Baby It's Cold Outside: Aiden x Raug

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Aiden and Raug were in a relationship. They moved into a nice apartment together. It was winter. And that meant it was as cold as Scipio. It felt like it -100 degrees outside. And the worst part was that Aiden had to walk home from work. She worked at a bookstore. The bookstore was about 25 to 30 minutes away from where she lived. She usually got home, almost frozen. But she didn't want to ride home with some random person driving because she didn't want to get kidnapped.

Aiden continued walking home through the snow. Wearing 3 jackets, one being Raug's, she tried to keep herself warm enough to make it home. She felt colder than usual, if that was even possible. The worst part about today was that she was sick. Her throat stung really bad. She felt like her throat was on fire. But she kept walking, planning on making hot tea when she got home. She trudged through the snow, feeling weaker from being sick.

Eventually she makes it home, cold, weak, and sick. She walks in the door and begins to feel dizzy. Aiden slowly makes her way over to the couch. Aiden reaches the couch and she lies down, hugging a pillow.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh...." She groaned, wanting Raug to get home so she could cuddle him to fall asleep.

She wondered when he would get home. She closed her eyes and hugged a pillow tightly, trying hard to ignore the pain in her throat. She saw headlights appear, creating a shadow through the curtains in the living room. Aiden felt herself grow happy, knowing that Raug was home.

Raug walked through the door. He closed and locked it. Then he took off his coat, revealing a plain black hoodie underneath. He looked up and smiled at Aiden.

"Hello, Aiden."

Aiden half-smiled at Raug. "Ra--" Aiden barely managed to croak out the first two letters of his name before coughing up a storm.

Raug rushes over to Aiden. "Aiden! Your throat!... I'll get you some tea!" He rushes to the kitchen to get her some hot tea for her throat.

Aiden smiles at Raug. She thinks he's being cute. Cuter than normal. Raug comes back with her tea and sets it on the coffee table. Then he notices how red Aiden's cheeks are.

"I can't tell if you're cold or you're just blushing....."

Aiden laughs a little at him.

Raug puts his hands on her cheeks to find that they're still freezing cold from her walking home from work. He immediately covers her cheeks with his hands, hoping that they'd warm up somehow.

"Your hands are really warm...."
"That's the point."
"So your cheeks aren't cold."

Aiden chuckles and rests her forehead on Raugs. Raug half-smiles at her action. Aiden then wraps her arms around his neck and pull him down onto the couch with her. She puts her head on his chest and smiles.

"What're you doing...?"
"Trying to cuddle you, bby."
"Haha...... okay...."

Aiden smiled at Raug again.

"But can we atleast cuddle in bed? This couch is a little small for the both of us to be cuddling here..."
"Well I can't walk because I'm gonna get dizzy."
"So you need to carry me."

Raug picked Aiden up and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He carried her to their room and layed her down on their bed. Raug took his shirt off and threw it in a random corner.

"What are you doing??? It's freezing!"
"I don't like sleeping with a shirt on. You know this."
"I do know. But it's cold."
"You'll warm me up."

Aiden blushed. Raug laughed at her blushing. Then he climbed onto the bed next to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to his body. She put one hand on his chest and wrapped an arm around his waist, aswell. Aiden closed her eyes and nuzzled Raug. He smiled at her cuteness. He stroked her hair softly.

"Love you....," she mumbled against his warm, bare chest.

"Love you, too."

Eventually Aiden fell asleep, which was hard because of her being sick. But she did because she was being comforted by Raug. And he usually helped her fall asleep every night. As she slept Raug continued stroking Aiden's hair. He kissed her forehead, then her cheek. He rested his forehead against hers and fell asleep.

The next morning Aiden woke laying against Raug, her legs tangled with his, her hands in his hair, and his arms wrapped around her waist, their foreheads resting against each other.

Aiden looked at Raug and smiled, kissing his cheek softly. She moved her hands from his hair and decided to play with his hair by twisting them into small knots. Then she untiwisted them only to twist the strands back together. She untangled her legs from his. She looked up at his sleeping face, deciding not to wake him up she slowly moved his arms from his waist. She almost got his arms away before he wrapped them tighter around her waist. He pulled her on top of him and smiled.


Aiden blushed at his actions. "Good morning..."

"How's your throat doing?"
"It's ok...."
"Just ok?"

Raug kissed her cheek. Then he kissed her lips softly. She kissed him back, cupping his cheeks with her hands.

"Okay....let's go make coffee..."
"You're a coffee addict...."
"Whaaat. I have to go to work soon...."
"What do you mean...?"
"No work today. You're taking the day off. It's too cold for you to work."
"But I work inside..."
"No work today."
"Quiet. I'm gonna go back to sleep...."

"Wait! I want coffee!" Aiden tried pulling herself away from Raug.

"Nope. You will when we wake up."
"But we're awake now!"
"No. You need more sleep."

Raug interrupted Aiden by kissing her on the lips. She kissed him back.


Raug smiled at Aiden and they went back to sleep.

They woke up again and Aiden ignored Raug and ran straight to the kitchen to make coffee.

Raug slowly got up and rubbed his eyes. "Aideeennnn...," he called to Aiden, his voice groggy from just waking up for the second time.

"I need coffee!!," Aiden called back.

Raug walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Aidens waist from behind as she made her coffee.

They had breakfast and sat on the couch, snuggling up against each other as they watched a movie.

"Rauuuuuggg......I wanna go do as something....."
"Somewhere outside...."
"But baby, it's cold outside...."
"I gotta go awayyyyy."
"Baby. It's too cold outside."

Aiden looked at Raug. She gave in and snuggled up against his chest, smiling.

Baby, it's cold outside....

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