chapter 7

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Battle armored Stormtrooper's were arriving as blaster fire rained upon the rebellion who soon scattered and return fire as Ezra Blade was lashing out in quick deadly jabs and slashes from seemingly multiple directions at once that combined with Force assisted speed and acrobatics made Form IV: Ataru or The Way of the Hawk Bat one of the deadlier lightsaber combat forms]. As always Ezra enhanced his acrobatics and lightsaber strikes with his other Force powers, especially telekinesis sending troopers flying and some of the martial arts moves he'd picked up off Sabine over the years.

Leia Han and Luke were helping him with the Stormtroopers killing them [Han shooting and Luke and leia using lightsabers] as Ezra sensed Vader arriving

"Vader." Ezra said as he saw the Dark Lord cutting down Rebel Soldiers as he turned his attention as Kanan rushed towards the dark lord, "I have no interest in you Jedi." Vader said pushing him back as his attention was drawn Ezra

"Join me Ezra Shan." Vader said

Ezra raised his Lightsaber to his face, performing the tradition Jedi duel pose. "Never." He said, before getting into his fighting stance.

The Jedi Knight then dashed towards the Sith Lord before jumping into the air and bringing his Lightsaber down upon his foe, only for the Dark Lord to raise his Lightsaber above him and deflect the aerial attack only to receive a kick to the chest that sent him staggering back. Ezra then rushed forward and aimed a slash for Vader chest plate only for his attack once again back deflecting by Vader's Lightsaber. They then engaged in quick paced blade duel, Ezra unleashing a barrage of fast slashes while Vader kept his Lightsaber close to his body and deflected the attacks one after the other before clashing their Lightsabers against one another in a blade lock, each trying to overpower the other. Eventually, Ezra jumped back and landed a few feet from Vader. In a crouched stance.

Ezra then raised his head and stood up slowly, never taking his eyes off Vader. "So you have gotten better." Ezra said.

"The Dark side gives me the power I need, it can help you as well Ezra." Vader exclaimed.

Ezra just scoffed before he flipped his Lightsaber around and held it in a reverse grip and dashed towards Vader, who raised his Lightsaber as he prepared to clash as they continuing their fierce duel, neither of two allowing the other to gain any sort of advantage on them. Currently, the two were still engaged in close Lightsaber combat as Ezra continue to unleash a powerful offensive attacks, while Vader was forced to remain in a defensive form.

Eventually the two enter yet another saber lock, with the Jedi Knight glaring at the Sith Lord. "You cannot hope to defeat me Shan,." The dark lord said. "I shall say it again you are destined to be my apprentice as you and I are the same."

Ezra merely let out an angry roar as he broke the saber lock and thrust his hand forward to Vader chest, sending the Sith Lord flying back and crashing into the side of the building with a powerful Force push before holding him against the wall with a Force grip. "We are nothing alike Vader. I fight to protect the lives of the innocent while your merely a pawn to the Sith!" Ezra shouted, pressing Vader further into the wall. Ezra continue to glare at the Dark lord in rage and anger, every living cell in his body screaming to him to finally kill the Sith but something was telling him not to do it, that it was not the right thing to do now after malachor the dark side almost consumed me but I overcame it never again shall I go to that place again.

Just then republic forces arrived as Jyn lead some clones as Mon Mothma looked at her shocked

"Hope you understood now rebellion." Jyn said in displease tone as Starkiller notice Ezra being forced pushed to the wall as Vader approached him as Mara widened her eyes

"MASTER!!!" Mara yelled as Starkiller ignited his blue sabers who rushed forward to stop Vader as Vader sense his presence and just in time stabbed him in the chest as Leia Luke and Mara looked horrified as Ezra looked pissed

"YOU WILL PAY!!!"Ezra shouted, pressing Vader further into the wall. Ezra continue to glare at the Dark lord in rage and anger, every living cell in his body screaming to him to finally kill the Sith but it was not the jedi way Ezra then closed his eyes before his hand fell limp to his side, releasing his Force hold on the Sith Lord and allowing him to fall to the ground unconscious. Ezra then opened his eyes, a look of regret and sadness appearing on his own face. He then rushed towards Starkiller lifting him up with Mara's help and placed him on a stretcher and a clone medical team took him to a transport

"This is Commander Jade all forces retreat back." Mara said as she heard yes sir replies

"All Units fall back." Leia replied to the rebels as Ezra with Luke and Anakin who appeared just to help capture Vader and put him into handcuffs and boarded a gunship.

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