Chapter 4

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     I'm back, and slightly more calm. Like I said yesterday, I went to cory's and he calmed me down. my head doesn't hurt anymore so I will be good. Here's more.


   One year had passed, and I decided to go back to your earth realm. i did, and I noticed something was different. There was a sign that said that a new 'game' Called Minecraft was coming out. Because it sounded like minecraftia, I decided that I should look into this. I went to where the sign said the 'game' was being sold.


It was a game made to be like home. I had to get back and warn everybody about this. Notch was behind this and that means it's dangerous to everybody!!! especially to cory, Emily, Sally and zex.  you earthlings would freak if you saw them. so I quickly teleported and went to find emily and the others.

  I told Emily to get the gang together for a meeting, and once she did, I told them all the news and what I had found out. even steve was there and he was extremely nervous around my friends. so we made a plan. I would kill of as many earthlings that I came across while they hid in my temples. and if anyone tried to get in, they would set of the traps I had installed.


    I had killed about five of you earthlings when I saw someone I had already killed.  "How is this possible!?! I KNOW I killed him! I'll just go and ask him. Don't blow a fuse." I said to myself and I flew down to him.

   I grabbed him and flew him up into the air. He wrote in the 'chat box' and said " ah!! Herobrine's got me! What do you want!?! I'll give you anything!" I chuckled and asked him how he is still alive, but he didn't answer.

    "What's the matter kid? Can't you speak?" I asked him. He typed something else in the chat box. (For now,  when it's in the chat, it will be bolted and italicized or slanted. just because I'm in a better mood doesn't mean I'm not still a little cranky from being hit in the head with a bat. just saying this now so your not confused. and so Aqua doesn't hit me again.) What he said just confused me.

   I can see your mouth moving but I can't hear you. I don't have a headset yet. you have to type in the chat or use a sign.

  I don't know what a 'head set' or 'chat' is, but I DO know what a sign is. so I put my question on a sigh and held it in front of his face. He typed something else in the chat.

   it's called respawning. it's a game. You don't really die in a game. Ever. are you going to kill me again?

  I told him yes, and told him to stay away from this world or I would keep killing him. He told me he would stay away from here and I thanked him, then dropped him from at least 20 blocks in the air. He died and I never saw him again. i went to all my friends and told them what I had learned. they were all scared and worried. Steve had to appear as good, so he stopped talking to me. but I understood.

  If our home really was turning into your game, I was evil to you. Do there had to be a good guy. that was steve. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but Notch didn't come home anymore so it had to be steve. so for one year I killed every single earthling I saw, regardless of whether you were near my friends or not.

   then, on the same day I featured what I did was WRONG, cory almost died because I wasn't there to protect him. You had all heard of me and my traps, so you used the way I get in to get to them. Aparrently to you stupid earthlings he just looked like a creeper. luckily I got to him in time and the earthling died. He never came back. I realized that my temples weren't safe anymore.

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