chapter 4

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Secret , Jedi temple

Several Jedi where all standing in the same room of the Jedi temple wearing the most honorary clothing they had and yet there was complete silence, no words being said between people, nothing. All the Jedi where in there robes and Ezra stood in full armor helmet included, front of the body of Jedi Master Rham Kota as it lay on the ground covered in a long cloth the held the simple of The New Republic "would anyone like to say a few words before we begin?" Ezra asked as his head turned to his left and right.

Without saying a word, Galen stepped forward wearing his full armor. Ezra gave him a nod and took a step back letting all eye's fall upon him "when I first met Kota, he was my least favorite rebel, I will freely admit that. But once I got to know him, I realized that it wasn't just personality, I always was judge that a Jedi is a bad person Deep down in reality, he was a good man, all he wanted was what was best for the galaxy, he just didn't realize that he wasn't ready to fight until he found his apprentice Mara and saved me and help me guide my way back to the lightside. And for that I will honor him until my last day" Galen finished as he placed Kota Lightsaber on his chest before stepping beck and joining the rest.

Ezra stepped back forward and looked down at Kota body that now held his lightsaber "your right Galen" Ezra said as he looked over to Galen that stood with the rest of the Jedi including Anakin " Kota died, so that he could let his padawan live to fight another day," Ezra finished as bowed to the fallen jedi master

Everybody else followed suit and bowed as his body lowered into an underground chamber. A bright light shot out from the chamber door showing a remarkable yellow glow.

Meanwhile in dark room

"What is thy bidding, my master?" Vader asked bowing as the Emperor looked at him with a serious look

"There is a great disturbance in the Force." Sidious said looking at Darth Vader with yellow eyes as Vader looked up to his master

"I have felt it." Vader said as he felt the light side now growing stronger

"We have a new enemy. A young rebel who has being a torn to our side is the offspring of Jedi Master Revan Shan and Bastila Shan son." Emperor said as Vader eyes widen in his maskas he hid his surprise tone

"How is that possible" Vader asked as Emperor scowled at him as he spoke again

"Search your feelings Lord Vader, you will know it to be true. I am very surprised that he is in the future" Sidious said as Vader looked up angrily knowing

"If he could be turned he would become a powerful ally. He will join us or die, master" Vader said as Sidious

"Yes, find him you must and bring him to the darkside of the force." Sidious said as he let out of an evil laugh

After the conversation Ezra went to pick up Leia and once he did his anger rise as he saw the Ghost crew and few rebels trooper taunting Leia

"She is a slut." Zeb said smirking as many rebels were picking on her

"What the matter whore did you birth father make love with your mother then abandoned you to be adopted. What does Ezra see in you. Perhaps my Ezzy is using you" Sabine yelled with a smirk as Leia had tears in her eyes as she had been getting insult after Wedge rapes has being spread and rumors

'Look how the mighty princess cry." Kanan said laughing as Zeb went for a punch until Ezra grabbed it surprising everybody as he used the force to crush Zeb hand who cried in agony don't do that. 

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