chapter 9

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2 weeks later

Ezra and his forces were on Mandalore to defeat Maul and claim the title of Mandalore

Ezra's duel with Maul is very difficult as he did not expect for Maul to deliver a devastating kick to Ezra's stomach forcing him to stagger but lucky for him, he was fast enough to dodge Maul's quick slash but not fast enough to save his right side saber as Maul's attack sliced the saber in his left hand. Ezra flipped backwards a couple of feet away from Maul and looked in his hand to see half of his Saber, he simply dropped it to the ground and put a smile on his face. He lost a weapon but he found Maul's weakness. Ezra and Maul started to circle each other walking around the sides of the hall. Ezra's eye's drifted towards Maul's feet and moved his hand to his stomach pushing back the pain of at least a broken rib. But he realized that Maul's couldn't have hurt him that badly with a kick at that short of a distance, at least not naturally. Ezra closed his eyes as he walked and reached out with the force, and just listened as Maul walked opposite him. Ezra smiled as he heard a metallic click as his feet hit the ground.

That's his weakness, his legs. Ezra opened his eyes and put his Purple saber in his right hand. Maul stopped walking as he looked at Ezra up and down. He narrowed his eyes at him, he knew that Ezra had thought of something. Ezra quickly charged at Maul and he quickly blocked but Ezra slid himself under Mauls arm and lifted his unarmed hand to the back of Mauls legs and let out a wave of lightning.

Maul screamed in pain as he dropped to his knees, Maul blindly swung backwards towards where he thought Ezra would be. Ezra saw the strike coming from a mile away and he flipped over the blind swing and sliced through Mauls saber as he flipped over Maul and landed in front of him. Both he and Maul force pushed each other and Ezra flew on the floor and maul hitting the wall above his throne "are we not so alike?" Maul said as he picked himself up, looking over to Ezra as he was getting up from the floor "both abandoned by family and friends." Maul said as he smirked at Ezra sudden flinch who snarled as he sent Maul backwards smashing into the far wall, everyone else in the room was pushed on their backs. Even the wall behind Ezra was pushed leaving a giant hole in the wall of the hall. Maul's eye's opened and he saw the roof of the hall. He raised to his knees before he saw Ezra standing over him. Ezra stretched both his hands out backwards and reached out with the force, quickly Ezra's Lightsaber flew into his right hand and Maul's Dark saber flew into his left. Ezra frowned and sighed knowing he had no other choices and in one single motion Ezra slid the blades over each in opposite directions across Mauls neck as his head fell down on the floor

"I claim this sword, and my right as leader of Mandalore" Ezra said as he looked across the hall to all the terrified eyes of the clan leaders "Any objections?" He asked as he pointed his saber around the room.

One by one, all the clan leaders approached Ezra and kneeled before him. It was done, Ezra had the Mandalorians on his side as Tristan approach with Sabine who gulped at Ezra glare

"Why is she here?" Ezra asked coldly as Tristan looked nervous

"Sorry my lord but she has to be here on our planet don't worry she won't try anything." Tristan said as Ezra was about to speak when he felt the force as he turned and saw Jedi Padawan Jenny Skylar

"Ezra." Jenny said with a sulty tone as Ezra sighed as he glared at her

"You need to leave traitor. How could you betray us" Ezra said as Jenny looked shocked as she saw a snickering R2 D2 unit oh show him the playing as She ignited her lightsaber

"Then I will make you mine." Jenny said

The two force wielders launched towards each other, Jenny slashing her Lightsabers towards the right side of Ezra body only for the Jedi knight to block it with the dark saber and then thrusting his Purple Lightsaber forward to stab the fallen Jedi in the chest. Jenny bent her body back and barely missed being stabbed through the chest before rolling to her right and thrusting her left hand forward. Ezra was then flung into the air by a Force push before landing on the ground, a bit dazed. He shook his head and looked to see Jenny falling towards him with Jenny's Light sabers aimed to stab him in the arms, though the Jedi roll out of the way in time and dodge his opponent attack before slashing his Purple Light saber towards the right and managing to cut down Jenny hands as she looked shocked to see a blade through her stomach and looks behind her to see leia's light saber killing her and Ezra looked at her leia what did you do I killed her she replied but it is not the Jedi way to kill and unarmed person I'm sorry Ezra he sighs it's alright in the heat of the battle it happens you must learn to control yourself more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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