Chapter 3

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     My head hurts and I'm cranky. Aqua thought I should warn you before I started so that she doesn't have to tell you when I make a snide comment in the middle of my story. The reason being she knocked me out yesterday with her 'metal' bat after I blew up her garage. So, here's more of my life for your prying eyes. Have fun.


       I woke up in the nether. unlike most stories, I did NOT think I was dead. I remembered everything in clear detail. my brothers betrayal, Emily helping me and blacking out. I don't know why I'm here or why I'm floating bu- WAIT IM FLOATING!?!?!?!?!?!? HOW IN THE NETHER AM I FLOATING!?!?!?!? *ahem* sorry I'll calm down so I'm not bursting your eardrums. maybe it was because I had almost died and was basically brought back from the dead. yeah that's it. I wonder if I have any others..


After expirementing I found that I had the power to blow up like a creeper, I could teleport like an enderman, I could shoot straight like a skelly and wasn't too fond of light like a zombie. I could float like a blaze, summon/shoot fire balls like a ghast, and could summon anything I wanted.

    I summoned some obsidian and built an over world portal and flint and steel. I went back to our house and l killed my parents to get back at my brothers. they walked In just as I killed mother. Steve screamed and cried and notch stood there glaring at me while comforting stevey. I laughed at the irony of the situation, floating in the air.

    After stevey calmed down, Notch turned to me and yelled. "Why did you do this? How could you do this to us? To stevey? He's only four and he already lost one of his big brothers, only to have him come back and make him lose his parents as well." he asked me.

  I floated down to him and yanked his chin up so he was forced to look at me and told him; "To get back at you for leaving me there instead of trying to help me. That's your wh y and you're how for you." and with that I teleported out of my house. (Now before you all go ballistic on me and stop reading and name me a monster, let me explain. I wasn't thinking and was just filled with rage. Once I calmed down and thought back on my life 5 years later, and recalled this I cried and cried and didn't stop until morning the next day. I regreted that and told stevey I was sorry. I still don't forgive Notch, I mean, he was older than me, was the older brother. He was supposed to help me and he didnt. Stevey forgave ms and that was the most important thing. back to the story.)


A few years had passed and I am now 10. and I have killed at least 5 times more than that number. only because I burned down villages and people got trapped. my brother Notch was proclaimed ruler and had discovered we could 'jump the wall' as he said. It means we can go in your earth world. The people who can do this are me, Notch, Job and the rest of my brothers friends. I don't know their names. I only know jobs because he had come over once. But then I freaked out and that ended all of the visits from friends. I'm not going to describe it, let's just say it wasn't pretty.

I had also renamed myself herobrine because after leaving after killing my parents I swore that I would be a hero and save people from Notches treachery. Steve and me had meet 1 year after I killed our parents and discussed. He told me that he just followed notch and didn't understand what was happening, so i forgave him. Notch is the only real threat. So as soon as i found out I could do this, I tried until I did. I was appalled at what I had seen. It looked nothing like home. everything was uneven and there were different shapes besides squares. you punch a Tree, and it doesn't give you wood and just hurts your hand. how are you supposed to build houses?! and don't even get me started on the houses. I'm sure you will already know what they look like so I won't give you the details, in fact I'm getting out of here back to my house. I got back and told steve what I had seen and he was equally disturbed and discusted.

     I left and told my group of friends. I know I said that I didn't have friends but I made some. they consist of Cory the creeper hybrid (Aqua's note : again, these are the only descriptions you will get of his friends. I had to beg again.) who has green hair and black eyes. buf not the cold black of notches they were somehow warmer. He wore a green creeper goodie and black jeans with no shoes. His hair was short and had a few stripes of black in it. He is very mellow and won't explode near you, but get    him  mad and and you better keep your distance.

  Then there's sally the skelly hybrid. she's the best archer in the world next to me. I'm not boasting, even she agreed. anyways she wears a skelly shirt and black pants her hair, surprisingly, is red. As in, FLAMING red. like someone set her hair on fire. She won't say, but I suspect that she is half skelly and half blaze. her eyes are reddish orange and she also wears no shoes. her arms and legs are thinner and bonnier than a normal minecraftians. I suspect blaze and not anything else because we were hunting on our own and I had made her angry and her hair started to flame like it WAS on fire. she started floating and got a bow that was flaming and shot a flaming arrow at me. As soon as it hit me she came back to her senses and apologized to Me a million times and made me promise not to tell any body. I promised her and we continued.

   Then there's zex the zombie hybrid. He is my best friend. He has black short hair, warm black eyes and a ripped blue shirt with ripped gray pants. and he wears black shoes because his feet are green. so is his chest. He also wears green glasses. same thing as cory. Really mellow unless angered, then you need to stay the nether away from him until he cools down.

  And then there's emily. She has long black hair with purple highlights, black dress with black and purple stripes and purple high tops. she has purple eyes, long legs and Is the tallest of our group. she also has purple glasses and fair skin. mellow until angered. you know the drill, stay away from her when she's mad.

They were all as disgusted as me. We all thought nothing more of this, in hopes it would all blow over. until one year later.


       So there you go. here's the chapter. and I will leave you at a cliff hanger because I'm cranky and I'm tired. so do whatever it is you stupid earthlings do on this thing.

   Aqua's note : Herobrine! that's not very nice. even less nice than usual.

  Sod off. I'm not the one who hit me over the head with a bat. I'm off to cory's. He always calms me down see you later. *teleports*

   *Facepalm. sigh* see you guys next chapter. hope I cleared dome stuff up with my last update. so like, comment and vote. Click that star and follow me as well please. I'm going to bed. herobrine is emotionally, mentally and physically exhausting.  If the part about  earth being discusting, appalling and disturbing offended any of you, sorry about that. that was just his view. He has actually warmed up to it quite a bit. baby steps people, baby steps. Bye for now!!

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