Baby it's Cold Outside: Aiden x Raug (Part 2)

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"Raug! Come oooonnnnn. It's snowing outssiiiiideeee!!" Aiden stared out the window at the snow covered yard. "Raaauuuuuuggggg," she whined, wanting him to go outside with her.

"Aiideeen. It's cold outside, though."

Aiden crawled onto his lap and continued whining. "But Raaaauuuugggg. Snow is really fuuuunnn. We can build a snowman!"

Raug smiled at Aiden. "But it's freezing. Don't you wanna do something that's a bit warmer?"


Raug chuckles, wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulls her closer to him, kissing her  cheek.

"Are you a five year old now?"
"What is that supposed to mean!?"

Raug laughs a little. "I was joking."

Aiden wraps her arms around Raug and buries her face in the crook of his neck. Raug smiles at her actions.


"Whaaatt." She mumbles against his neck.

Raug rolls his eyes, jokingly. "We can go outside later. I promise, ok?"


Raug picks her up and carries her to their room. He lays her down on their bed, then he lays next to her. He wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Then he rests his forehead against hers and closes his eyes.

"Wait.... Raaauuuug. What're you doinnnggg."
"I'm goin' to sleep."
"Wait.... You're not gonna wake up 'till tomorrow!"

Raug was now mumbling. "Aiden.... please....."

Aiden sighed. She thought that Raug wasn't getting back to p until after he slept. And that they weren't going to go outside to play in the snow today. She gave in and wrapped an arm around his waist. Raug smiled and held her tighter. Aiden kissed Raug softly on the lips. He kissed her back. Eventually they both fell asleep in each others arms, as usual.

The next morning Aiden ran from their bed to get her snow clothes on. Raug got up slowly after her. Aiden ran over to Raug pulling him to the door without realizing he still was in just his underwear.

"Aideennn. I just woke up. Just wait for a little bit, please?"

Aiden took off her boots, coat, and snow pants. She threw them somewhere randomly in the room and hopped onto the couch. Raug sits down next Aiden and she wraps her arms around his waist and puts her head on his lap. He smiles and begins stroking her messy, dark curls. Her hair was never able to be maintained nicely because of how messy and wild it was. But neither of them cared. Aiden because she could hide under her hair and Raug because when he got bored he could play with her hair.

It had been an hour of sitting on the couch and Raug had finally agreed to go outside with Aiden.

"RaugRaugRaugRaaaauuuuugggggg! Let's build a snowman!"

So they did. They built a snowman that was as tall as Aiden, standing at 5 foot 5 inches. Then they had a snowball fight that Raug let Aiden win because he was that boyfriend. Soon enough Aiden wanted to go inside. So they finally went back inside.

When they went back to inside, Aiden ran and jumped onto the couch. Raug smiled and took off his snow clothes. Then he went to the kitchen and made hot chocolate for himself and Aiden. He handed her a mug and he set his on the coffee table. Aiden set hers down, too. Then she climbed on Raug's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled and carried her to their bed. He laid her down and took his shirt off, throwing it in the corner. He laid down next to her and pulled her close. She wrapped her arms around his neck again and he wrapped his around her waist. Aiden nuzzled Raug and he rested his forehead against hers. Aiden closed her eyes and so did Raug.

"I love you, Raug."

"I love you, too."

They both smiled and eventually felt asleep as it continued snowing hard outside.

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