• The Great Escape •

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Ash's Outfit •

• Ash's Outfit •

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• Ash •

"Now, all you have to do, is guess which cup the ball is under and you win!" Griff explained. We were out in the great lawn, conning campers out of their candy. The guy in front of us watched and nodded as Griff mixed up the identical blue cups.

The kid picked up the wrong cup, and boom! His candy was in my hand. "Aw! Too bad!" I joked. "Are you two tricking campers out of their candy again?" Xander asked as he and Emma made their way towards us. "Hey! You should be thanking us!" Griff began.

"By taking their candy, we're supporting these kids' good dental health!" I finished. "Yeah, you're 'saints'." Emma chuckled. "Come on Xander, give it a try!" Griff pleaded. "Ok. But I'm really good at these games. I have laser like focus." He bragged. "Ooh! Is that a scooter bar?"

Wow, Xander sucks at this game.

He was going for the 100th time, all his possessions behind me and Griff. "Which one is it under? I know you'll get it this time!" Griff lied. Xander picked up the wrong cup— again — and I laughed in victory. "Ha! You lose!"

Xander sighed as he handed Griff the watch around his wrist. "Please, please, please one more time! I know I can win!" He whined. "Too bad you have nothing left to bet." Griff said. "I do! I have a gold filling!" He beamed, reaching into his mouth. "Done! Emma, get Xander some pliers." I cheered.

Griff and I sat in the mess hall chowing down candy, Griff grabbing another one and stuffing it into his mouth. "I think I ate a wrapper." He mumbled. "I told you to slow down!" I laughed. "You know Griff, I had a really good time today." Griff nodded and looked down, then back up at me. "I always have a good time with you, Ash."

"Ash...I really like you."

My heart fluttered. Butterflies filled my now empty stomach. My cheeks and ears began to turn red. "Really? Like, like me? Or like like me?" I asked uncertainly. "I, like like you." He smiled. "Wow. That—that's the like I'm hoping for!" I chuckled nervously.

"And, I-I've thinking for a while. Would you wanna, maybe, go out with me sometime?" He asked. "Yeah! Yeah," I repeated. "That'd be really nice."

We were out in the great lawn watching a romance movie when I leaned over to talk with Griff. "So, what's your favorite type of music?" I asked. "Alternative." He replied sheepishly. "Really?! Me too!" I exclaimed. "Hey, there's this alternative music festival in Maren Harbor all this week. If we could get a counselor to take us, wanna go?"

"Yeah, that'd be really nice."

• Zuri •

"Aw, look at Griff! He's a-courtin Ash!" Lou exclaimed. "Don't be silly." Emma chuckled. "Yeah, they're just friends." I added. Xander, Emma, and I looked over at them to see their intertwined hands. "Lou's right! They're a-courtin!" Xander gasped.

 𝙢𝙮 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 💕                                    (GRIFF JONES X OC)Where stories live. Discover now