Come back to me: Aiden Lin x Reader

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You now work at the Star Base. You've achieved your dream job. It was tough. But you still loved dueling and watching ships depart and come back a few days after. You also loved a Commander that also worked there. Aiden StarGazer. She was an average height woman with long black hair that reached just above her shoulders. Although she usually had it up and away from her face.

"Alright, everyone. Grab a partner. We will be dueling for an hour. You all need to be ready for the trip in four days." Her voice was low and sophisticated with the sound of maturity. She was amazing. Loved by all students. She had an interesting scar running from the top of her right collarbone to the left side of her face just beneath her eye. She's always asked about it. But she never tells anyone what happened. "And this time we will be using real swords. But please remember that I will not be responsible for your stupidity and accidents. And if you injure someone please help them to the infirmary."
Students cheer as she says they will be using real swords. She stands there, holding a straight face the entire time.

She approaches me and smiles a little. "Hello, (Y/N). How are you?"
"I-Im good... thanks," you manage to stutter as you stare at her.
She chuckles and looks at the students. "I'm wondering if I'll have to deal with any injuries this time."
She speaks so casually as if injured students are a daily routine with her.
"Haha. Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if anything happened." She smiles a little more.

The class is over for the day. There's now a break for students and employees. You briefly looked around the cafeteria for Aiden. She wasn't anywhere in your sight. You left the cafeteria, hoping to see Aiden somewhere around here. She was standing in the hallway talking to another Commander named Ryn. He was a fairly nice looking guy. He was tall and had long dark hair like Aiden's. But he never had his hair up like hers. You don't really like Ryn too much. But you can tolerate him. After thinking about how you dislike Ryn you notice what Aiden is wearing. It's not what she's usually wearing. She was wearing a loose tank top that exposed her pale chest. You could see where her scar started more clearly now. It looked worse on her collarbone. It looked like whatever cut her dug deeper right on her collarbone.

She noticed you staring. "Hey, (Y/N)."
"Hey, Aiden..........," you pause. "Ryn...," you give a slight nod.

You walk over to Ryn and Aiden. You ignore Ryn and focus your attention on Aiden.

"Uh........Aiden.......I gotta go.....but this....," he hands her a slip of paper and walks away, down the long metal hallways of the base.

She looks at him, confused. She holds the slip of paper in her hand. She stares at it for a few seconds, then she puts it in the pocket of her black pants. She looks up at you and smiles slightly.

You smile back. "What was the paper?"
She shrugs. "I dunno. Probably a blank piece of paper made to seem important when really it's a waste of time. I'll check it later." She looks at the down floor and puts her hands in her pockets. "Well...... I think break time is over. And I'm done for the day. So I guess I'll see ya tomorrow."
You nod slightly. "Yeah. Enjoy the rest of your day......"
"Thanks." She walks away. You watch her leave, wishing you could just tell her how you felt.

You finished your work, assisting commanders, helping the students, and anything else that needed to be done.

|The next day|

You woke up and you decided that today you were going to do it. You were going to tell Aiden how you felt. She didn't have to accept your feelings. You just wanted her to know. Just in case. And you knew how Ryn felt about Aiden. It was kind of obvious. He always wanted to be alone with her. And you still wondered what the slip of paper that he gave Aiden said. What if he confessed to her before you could? That wasn't gonna happen. You wouldn't let it.

You left your bunk, determined and hoping that this would go well. You walked into the dueling room. All of the students were sitting down in from of Aiden. They all had upset looks on their faces. Aiden's face looked more serious than usual. She was speaking while staring at the floor, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

"I have to apologize. I know four years is long. But I have to go on this mission. I hate to leave you all. But when I come back I'm sure you all will still be here. And I will come back. But you all have to promise me that you will still try your best and hardest. Even when I gone."

Aiden was leaving? Why wasn't I told about this before? And when is she leaving? Hundreds of questions flooded your head.

"Uh....Commander StarGazer," a student spoke up. "When will you be departing for the mission?"

She still refused to make any eye contact with anyone. You were starting to get scared. What if she was leaving today? What would you do? She can't be leaving very soon...... right? Everyone only found out today. So maybe she wont be leaving for a while.

"I'm departing tomorrow morning."

Everyone looked even more upset than before. You could feel tears brimming your eyes. A few of the students started to cry. Aiden still stared at the ground, holding a still face. No tears, no smile. Nothing.

"Class is dismissed for today," Aiden spoke once more before leaving the room.
You walked behind her. "Aiden....," you said as you reached her bunk. "Why didn't you tell us earlier.....?"
Aiden still looked at the ground. Then finally she looked up. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)......."
"Aiden...... I have to tell you something.....and it's important."

You walk into her bunk and you both sit down on her bed. She looks at you, waiting for you to speak.

You clear your throat. "Uh...... I'm really gonna miss you..... Uh...."
"(Y/N)....... I'm sorry....... do you mind leaving....... I promise I'll speak to you tomorrow morning."

You nod sadly. She still has a pained look on her face. You leave her bunk and she closes the heavy metal door.

You woke up really early the next morning, eager to talk to Aiden. You WERE going to confess to her. She was leaving today. And this was your last chance. You threw on your uniform and you rushed out of your bunk. You ran down the hall to the departing auditorium, hoping that Aiden would be there. You could feel more tears brimming your eyes. You were nervous and sad. She was going to be gone for four years. Which meant you would be lonely for four years.

Aiden walks into the auditorium with her Star Troop armor. All dark grey. Grey jacket, pants, boots. She her helmet tucked under her arm. She wore dark gloves.

"(Y/N)......... good morning."
"Aiden, I have to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"I uh......"

Aiden stares at you, confused.

"Aiden...... I like you.... a lot......"

She continues to stare at you with a confused look on her face.

"And I have for a while...."

She says nothing. She just walks over to you and holds your face with her gloved hand. She kisses you softly. You kiss her back.

She pulls away from you. "I like you too, (Y/N)."

You look at her with a shocked expression on your face.

"I don't want you to go..."
"I know...."
"Do you really have to?"

Tears fall down your face. She wipes them away.

"Aiden..... please promise you'll come back to me..."

"I will..... I promise, (Y/N)."

You hug her. She puts her helmet on and gets onto her ship. You watch as she leaves. The ship starts to leave.

And like that, she's gone.

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