chapter 1

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ezra's pov

the ghost crew and i were on a mission to steal resources for the rebellion i went along one side of the building to plant explosives and i hear in my com-link spectre 6 are you done yet? here words were crackled but kept her voice low, there wasn't a lot of security but Sabine didn't want any alarms to go off,She had a running bet with Zeb that her and Ezra could have a flawless completion of the teenagers' part of the mission.

Ezra cursed softly, his com had been acting up. He shook the small metal link tapping it against his palm to try and shake the imaginary bugs out of it. The youth had just managed to understand what Sabine had asked. He didn't want to have to ask her to repeat herself.

The teenager had tried to tell the others about his comlink issue, but they didn't listen, teasing him and calling him a scaredy loth-cat since this was his first time away from Kanan, planting explosives out in the open, and not in a vent shaft.

It was all fun in games and normally Ezra would have shrugged it off as harmless play but this time was different. This time the words of his friends caused a wound to open up inside of him that wasn't visible to anyone else, not even Kanan. He had been depressed since news of his parents; no matter how he tried to let it go, it was still a very sore subject and affected all of his thinking. Mainly the thinking involved with criticism from his master and the other Spectres.

"Just put the last one on. Heading to get the Fuel cells and then getting back to the meeting point." He replied with his normal cocky grin plastered to his face.

This mission was going perfectly, he hoped that Kanan would be proud that he hadn't messed one up for once. As the battles waged on, Kanan was getting more and more serious and seemed to have less time for joking around or his fun remarks that could cause most to smile.

He turned to start walking to his new task. About 50 feet away, were five fuel cells resting on a hover cart. He smiled, silently thanking the Empire for making his job easier.

"...Leave them...Start the detonations when I say..." Kanan's voice chimed in causing much confusion for the boy. Ezra stopped walking trying to run what he just heard through his head again. Had he heard right? The plans changed, when had the plans changed? Why were they leaving the fuel cells? They hadn't been caught or seen, and the alarms weren't blaring.

"Spectre 1? Are you sure? The canisters are an easy pick up." Ezra spoke into the mic, questioning his master's new orders. He didn't realize that it had malfunctioned and wasn't sending any transmissions.

"...Now..." Came the crackly voice; it sounded calm but commanding.

Ezra hesitated; He didn't want to get yelled at for not listening. Ezra looked at the fuel cells ahead of him and sighed.

"Okay...I don't know what you're thinking Kanan...but okay." Ezra commented quietly to himself.

Not wanting to upset his master, he hit the detonation switch in his hand failing to think about how close he was to the 30 some-odd bombs he had just put out and the five cells in front of him. Everything lit up around him. The fuel cells caused an even bigger explosion when the flames hit. Ezra had been too close to everything and was knocked back hard into a walker that had just exploded.

Ezra was dazed, his ears ringing and his vision blinded. He could feel the heat around him and the alarms going off. Sabine came running past with her pistols out shooting at incoming bucket heads that had started to run out. She stopped when she saw him, coming over and hauling him up.

"What happened?" Sabine said as she glared at Ezra

"Hope you are happy what you done. You are too injuried now we don't have time to get the other supplies." Sabine said as she looked at Kanan and Zeb and ran towards them as Stormtrooper arrived just as they escaped and grabbed the injuried Jedi

Couple Hours passed by as Ezra woke up to a....Medical bay with his wounds either healed or patch up"Good your awake Commander." A voice said as Ezra looked startled and turned to see Delta Leader Boss and his squad Fixer, Scorch and Sev but they look younger then Rex"Are you guys clones." Ezra asked as Scorch smirked at the young Jedi"Yes commander intact we are the famous Delta Squad." Scorch said smiling as Ezra felt two presence walking in as the door opened to be Leia and ....a brown hair man with a lightsaber attached to him"Ezra." Leia said rushing towards the injuried Jedi and hugged him to death as the older Jedi chuckled seeing his daughter affection towards this Jedi"How are you feeling." Leia asked as Ezra still shocked that she was here"I-I am fine." Ezra said shockingly"You have went through a hardship Ezra Bridger my Padawan. Let me introduce myself I am Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker and you have met my daughter Leia Skywalker." Anakin said as Ezra eyes widen at seeing the man that he had in a vision"Why are you calling me your padawan." Ezra asked as Anakin smiled"I had a vison of you wielding a purple and blue saber leading a clone army to defeat the empire. We also need as much jedi as we need we only have 600 remaining." Anakin said as Ezra eyes widen"Alright I guess I can join the New Republic." Ezra said

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