chapter 2

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Energy crackled loudly as a purple blade connected powerfully with a blue blade. The blue blade pushed forward and was instantly met by a -blue one, the normal purple one rapidly following behind it. A wild, sweeping hum of energy was heard as the three blades spun around wildly, sparks flying as they connected time and time again.

Anakin used the Force and leapt back several meters. Ezra did the same and returned to a defensive stance. Anakin smiled at him. "Not bad, Ez, not bad at all." He told him. "You've certainly improved." Ezra smiled at his praise. "But you still have a long way to go before you can beat me." He then added in a taunting tone.

Ezra quickly rolled him eyes. "That's what you say every time, even when I beat you." He replied teasingly.

Anakin shot him a look. "That's because I go easy on you, Ez." He said. "After all, you're still a learner." He teased him back.

"That's okay, Master." He told him. "I'm holding back as well cause I am a Shan." He teased him again.

Anakin was a bit surprised by him words, but then gave him a smile that clearly said 'bring it on'. Ezra returned his smile and shifted him feet, changing him stance so He stood like a predator ready to pounce on its prey.

They stared each others down for a moment, not moving a single muscle. Anakin took a step forward and Ezra leapt at him, bringing him blades down at him. Anakin dodged and countered with a powerful sweep from the side. Ezra swiftly moved out of the way and answered his attack with a fast flurry of blows.

The Master and Padawan moved through the training hall at blinding speed. Their match had attracted a lot of attentions from other padawans and younglings that were in the large training hall.

Both Jedi utilized their greatest assets against the other. Anakin relied on his greater strength to unleash heavy blows, powerful enough to knock a Hutt on his backside without any effort. Ezra countered by using him superior speed and agility to dance around his strikes and strike back with a combo of swift slashes and stabs.

Anakin blocked one of him strikes and countered quickly with a powerful Force Push. Ezra knew him like no other and had already expected the attack; Countering with him own Force Push, the two entered a Force Lock. Both Jedi stared the other in the eyes; a look of pure concentration on their faces. They increased the strength of the Push, trying to send the other flying.

A loud crack was heard and both Anakin and Ezra were send flying. Ezra shifted him bodyweight and spun in the air. After landing gracefully on him feet He immediately leapt towards Anakin again.

Anakin had, unfortunately for him, not landed that smoothly. He had moved to his knees and barely had enough time to roll away from the two green blades he saw flying towards him. As he dodged, he unleashed a quick Force Push to try and bring Ezra of balance. The swift push send him spinning. It would've disorientated him, had he been a different jedi. With the aid of his leg Ezra kept him balance and blocked Anakin's strike.

During their saber lock, Ezra flashed Anakin a challenging smile. Anakin barely had time to react when He suddenly pulled back and he, due to the strength he was pushing him sabers with, fell forward. Ezra didn't hesitate a moment to bring him shoto around in an attempt to disarm him.

Anakin dodged the trust and spun his own saber around to block the follow-up strike from Ezra's main saber. The duo entered into a crazed flurry of strikes. Blue and purple sparks flying everywhere, their blades almost a moving blur. A great deal of the younglings in the audience they had gathered were having troubles tracking them as they danced around the training hall.

Ezra unleashed a fast combo of blows and spun around quickly, letting gravity enhance the strength of him strike. Anakin blocked it and jumped back several feet. Both Jedi returned to a defensive stance. They looked at each other and smiled, both of them panting heavily.

In his mind, Anakin couldn't help but feel so proud of his new padawan. He wanted to tell him how proud He made him feel, but couldn't possibly find the words to do so. Ezra picked up on his feelings and nodded quickly in gratitude. Anakin nodded back in return, shooting him another smile.

After a short stare down they were about to charge each other again when a voice suddenly called out to them. "Anakin, Ezra, I think that that'll be enough for now." A very familiar voice said to them.

They both looked over to see Obi-Wan standing a few meters away from them. A curious and somewhat amused look on his face as he studied the pair.

"Oh come on, Obi-Wan." Anakin complained. "We were really on a good roll here. Why should we stop now?" he asked his former master. Obi-Wan gestured around the training hall as a response.

Anakin and Ezra both frowned and looked around the room. "Ah!" Anakin said, somewhat stunned as he gazed upon the destruction they had caused. Several training machines had been smashed or cut from their wild blows. A large crack was in the floor when their Force Push had connected.

Ezra looked back at him master, a slightly embarrassed look on him face. "I think that we may have overdone it a bit, Master..." He said softly. Anakin laughed nervously as he looked back at him.

Obi-Wan walked up to them. "I think that you two have caused enough damage for one day, don't you think?" He asked them amused. A round of laughter was heard from the crowd around them.

Anakin shrugged. "Oh well." He replied and turned to the crowd. "Sorry guys, show's over." Several disappointed groans were from the group. Anakin turned to Ezra. "We'll call it a draw." He told him.

He stared at him with shock in him eyes. "No way! I would've had you in a few more attacks!" He told him. "Admit it! I almost had you!" He crossed him arms over him chest and stared at him.

"Of course Ezra Shan." Anakin said smirking as Ezra rolls his eye as he felt someone hugged him behind and closed his eyes"Guess who." Leia asked as Ezra smiled "My lovely girlfriend." Ezra said as he turned and kissed her as Anakin and Obi-Wan smirked at the lovely young couple as Anakin was about to tease them when Padme entered and gave a glare that say 'don't ruining this'"Ezra could you please come with me to Yavin IV." Leia asked as she gave a puppy eyes as he sighed and nodded"Very well let go." Ezra said as he and Leia boarded a ship that takes them to Yavin IVFew hours passed by as Ezra was snoring as Leia flew the ship to the docking bay landed the ship when all suddenly Ezra awoke due to a familiar presence as he angry got up and growled"Ezzy." Leia asked surprised as Ezra got up and gently grab her hand as they walk down to see some rebel trooper standing and was the ghost crew not noticing

Princess organa welcome I am glad we welcome you." mon Mothma said smiling as Leia sent a smile and leia introduced her bodyguard who was in a jedi robe and nodded with his hood on then they got on with the meeting, ezra leia and mon mothma walked to the command centre and were met with the ghost crew and ezra steps back slightly and growls lowly only for leia to hear enough and placed a hand on his shoulder and he said i can do this im just gonna wait at the ship princess in a slight anger in his voice and walks away and sabine had to just speak up why whats wrong don't talk to me you do not deserve to talk to me why isnt it obvious they all looked confused i turn to face them and i pull my hood of and say i wouldn't be surprised ghost crew you guys did leave me behind!!! everyone gasped "Ezra." Sabine yelled rushing forward for a hug but only stopped when she felt herself immobilized as she saw Leia glare

"I got this babe." Ezra said as he punched Sabine across the floor as he began force chocking her as Kanan looked at Ezra"Ezra stop I am your...." Kanan was cut off when he too was force chocked by Ezra his eyes glowing red as purple lighting escape his body as he sent the two flying across the hanger as Zeb and Hera watch in shock at how brutal Ezra has become so brutal your not my master anymore kanan you of all people should have looked for me.

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