Let's Escape: Aiden Lin x Reader

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You were now in the underworld, and ruled by Gray, the demon king. He was cruel to most people, but he let you and a few others off the hook sometimes. He liked to pick on someone especially bad. Worse than everyone else here. Her name is Aiden Rex Lin. She had been here the longest, she feared Gray the least, and she talked back to him. No one had the guts to do that, so she was known as a really tough person down here. You knew you had a crush on her, I mean, who didn't. She was a hot badass that basically would be ruling the underworld if Gray didn't exist. But everyone knew he wasn't going anywhere. You still liked her a lot. You wanted to tell her, but you just couldn't. You didn't even think you could talk to her at all. She was really distant and quiet, never talking to anyone unless Gray was making her respond to him when he asked something. You could only recall one occasion where she talked to someone who wasn't Gray, and that was her close friend, Willow. And she didn't even talk to Willow often, either.

It was an average day in the underworld. Gray was continued to abuse people and Aiden was locked in a cage in front of everyone, like usual. You wanted to find a way to get her out, but what would Gray do to you. You didn't want to he punished. You had never been punished by him before, but people have told you that everyone that gets punished usually leaves his office covered in deep cuts and plenty bruises. It was horrible. You didn't want to experience it. You were doing your usual task of doing whatever Gray asked. Today you were cleaning his office, which was huge and glass covered the front so you could see out into the yard.

You were organizing his desk when you saw Gray throw Aiden out of the big cage. He kicked her and threw her into the glass of his office. It didn't break. She just layed there. Until she spoke.

"I see you're really into throwing things at walls, huh?"

He picked her up and threw her back onto the ground, punching her in the face. You grew angry and nervous. You wanted to do something. You needed to do something. She needed help. Until she got up. You saw her nose was bleeding a lot. She got up and punched Gray in the stomach, so hard that he fell over. He was mad. Everyone stared. You rushed out of the office to watch everything closer. Gray had cut Aiden's back with his scythe. She fell into the floor in pain.

"(Y/N). Take her back to her cell. NOW." Gray yelled at you, then he walked into his office and slammed the door.

You helped Aiden up, but you didn't take her to her cell. You took her to yours where you had snuck supplies for cleaning wounds. There you cleaned the blood from her back and put bandages on it. The cut was still bleeding, so bad that it was bleeding through the bandages. You put more bandages on.

Aiden didn't look at you. She stared at the floor. Her face held an ashamed expression. "You know you could've just threw me in my cell and left me there to bleed. I would've been fine. You shouldn't have took me here. You shouldn't be helping me."

Wait. What Aiden actually talking to you??? This was very new, and you were excited, but you tried to sound cool and stay calm so she didn't think of you as weird, or strange.

So you continued to put bandages on the wound as you thought about what she told you. "I know I didn't have to..... but I wanted to. You don't deserve to sit in a cell, alone, bleeding to death after everything Gray has put you through."

She looked shocked at what you had just said. Maybe she wasn't used to being helped since no one here ever has. "No. I DO deserve to sit alone in a cell as I rot. I brought myself down here, now I'll suffer."

You were confused by what she meant. No one had brought themselves down here, why and how had she. You sat, quite confused.

Aiden tried to get up, but failed and fell back down into the bench that you slept on. The bench was uncomfortable, but it was better than sleeping on the cold, hard floor. Then you started to wonder if she would want to go back to her cell, or if she would stay here with you. You hoped she'd want to stay here with you.

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