Welcome to GreenTown Creek: Tommy Greene x Reader

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(Hello! This character and the reader are in an AU where they are younger, about 10, so nothing too adult-ish happens. It's only gonna be a pure and wholesome chapter, unless I decide to do a time skip at the end. ♡)

You walked into your new house, which was quite empty since you had just moved in. You went up the stairs to find the door labeled with your name. You walked inside. The room was pretty empty, besides a bed and a dresser. The room was painted (Y/F/C), and there was a window that looked into the backyard. You walked over to the window and peeked outside. There was a few children running around outside. They looked to be about your age, which was 10 years old.

A girl from the group of kids smiled and waved at you. She had long purple hair pulled into braids. She wore blue overalls and a blue backwards hat on, and under the overalls she had a green t-shirt on. You were startled by her waving. You waved back. She looked at you again and then ran off.

"(Y/N)," your mother called you downstairs.

You went downstairs and into the living room where your mother was. "Yes, mommy?"

She smiled and hugged you. "There's a group of kids playing outside. Why don't you go play with them and try to make some friends?"

You hesitated. You were a shy kid and you didn't really know how to make new friends. You did want to go play with the kids, especially the girl that had waved to you earlier. Your mother ushered you outside. You slowly walked out the back door and onto the porch. The kids were running around in circles, laughing and yelling. You sat on your porch by yourself as you watched the other kids play.

The girl with the purple hair notices you by yourself. She runs over to you and smiles. "Hi. You wanna play with us? My name is Tommy!" She holds a hand out to you.

"Um... sure. My name is (Y/N)." You grabbed her hand and she pulled you with her.

You two went over to the group of kids. There was a kid with short pink hair and bright blue eyes. You could not tell if it was a guy or a girl, so you kept quiet.

A small girl behind the kid stood on a rock. She had short brown hair and a pink t-shirt. She had baggy grey shorts on and knee high socks.

You stared at the others before being knocked down by someone. The person had bright blue hair and eyes.

The kids all smiled and greeted you. Then they told you about GreenTown Creek. You tilted your head, confused about what they were talking about. They said it was a creek in the woods that they hung out with. You asked if we would be left alone since you were a bit scared of being taken. They reassured you that there was 2 adults that watched to make sure the kids were fine. You agreed to go to the creek with them. Tommy grabbed your hand and pulled you into the woods with the others.

You reached the creek. It was really quiet. You noticed a tall man with long blond hair. He stood beside a woman with green hair pulled into a bun. She held a mug that probably had coffee or tea in it.

The woman smiled at you. "Hey. Who's this?"

Tommy still held your hand and smiled widely. "This is (Y/N)! (He/She/They) are my friend!"

"That's wonderful! Well, I'm Jane. What's your name?"

Tommy answered for you. "(Y/N)!"

Jane laughed slightly. "Alright. You all have fun, okay?"

You nodded and ran off with Tommy to the water of the creek. You stuck your hand in the water. It was cold. Tommy let go of your hand and yelled something about a newt. She picked it up and smiled, holding it up so everyone could see. She set it back in the water and told it she would come back to get it. I think she wanted it as a pet. You looked up and smiled at her. Then you looked back down at the water. You saw a small frog sitting on a rock. It hopped away.

Eventually the sun began to set. You and the others decided to go back home so your parents didn't worry. When you reached your house the other kids ran away. Tommy stuck behind. She handed you a small shiny stone.

"Welcome to GreenTown Creek!" Then she ran off.

You held the small stone in your hand. Then you went inside and you ran up to your room. You set the stone on your dresser next to your bed before going back down the stairs to have dinner with your parents.

{8 years later}

You woke up and looked at the stone on your dresser. It made you happy everytime you looked at it. You had grown a crush on Tommy over the years of hanging out.

You heard a small knock on your window. Then another one. And another one. You got up and looked out the window to see Tommy throwing rocks at your window. You smiled and opened the window.

"Hey, Frog! Come down here! We're all waitin' for ya!"

She came up with the nickname after you had collected over 50 frogs when you were 12. Of course you let them go, but you still caught all of them.

"Hang on! I'll be out in a second."

You turned to look back at the stone. It reminded you of your first day here and how you felt so welcomed. You smiled and ran down the stairs. You told your parents you were hanging out with your friends, then you left.

Outside you saw Blue and Rose laughing at eachother. They were covered in mud. Typical. You all walked to the creek. Tommy never changed. She always freaked out over the amphibians and bugs in the creek. This time she saw a dog running around. She ran over and picked it up, announcing that the dog was now hers. We all laughed.

Summer was almost over. You were 18 years old, so you were leaving for college soon. You wanted to tell Tommy that you had liked her for a while. You decided you were going to tell her right now. She was about to leave and go back to her house when you grabbed her arm.

She looked confused. "(Y/N)?"

You said nothing. You just kissed her softly. She kissed back. You pulled away quickly. "S-Sorry..."

"No...... it's fine...."
"You sure?"
"Yeah..... I think I know what this means..... and I like you, too...."

"Of course. I love you."

My OC's X Reader Where stories live. Discover now