Untitled Part 8

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Anakin Skywalker stood in the center of a small dueling ring. He exhaled as his blue lightsaber sprang to life. From the other side, a training droid entered, a yellow lightsaber hissing in its metallic grip.

Anakin smiled.

While not as sophisticated as the Proxy-model, this droid was a skilled dueling unit all the same. It lunged for the Jedi Master.

And so as the droid's weapon whirred towards him, Anakin allowed his ears to guide his movement, deflecting the attack. The droid spun around in a full arc, reversing its grip. Anakin parried, and countered, nicking the droid on the arm. Sparks sprang out from the exposed circuity.

The grin on Anakin's face grew wider.

The training droid moved in from the opposite direction, and as it did, repulsor lifts built into its feet allowed it to glide into the air. Anakin could no longer hear its footfalls.

But even hearing limited a person.

The Force was beyond the five senses. As the levitating droid moved in for the kill, Anakin heard the Force echoing its movements. He slid under its defenses, bringing his lightsaber up between the droid's legs and upwards through its head. The droid separated into two halves, and collapsed in a sparking heap.

Anakin slowly turned as the doors to the training room opened. "General Skywalker."

"What is it, Rex?"

"We ... have a situation, sir."

Mechanical breathing filled the room as Anakin sensed a dark presence enter.


But how? He was restrained, the Force suppressors binding him.

The answer came with a second dark presence. The Man in Black, the spy they had captured earlier. But of course! He had wanted to be captured! Anakin cursed himself for his oversight.

Anakin angled his lightsaber up in a defensive stance. "Come at me Vader face me. I've always regretted not having the opportunity to face you myself."

"A regret you will have to live with," Vader replied. He raised his hand, and Padme was lifted off the ground. Her hands went immediately to her throat as she gasped for air. "You will surrender yourself to me or your wife will die."

The Dark Lord tightened his grip.

Anakin tossed his saber aside. "As you wish. Let her go please"

Vader dropped Padme to the ground as the Man in Black moved to secure him. Anakin, meanwhile, only smiled. "Ezra on his way back here. He'll finish what he began on Yavin."

The Sith Lord used the Force to lift Anakin off the ground. "I am counting on it, General Skywalker. I will capture him and take him."

"You will fail." Anakin spatted

As Ezra and Mara reached the outskirts of the Academy, they could already see a battle raging outside. Rebel and Clone troops fought against dozens of Imperial stormtroopers. Scout walkers were already on the move.

"Vader. He's free." He turned to the droid. "Mara, get to the hangar. Help the other troopers."

"Yes, Master. And what about you?"

"I'm going after Vader."

Mara turned and headed away from the main fighting. Ezra ignited his purple and blue blades, and jumped into the fray.

As he crossed a bridge over a small creek, the first stormtrooper never saw his dual-sabers coming until the blades jutted through the front of his armor from behind. Ezra tossed the trooper aside. The rest of the stormtroopers turned their attention away from the Rebels and Clone to face this newest threat.

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