Chapter 1

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    We meet again. I didn't think you would stay and actually read this. *sigh* so I guess I have to tell you. so it all started when I was 7.


     "Briney!!!!!! Wake up, wake up, wake up!!! Today we get to go mining and you promised you would take me!!" Steve yelled, effectively waking me up by jumping on me. I chuckled at the fact that my 4 year old brother was THIS excited to mine. then again, I was the same way when it came to my first mining trip. I would do a flashback if I could accurately remember exactly what had happened.

    "Alright, Alright. I'm up stevey, now let me get dressed so that I can take you and so that you can calm down. Now, GET OFF!" I yelled the last part and glared at him. All he did was giggle and run out of my room, closing the door behind him. I got up, stretched and put on my traditional blue and purple outfit.

     "Morning mum, morning dad." I said giving my mum a kiss on the cheek and bowing slightly to my dad. my dad Is the ruler of our home, mincraftia to us but known as a game called mine craft for you earthlings. (Aqua's note : this is literally the only description you will get of his parents. I literally begged him for 5 hours just to get him to tell me. That's not happening again. EVER.) he is tall, has cold eyes like my brother's, wears a brown shirt and purple pants and has no hair. My mum has short curly brown hair, light blue eyes, a blue shirt and gray pants. so, that said, I have no idea where my white eyes came from and nor do i care. breakfast today consists of toast and waffles. everyone was already eating when i came in. guess I'm late...again. i bet your expecting me to say my mum or my father abuse me. That's not the case. They were actually pretty good people. (may they rest in peace) We just ate our breakfast in silence. As soon as steve finished eating, he bolted upright, out of his chair and down the hall. He came back a couple seconds later, with both my pick and his, a bag of torches I presume and our swords. He put them by the door and ran back to me. He kept tugging on my sleeve trying to get me to get up and leave with him.

    "Come on, come on, come on!! Let's go mining we don't have any time to waist!! get off your fat but and let's go!!!" Steve complained, now trying to push me out of my seat.


     "Alright, I'm going, I'm going. chill stevey it's not like it's going to dissappear into thin air if we don't get there in the next 5 seconds. we still need to get our shoes on. Just relax." I said, chuckling to my self as a look of impatience came across his face as I purposefully moved as slow as I could to annoy him. It worked.

    As soon as i put my shoes on, grabbed my pick, sword and the bag of torches, Steve was pulling me out the door with surprising strength. I had just enough time to shout a farewell to my parents. We started to walk as soon as we got closer to the mine.

    "Are you nervous stevey? We could go to the beginners mineshaft if you want. You know, the one with no monsters-"

"NO!!" he interrupted me. I was only asking because he had a strange look come across his face. "Okay then, let's go in." I said, and we entered the mine.


       We left the mine, nearly unscathed. Steve had a small scratch on his arm from a zombie, but other than that he was Fine. I on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. I had gotten shot twice by a skeleton, in the same spot on my leg. I had a few scratches from zombies and my hair was singed from a creeper attack. The reason why my brother only had one scratch was because most of my wounds were from protecting my brother. I bet you expect me to say I'm mad at him for making me risk my life and get hurt because of him, but I'm not. I'll gladly protect my baby brother even if it means I get hurt or even die.

    When we came out of the mine, it was night time. We both ran as fast as we could to get to our house, but we were 5 chunks away. sounds far but it's only a half hour ride. but we don't have a horse, a pig or a saddle. and it takes more than a hour to get home even if you run. and then we were ambushed by skeletons.

   "Stay behind me stevey, I'll take care of this. Just STAY BACK!" I yelled at him. He did what he was told and I began fighting for out lives. I had killed all of them except one and he shot at me. I jumped and the arrow hit stevey in the leg. He fell down with a scream of pain. I was furious.  that skelly didn't even have enough time to even think to load another arrow before his head was cut clean off.

    I turned back to steve, my only concern at the moment my brother's well being.  He was laying there, crying tears of pain. I knew he was in pain and I didn't want to make it worse but I had to pull the arrow out.

    "Okay stevey, I have to pull the arrow out, but it will hurt a bit okay? on the count of 3. 1,2,3!" I said, pulling the arrow out on three. He did a small yelp of pain when I pulled it out.

     "Steve can you walk?" I asked him. He tried,  but he fell back down and shook his head no. This is just great. He can't walk, I can't carry him and we are far away from civilization. then I heard a small voice say " I can help you." I got freaked out a bit and turned towards it with my sword out.

    "Who said that? If you truly want to help us then show yourself!" I yelled.  suddenly a seven year old girl came towards us. But she didn't look like your ordinary 7 year old girl. (Aqua's note : again, this is the only description of his friend you will get. He was almost in tears when telling me, and then wouldn't come out of his room for 2 hours.) she had black hair down to her waist, a black dress with black and green striped leggings and green shoes. but that wasn't what made her a little odd she had purple eyes like an enderman, and purple particles floated around her.

   "I can help you. If he can't walk, I can teleport you both to your house. and yes, I am part enderman. and my name is emily." she said. I smiled. This was probably the only person besides family that I wasn't afraid of. (you should know why if you read the prologue. I'm not saying it again.) (Aqua's note : he has a fear of people and claustrophobia. He is cranky today so sorry about his attitude.)

   "Sure! Thank you for helping us. How can I ever repay you?" I asked her after we had finished teleporting. (I'm not describing that. I can't even remember what it felt like.)

    "You could be my friend. I don't have any and I'm very lonely. would you be my friend...uh-" "it's brine and I would love to. bye emily!" I told her as she teleported off somewhere. After dad fixed steves leg, we went to bed. i thought of emily and before long i fell asleep. i dreamt of emily as well


    and now I'm back. Did you like that? hearing about my past life, the one that I lost a few years ago. It will be very painful to do this but I think you will like my pain. any ways, that's all for today. like, comment, vote and click that little star. I'm off to mur- I mean, pay a visit to a certain village. bye.*muttering* stupid motives not letting me murder people. Not like anyone will believe me? not like anyone will understand, no one understands me. puny earthlings. *storms off*


Aqua's note : *facepalm* I have to go after him before he sets another village on fire. Please give him a chance guys, I know he made have hurt you or even killed you on your world's but he's trying and once you hear his story, keep in mind he was not always this way. It's really not his fault, its notches. I know that in most stories it says this but I mean it. Those stories got that part right at least. any ways, I really have to go after him now, so please do what he said and I'll see you latter. bye.* runs after herobrine with a bat*

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