Chapter 2

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    Here we are again. This is where the sadness comes into play. If you were expecting this to be a complete back story from before I was known as herobrine and was feared by most of you and all minecraftians, sorry. welp, here it is. Enjoy my pain.


     I woke up the next morning to see steve about to jump on me to wake me up. Either father/mother want me, or he wants to go mining with me. those are the only reasons why he would wake me up like this.

     "Stevey, what do you want? or what do mum or dad want?" I asked him, all buisness.

      "I want to go mining again Briney! and notch said he would Come with us today! Please, please, please!!!!!" he begged, giving me his famous puppy dog eyes. I couldn't say no to him, so I just nodded. He cheered, thanked me and ran out of the room yelling notches name. I chuckled, finding my brother's enthusiasm very amusing.

   (if only I had said no or had gotten sick so that I couldn't go, we all wouldn't be here at this moment in time.) (Aqua's note : like I said last chapter, herobrine is angry and very easy to make angry right now. again, sorry about his attitude. )

     We had thought to bring our horses and extra saddles this time, so we got there faster. we put our horses on the bar thing outside and went in.


       everything was going great until notch had found a spawner. A skelly spawner. I had a bad feeling but nobody listened to me. As usual. Notch tried to just get the stuff from the chest without setting of the spawner, but that didn't work. While defending steve, I got hit with a fatal blow to the back. I cried out in pain, and then fell flat on my face. I heard teleporting, the sound of skellys dying and then I saw emily. she took one look at me and teleported away. I saw steve and notch backing away from me.

  I called out to them. "Stevey, Notch! Please help me! I'm still alive, please help me! help...please." I yelled, getting quieter with every passing second. my vision was getting blurry and the last thing I SAW was my brothers retreating forms. That's when it hit me. my brother's left me to die. All alone in a cave. my last thoughts were of hatred for my brothers and how I'd get them back for it if I could. The last thing I heard before blacking out was the sound of someone teleporting and emily's voice telling me;

     " Don't worry, we'll take care of you and make sure you live. You will be alright." then I blacked out.


     so there you go. my last painful moments as a human being of minecraftia. and I mean LITERALLY painful. As in excruciating pain. Both emotional and physical. Also the treachery of my brothers. now, I know what your thinking. how can I hold a grudge against steve? he was only 4, he probably didn't even know what was going on and you're probably right. And I knew that so I didn't really hold a grudge against him that much. just enough for him to know that what he did hurt me. then I forgave him. anyways yeah, like it, follow aqua and click that star/vote. bye.

Aqua's note : surprisingly he hasn't stormed off yet or attempted to murder anyone. maybe he really is changing for the better. NOT that I doubted him in the slightest an- *Explosion next to the house* HEROBRINE! What was that?!

   Your garage.

   WHAT!?! Why did you blow up my garage?


    Because you doubted me and lied to your readers.

    *Blank face like slendy* Start running. you have 5 seconds before I get my bat and chase you down.

      *gulps nervously* hahaha your joking right? Please tell me you're joking.

       5! 4! 3!

        Awe fudgesicles. *runs as fast as I can away from Aqua*

         Right so do what he said and I'll see you as soon as i find herobrine and give him what he deserves. bye!      *grabs the hardest bat I can find and chases down herobrine knocking him uncinsious*

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