chapter 6

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On the Planet Anarchearis

"Master why are we here." Mara asked as she was wearing her coat as the winds were heavy

"Somethings calling me in here. I felt an awakening as if something good" Ezra replied as he entered a secret cave with Mara as they approached what stood there shocked them

"It can't be." Ezra said as he literally saw multiple Jedi standing there and talking but what shocked him was that his parents  Bastila and Revan Shan talking to each other

"I still can't believe we managed to convince 2000 Jedi to join us on our quest." Revan said smiling as he finally managed to get his secret project working

"Finally after several years we managed to reopened that portal." Bastila said as she felt a familiar presence and so did Revan as they turned to see Ezra walking towards them gaining many looks from the other jedi.

"E-E-Ezra." Revan asked

"Mom...Dad its me." Ezra said as Bastila quickly gave a son a quick hug as Revan stood there smiling

"My sweet baby boy. I am sorry that the Sith used you?" Bastila said as Ezra and Mara looked confused

"Mom...I don't remember much but right now I will explain this timline." Ezra said as he explained making Revan and the other Jedi gasped as some were cursing at the Ghost Crew while others were shocked that The Sith destroy the Jedi as Revan stood up and started screaming



"Master how are we going to explain this to the Council." Mara asked as Ezra smirked about it as he contact Anakin

"Ezra we got a situation...the Death Star is attacking Yavin." Anakin said as Ezra and Mara eyes widen

"We will meet at Yavin." Ezra said

Battle Of Yalvin

The Death Star shuddered rapidly and Vader narrowed his eyes as he stalked down the hallways of the space station. He could tell immediately that the weapons on the Death Star weren't enough to stop the small ships that were attacking it. And a nearby general seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"My Lord, they are too small to the point that they are penetrating the deflector shields," General Dong said.

"We will have to take them out ship by ship, get the crew to their fighters," Vader ordered.

"Yes sir," the General replied just as the space station shuddered rapidly with the blaster fire that was hitting it as Vader entered his ship

With the rebel

"Fighter coming in at .07, Blue One,"jack sounded over the comlink as Luke did a three sixty turn to avoid a TIE fighter and blasting it until it blew up in a shower of sparks.

"Copy that, Blue Five," Luke called back before he did a one eighty turn that brought him behind the TIE Fighter and he quickly blasted it to where it disintegrated into sparks.

"Biggs, you have one on your tail," Luke called.

"I can't shake him General," Biggs said

"I've got him," Luke called back before blasting the TIE fighter and flying straight through the shower of sparks after the starfighter blew up.

"Thanks Luke," Biggs called back.

"Blue Leader, set up for your attack run," a voice called and Luke. "Blue Five, Blue Three, do you two copy?" he called.

"Yeah boss, we're here,"jack called back.

"Follow me," Luke called before leading the way into the Death Star with jack and Biggs just behind him but something wrong with jack's Ship

"Luke, my ship's damaged, I don't think I can help anymore,"jack called over the intercom as Luke guided his X wing toward the shaft

"Get out of here, jack, you can't do any good back there," Luke called back to his friend his eyes narrowed in thought.

"Sorry," jack said and Luke could see his friend's X wing disappear into the space above and he returned his attention back to the shaft that was getting close to him.

"I'm hit, Luke," Biggs' voice sounded over the intercom and Luke winced when he felt his friend die within the Force. He took a deep breath to calm his grief before returning his gaze to the shaft that was coming up, he had to make the shot at a certain time or else he would miss.

As for Vader, his fighter had locked onto the Luke's X-Wing.

"I have you now!" Vader declared ready to finish the job.

But before he could press the button and fire, another blast came out of nowhere and destroyed one of the TIE fighters next to him.

"WHAT?!" Vader demanded.

Luke grinned when he heard a familiar voice yell over the comms.

"YAHOOO!"han declared, firing off another laser from each of their X WING.

The blast hit the TIE Fighter remaining next to Vader's, causing it to slam into him and spin out of control into the far reaches of space.

"You're all clear, Luke!" han told him,

"Now let's blow this thing so we can go home pal!" hamsaid

Luke nodded. Feeling one with the force, she fired the twin photon torpedoes which went straight into the thermal exhaust port. He then pulled out and sped out with han and all the other ships following close behind. Soon afterwards, the Death Star exploded, as everyone cheered. Luke felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment as the ships returned to Yavin.

"Great shot, Luke!" han yelled, "That was one-in-a-million!"

At the field Yalvin 4

Ezra stood there waiting with Leia,han and Luke as Mon Mothma approached with the Ghost Crew

"Nice job ezra." Sabine said blushing at Ezra new look only for her to be thrown across the room with the force as Luke,han and Ezra look at Leia who was whistling trying to act innocent

"What did you do?." Zeb asked as he glared at Leia who smiled innocently as she hid behind Ezra while chuckling

"Nothing." Leia said laughing as she puts her head in Ezra shoulder as if nothing happened then all of sudden the empire fleet has arrived as ezra sensed something was wrong no he said what is it ezra said han its vader he's here.

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