chapter 5

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2 months later 

ezra pov 

i had arrived on yavin 4 and went to the command centre and had heard jyn erso's speach about the death star and why the plans need to be captured or the rebellion is finished i say to myself this is our one chance to get it i hear mon mothma say im sorry jyn without the councils approval the odds are to great,she turns away disappointed with them and  walks away while the rebels go back to what they were doing i follow jyn and see her with a gathered group of rebels, this must be the only people going this will not be enough for an escape i follow them to the captured imperial ship and take a seat turns out i sit next to chirrut he whispers to me and says i know what you are jedi and i get snapped out of it by jyn saying may the force be with us and the rebels cheer.

i grab my comlink and contact anakin and to tell him that the rebels are going to attack scarif to steal the death star plans im going to need reinforcements he replies ok i will prepare the fleet signal us when you are ready.

30 minutes later

we finally arrive at scarif and i can sense the rebels nervousness some praying we get the the ground and i go with one of the groups while casian jyn and k2 go and get the plans, i plant some explosives on some areas and we get the all clear to star the fireworks we prepare for a fight the rebels and i were in cover outside a bunker they came out and we started to blast them but we started to losses then i stood up ontop of a crate and began walking towards the storm troopers and dodging blaster shots zipping past y head the storm trooper commander says hold fire and i pull out my purple lightsaber and everyone looks at me with shock i hear the commander say all troopers focus your fire on ....... on the jedi and i yell for the rebellion and i begin deflecting shot back at the 30 troopers that came out as the died i heard a walker and ran to it and sliced the legs off it and destroys it. the rebels look at me in amazement one of them said hope has returned lets go. we keep movie and i split off into the tower to find the others a im running i signal the fleet to jump and i meet up with the others who were engaged by storm troopers i run in and kill them do you have the plans got them we need to get to the top and send it to the rebellion they won't come what do you mean didn't you hear mon mothma its to great a risk for them meaning they don't care they know this is a suicide mission my communicator starts beeping and i say its about time and jyn turns to me and says for what with a confused look and i say looks outside and they see ships fighting eachother then we see the shield get destroyed and clone transports and fighters come through its time to go who are you, my name is ezra shan former commander to the rebellion i was left behind on a mission and now im a general in the new republic and those are my ships as i say that a gunship lands at the top of the tower and we all get on and i talk into the comlink this is general shan retreat back to the ships we are pulling out and i get a few yes sirs from the fighter leaders and we arrive back at the capital ship endurance i sense someone and i look to see a imperial star destroyer and i sense vader there i signal the bridge tell the other  cruiser to jump and we escape as we got into the hanger and left for home base.

so guys there you have it chapter 5 of the new republic sorry its take a long time to upload the past chapters been busy with work and family comment on what you would like to see next 

and remember the force will be with you always        

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