Welcome to Black Cross: Spook x Reader

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You were a new student at Black Cross Academy. Black Cross was a strange school in your opinion. It seemed like all of the color was drained from the beginning of the gate, through the schoolyard, and into the school. And even the students has little to no color on them. Except for the uniform, which was a deep red, and their hair. But even then, usually the students hair colors were mainly white, blond, black, and brown. Your hair was brown. So your hair was seen as "normal". You saw a small boy. He had short black hair and pale white skin. It was also very common for most of the students to be albino. But anyways the boy's name was Spook. He was quiet like most students here. He had a few friends as I've seen. And you wanted to be one of them.

You walked through the schoolyard holding a book. It was your favorite and you've read it atleast 10 times this year. You looked to see if Spook was anywhere in the yard. He was sitting in a corner farthest from the school. He was drawing. You wanted to know what he was drawing. You could tell it looked nice and you didn't even have to see it. You've seen his art. Everyone has. He was ranked number one artist in the school. He's been in art galleries and events. He was amazing. You slowly approached Spook, nervously.

"Hey, (Y/N)," he looks up from his sketchbook at you.

You were shocked that he knew your name. You thought he didn't know of your existence. You waved slightly at him, smiling awkwardly.

"Okay.....?....," he looks back down at his sketchbook and continues drawing.

You facepalm for being stupid and awkward. You wanted to speak to him. You just couldn't. But you at least wanted to try.

"S-Spook..... what are you drawing...?"
"Can I help you with something?...," the tone of his voice hinted that he was becoming slightly annoyed you.

You fiddled with your fingers while staring at him. You didn't know what to say. But once again you would try to say something.


The bell rang for class. Crap. You couldn't speak to him. You missed your chance. Stupid bell. Spook closed his sketchbook and walked past you and into the building. You slowly made your way into your classroom. It was your english class. Your seat was next to the window. You enjoyed staring out the window and spacing out during class. Tuning out the teachers voice. Losing reality to the world outside of the school building.


You shook back to reality. Your teacher was speaking to you. You saw Spook at the front of the classroom.

"Spook, you may sit at the empty desk next to (Y/N)." She points to the desk beside yours.

Spook walks over and sits down. He looks over and waves at you. Then he opens his sketchbook and starts drawing.

A student raises their hand. "Miss? Why is Spook in our class now?"
"He was switched. That's all."

You were kind of happy that he was switched into you english class. You did like him after all.

You glanced at him occasionally during class. He drew the whole class time, unless he was told to read something. You wanted to know what he was drawing, but you knew he wasn't going to show you his drawing. One time someone grabbed his book from him in attempts to see his previous art. It ended in the kid being in the hospital for a few weeks. So you decided it'd be best if you didn't take it from him. You also wanted to be respectful of his privacy.

After class you watched Spook leave the class. He held his sketchbook at his side. He walked to the art room. You couldn't recall him having an art class. But that's probably a class he changed. You then realized you how had your art class with him. You at the same table as he was, sitting across from him. Occasionally you noticed him glancing up at you. You noticed him making an annoyed face. He grumbled and began erasing his paper violently. Wonder what happened. After class you had a break. And during breaks students were allowed to do as they please as long as they weren't breaking school rules. You decided you were going to go find Spook.

As usual he was sitting in the corner drawing. His friend, August, was sitting with him. August was a guy with purple hair and orange eyes. He was a nice guy. But you've only spoke to him once or twice during classes. He was usually in the photography room.

"Just dont worry about it right now, dude. It'll look fine when you finish."

Spook glares at August. He shakes his head and erases the page more.

"Easy for you to say...... you're not the one drawing it."

The break was over. You made your way to your history class. And as all the rest, you had that class with Spook. As usual history class was boring and stupid. You were learning about some kind of war. You weren't paying attention. You never did. But somehow you managed an A.

Class was over and you were ready to go home. You made your way out of the classroom and to your locker, which was three doors down (Haha. Get it?) From the art room. You grabbed your backpack and started to leave. You slowly walked past the art room and you saw Spook standing outside with his friends, Lennyx and August. They were looking at a picture that was on the wall. They noticed you standing there and they moved so you could see. You were surprised to see a portrait of you smiling. You looked at the signature and it said 'SpookyArt'. You looked over at Spook.

"(Y/N)......" He pressed his lips against yours softly.

You blushed. He blushed as well and ran away, down the hall and out of the school.

"He wants to go out with you," August says, smirking.

"I will." You smiled.

Best school day ever.

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