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Hello there earthling. My name is Herobrine. You may know me from the 'game' Called Minecraft. As in, it's a game to YOU. But to me and a select few, it is another world, a way of life. But I'll elaborate on this later in my story. Now, let me tell you more about myself. Like in most of these stories I have two brothers named NOTCH and STEVE. Notch is the older one, and Steve is the youngest. Notch is 20, Steve is 13 and I am 17. me and Steve look exactly the same except for the eyes. but unlike most other stories I was born with them, I didn't suddenly get them because of a mining accident that supposedly made me who I am today. or who I WAS. i will also explain this later. Notch is bald, has a brown shirt with gray pants, a cape and a beard. Steve has dark brown hair, blue eyes, a blue shirt and purple pants. No facial hair to speak of. And oh yeah, Notches eyes are black and cold as ice. I look exactly like steve except for the fact that I have Frick in GLOWING WHITE EYES!!!! *ahem* sorry, I am sensitive to this subject. And I have no friends so these are probably the only descriptions you will get. minus the ones you will get later in the story for my parents and maybe my brothers friends, if I feel like it. You probably won't, since I never liked me brother Notches friends and I didn't know steves friends since they were never over. Maybe it was because of my fear of people. and while I'm on this topic and feel like doing this at the moment, my only other fear is claustrophobia, but I don't suggest trying this tactic on me because if I'm left in a small space long enough, since the incident that I will discuss later, I blow up. like a creeper. now I know that most of you will not believe that this is real. Most of you will pass this of as just another story, that it isn't real. but I assure you it is. For those of you who believe that I am really writing this, with the help of a human named aqua, because if I was really typing it would be backwards(Aqua's note: it's true.he did try, but I had to delete it because even I couldn't read it.and I specialize in this stuff. Just saying.) and you wouldn't have been able to read it. You probably will just think that this is a trick to gain your trust so I can kill you when you're guard is down.but I assure you its not. so i guess that's all for now. see you next chapter or whatever. OH! Before I forget, I did have one friend named Emily. you will meet her next chapter. see you, I guess.


Aqua's note: so he kinda stormed off to do Notch knows what, mumbling something about puny humans not understanding him and how no one understands him or what he has to go through.... yeah I should probably go after him before he kills someone. After all, he is trying to IMPROVE his reputation. I'll be back later. so don't be afraid to comment and share and click that star thingy. and vote if that's not what the star means. bye!!!!!! *faraway* Herobrine, get back here right now, you can't kill anybody if your trying to improve your reputation!

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