Chapter 6

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*1 month later*

Bucky was told he was off academic probation and he came to Braelyn's locker when he was done in his meeting. "Hey um they told me that I don't have to have tutoring sessions anymore" he said with a sad face.

"Well that's good right you can go back to playing." she said 

"But I liked spending time with you Braelyn." he said 

"Aww Buck.. I live across the street from you." she said 

He looked down and she said "Buck?'

"I like you Braelyn. I like hanging out with you." he said 

She bit her lip and sighed and said "Buck you can still hang out with me."

"I won't have time to hang out with you like we were cause you will have tutoring while I have football." he said 

"Well then I guess you need a study buddy then don't you to make sure you don't fail again. I can still come over and help you with your homework." she said with a smile.

He smiled and tickled her sides and said "Good."

"I just hope I'm able to remember what all you taught me while you are playing." she said

"Aww baby doll sit with my mom she will help you keep up." he said 

She blushed and twirled her blonde hair and he said "You blush so easily darlin." 

"Stop." she said as she nudged him.

Nat and Wanda seen them and Nat said "She's gone to the dark side she's all on her own she's been bewitched by the Bucky Barnes' charming magic." 

"Yeah she has." Wanda said.

That night after football practice they were up at the barn doing homework and he looked over at her as she helped him with algebra homework. He looked over at her and she was biting her lip as she did her homework. He moved her hair back and she looked at him and said "What?'

He leaned in and pulled her chin to him and pressed a kiss to her lips and she closed her eyes and kissed back. He cupped her cheek and as he rolled his tongue into her mouth she followed his lead then he scooted himself closer and then he was in between her legs. He ran his hand down and was squeezing her butt. He moaned and pulled away and he looked into her eyes and she said "Wow.." as she swallowed hard and was breathing hard. 

He said "Baby my god these fucking lips that tongue was beyond amazing." as they both leaned back in and started to kiss again. He started to move down her neck and he found her sweet spot and she whispered "Mmm oh god  I like that." as he started to suck. He moved his hand up her shirt and he started to play with her breast and he was moaning as he sucked on her neck some more and he was grinding himself against her. 

She looked at him and he said "My darlin." as he kissed the hickeys he left. 

She smiled and said "You want me to be your girl?" 

"I do baby mm my god baby doll from the day I met you I wanted you." he said 

"But Natasha said you don't do relationships." she said 

"I'm making an exception cause I want you baby for the first time since middle school I want a girlfriend I want to take you out on dates and kiss you and hold your hand and cuddle you." he said in between kisses making her giggle. 

They started kissing again and he said "I'm sorry if I got handsy." 

"No you are fine atleast you like them." she said

"Baby doll is that why you try and hide them." he said 

"I do. I started puberty when I was like 11 by the time I was 14 I was almost a C cup now I'm almost a D cup and I'm only 18 years old it's why I'm not a cheerleader." she said 

"Baby they are perfect and you so damn gorgeous underneath all this baby but mm I'm glad now cause you are my girl baby and I hope that I get to unwrap you." he said 

They started to kiss again and then they finished up their homework and he drove her home. He kissed her goodnight. She walked in and Steve said "I can't believe you Braelyn all he's going to do is break your heart." 

"How about Steve you let me do what I want I may be a month younger than you but I don't need a big brother." she said 

Brett her dad came in and said "Braelyn what is that on your neck." 

"It's hickeys I'm dating Bucky now and I don't want to here anything else about it I like him." she said as she walked off. 

She and Bucky texted till they both fell asleep. The next morning she walked across the street and she met him at his truck and he kissed her and she was kissing him back as he pressed her against his truck and picked up her legs. 

Steve shook his head as he walked out and seen them. Bucky pressed his forehead against hers and he said "Mm baby what have I done to you." 

She smiled and she said "I don't know." 

"I do know one thing you baby are stealing my heart these dimples these dark blue eyes baby I do believe I could fall in love with you baby" he said 

They got in his truck and he turned on his music and turned "Real Good Man" by Tim McGraw and he said "Baby this is my song for you." as he pulled her closer to him to sit in the middle of the front seat as he held her hand and rested in on the gear shift as they went to school. He opened the door for her and they were walking up the parking lot hand in hand. 

"that's new" Wanda said 

"When the hell did that happen?" Sam said 

"Apparently last night" Steve said 

Bucky kissed her hand and opened the door for her as they walked in and Clint said "What the fuck just happened?'

"I have no idea did we like go to some other universe" Nat said as they all started to walk in. 

All day long Bucky walked her to all of her classes. 

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