Chapter 7

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   Here's more.


   I walked straight to the gate and tried to get in. They Immediately stopped me, like I KNEW they would.

  "Hault! who goes there?" they asked me, and I stifled a chuckle. it was SO easy to mess with thier minds.

   "You don't remember the most INFAMOUS man in the world? I'm a little shocked. I would of thought you would have remembered me when I tried to kill Deadlox for the 10th time." I replied, chuckling a bit. They were shocked.

  " Herobrine? " " the one and only." Are you here to kill anybody else?" "NO, I stopped killing 1 year ago precisely. I am just here to speak to sky about some pressing matters that are at hand." I said. they nodded and told me to follow them as led to the throne room. They told me to wait while they got sky. here goes my dignity. it will leave me as soon as sky walks in the room.

   " What do you want? " Well, speak of the devil and he shall appear. * sigh * here goes nothing. I took a deep breath and started talking words I will NEVER say again. If it weren't for Aqua, I wouldn't say them at all.

  " Oh, the majestic budder king, I have come here with no intention to kill you, only to ask a favor of your majesty, instead of trying to steal from your majestic budder kingdom as i have heard of your niceness and compa-" " You must REALLY need this thing from  me if YOU said budder THAT many times. just cut to the chase. I don't have all day and sucking up to me won't do anything." he interrupted me. THANK. GOD.

    "Well, I have recently adopted a baby girl and I have no cows for milk. so I was wondering if I could possibly borrow, okay more like HAVE, a coup l e of your budder cows?" I asked him. He had a surprised look on his face.

    " Sure. you asked nicely, didn't insult me, and called it budder instead of the H word. so sure. You can have 3." he told me. (For those of you that are confused by this Sky, as in skydoesminecraft, calls gold budder for some reason.)

    I was shocked, but tried not to show it. I nodded my thanks and left with the cows, as someone had brought them in from the barn already. I took the not so subtle hint and left. I went Back home, got a bucket, milked one of the cows and gave it to Aqua. She drank it all and b I knew I had to burp her. even though I couldn't remember some stuff, I remember t h at you needed to burp them right after they eat. I'm not a TOTAL noob when it comes to parenthood. I put her to bed soon after and then fell asleep myself.


    The next chapter will be the last one. sorry if you were expecting more, but nothing really ever happened after that day. It will be explained next chapter.

    Aqua's note : I'm kinda sad it's over. I wish there was more.

  but there isnt. sorry my back story isn't that long.

  so you heard him. Now please comment, vote and click on that little star over there. Bye my friends!

    Bye my friends!

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