"

"I'm fine I'm just feeling a little... um bathroom."she said and Winnie lead her to the bathroom and she puked. 

Bucky came running out of his bedroom when he heard her and he said "Baby are you alright." 

She laid down in the bathroom floor and she said "Yeah I feel better now." 

Winnie dragged Bucky out by the ear and said "Please tell me that you are use condoms." 

"I am mom I'm not stupid." he said 

"She doesn't have a fever Buck." she said

Then Braelyn started to puke again and he said "Mom I'll take her to the doctor." 

He got her a grocery bag and helped her into his truck and took her to the doctor and the doctor said "Ms Baylor you aren't sick you tested negative for everything except one thing and that was pregnancy." 

"Excuse me but I'm not late I've had my periods." she said 

The gynecologist and came in and said 'Honey were they your normal periods or were they spotty." 

"They were spotty." she said 

"That certainly  explains why you didn't know." the doctor said 

She did an ultrasound on Braelyn and she said "I'd say you have been pregnant for almost 3 months now so I'm assuming your last normal period was in December." 

Braelyn looked at Bucky and said "I didn't know I swear." 

"I know baby I know you were having what we thought were your periods." he said 

"Due in September." she said 

Braelyn looked down and said "Great." 

After Bucky's birthday dinner they let the family know about the pregnancy. Steve looked at him and said "Good job Buck knocking up my stepsister." 

"Shut up it was an accident we were using condoms." she said 

Bucky and Braelyn had both been accepted to University of South Carolina and were able to get day care for their baby at the last minute. They were able to pick each other to be their room mates. 

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