I Love You....: Angus x Aiden

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(Sorry if this is terribly written. I'm quite tired writing this..)

(Aidens P.O.V)

I had met him seven months ago. At first I hated him, I still hated him. But not exactly him. You see, I hated the fact that I'd fallen for him. I remember the day we met as if it were yesterday.


I rode through the woods on my horse, Fergus. I was after a deer to bring home as my father requested. Soon it stopped and crouched next to a log. Taking this opportunity, I drew my arrow back and shot. The deer got up and took off before I hit it.

A few more minutes of riding after and then it dropped. Confused I stopped Fergus and hopped off of him, slowly walking towards the deer.

"Grew weak 'n' tired, then...." I quietly spoke to myself.

Strange how the deer just dropped. A tall man came from behind a tree. He had long fiery curls that were slightly tamed into a very messy pony tail on his head. He also had a bit of stubble on his chin and he wore a cloak and a bow and arrows. His eyes were ocean blue that seemed to stare right through me.

"I'll be taking my game now, darlin'" His voice was deep and held a thick Scottish accent.

I looked confused. Then he pulled an arrow out of the deers neck.

"You stole mah game, idiot!" I know there was plenty of deer on the woods, but I was dead set on keeping this one so I could go home.

"Now, love, let's not use such insults."

I glared at him. He smirked back.

"Th' name's Angus. 'n' yer name, love?"

"What's it to you."

"Fiesty, ah see. Well, I'll be off. You can have th' deer, love."

He began walking away. I stood there confused and mildly annoyed. At least I got to keep the game.

|end of the flashback|

I ran into him a few times after that and found that he wasn't an annoying game stealer. He was kind and brave. He showed he cared after what happened with my dad. That's another story.

We usually ride off into the woods together and shot arrows at whatever we pleased. Sometimes we hunted, sometimes we just shot trees. I loved seeing him.

Today was unusual. Angus usually showed up at my door asking to go somewhere. Today wasn't that day. Maybe he was busy and didnt have time to come over. I just hoped he was ok.

(Angus's P.O.V)

My heart pounded in my chest as it bled. My top was cut open and the gash on my chest was deep. I was up against a bear. You're probably thinking 'oh, what a wimp. Cant even take on a bear.' Well, I didnt bring anything for defense. I was going to a cottage to bring something back for Aiden. Now I was going to die, leaving her alone. No, I couldnt. I had to fight back and get back to Aiden. She had to know I loved her.

Ignoring the pain in my chest, I kicked at the bear that was currently trying to climb on top of me. I grabbed a big stick and began hitting the bear. I bared my teeth and "growled" as to look tougher and stronger to the bear. (Look, I know that's probably not how you fight off a bear. Chill. I know.)

Soon the bear huffed and began walking away, but not before cutting me deeper in the chest. I managed to get up and stumble towards the village to Aiden. I had to make it. Trying to ignore the pain, I tried to run, failing and continuing to stumble to Aidens house.

Eventually I made it to her house, knocking on the door. That's all I remember before blacking out.

(No ones P.O.V)

Aiden opened the door and was met by the scene of Angus bleeding on the ground. She got him off the ground and onto her bed. She bandaged his chest and made sure to stop the bleeding. Once she fixed him up, she walked out of the room and began to cry, glad that he made it to her house in time.

(Aiden's P.O.V)

I heard Angus sit up and groan in pain. I walked in. "Dont sit up. You'll make it worse."

He looked up at me and saw my red eyes. "Lass, what's wrong?"

I sat on the bed next to him and stared at the ground. He tilted my head up with the crook of his finger.

I blushed. He smiled slightly. We sat in silence for a few minutes. Then he spoke.

"Why were you crying, darling?"

I frowned at the name he called me. I wanted to be his darling. I bet he called all women by this name and I wasn't special to him at all.

"Nothing. Not your darling, Angus."

He looked confused. "Aiden, are you alright?"

I shook my head. "You know I love you, right??? And you call evert woman by that stupid name. And I'm not special to you at all. You probably have someone else in mind for you anyways. I'll just be sitting on the side. I'm tired of my feelings for you being ignored. I love you more than anyone. And you dont even care." I tried to get up, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Love, you know I dont call anyone else by this name. And I love you, too. You mean a lot to me, darling."

I turned and looked at him. "W-What..."

He pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips to mine. They were chapped, but soft and gentle. I kissed back, setting my hands on his shoulders and he rested his on my waist. We pulled away and he rested his forehead on mine.

"So you love me, then...?"

He chuckled and nodded. "Yes, love."

"I love you..."

"I love you, too, darling."

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