Chapter 5

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     Here's some more if my life for your prying eyes. This is getting near the end of my story, so expect only a few more chapters and that's it. sorry, not really a lengthy story.


  I am now 17. I haven't killed anybody in one year (with the exception of one direction) and was on my way to cory's when I heard a noise. being the curious person I am, I followed it. I wish I hadn't.

  it was Notch, the only person I hate with a passion, with a girl. A BABY girl. He soon noticed me staring, as did she. she looked at me and laughed, smiling. My brother, on the other hand, was glaring at Me. As in a way that if looks could kill, I'd be dead.

   "So bother, there haven't been anymore killings in minecraft or mincraftia.  any reason for the sudden change of heart? or are you just plotting?" he asked me, all serious.

     "Well, I realized what I had done and was doing was wrong, so i stopped. no big deal. and, I'm sorry about mum and dad, I wasn't thinking and was angry at you for leaving me." I told him, for once not trying to kill him and trying to be nice. emphasis on the word TRYING.

    "Save it. You should be apologizing to stevey and be-" "I already did, and he forgave me. What's with the girl?" I asked him, interrupting his rant. his face pailed when I said that stevey forgave me, then broke into a sick, twisted grin when I asked about the girl. I never wanted to see that look on his face again. ESPECIALLY when discussing a baby girl. it creeper me out.

   "Oh. her. Well I may or may not have been kidnapping her when you came across our path. I have also burned down her village, and wrote backwards on a sign like you do to blame you for the death and destruction of a nearby village with thousands of villagers in it. I was taking her back to be a slave for me. That's all." he said nonchalantly. 

      I was appalled. sure I may have done this myself, but that was when I was completely blinded by hatred. and I would NEVER go as far as to take a BABY for a slave. or take a slave at all! then I got mad at him.

   "Notch. Give. her. to. me. NOW." I told him through clenched teeth. I was all for taking a nonviolent way to do this, but I would get physical if he made me. I was NOT leaving without that girl. And NO I did NOT  want her as a slave. I just wanted to get her away from Notch.

   "If you want her this badly, just come and take her from me." he dared me. oh, it is ON!!

   "Gladly." I replied, vanishing only to reappear right next to him. While he was momentarily stunned, I took the girl, and teleported far enough away from my brother so that he could still hear me but couldn't grab the girl easily.

  "How did you do that?" he asked me, somewhat coming back to his senses. He still didn't notice I had the girl. I just smirked.

   "We all have our tricks brother, and I have not shared them all with you, nor will I ever. I want to keep you guessing, keep you on your toes. thanks for the girl. I'm out." I said, leaving him stunned and slightly angry as i teleported to cory's house. I know I surprised him, by the look on his face. I smirked and looked down, finding the girl fast asleep. HOW she managed to sleep through that whole situation, is a complete mystery for me. Cory apparently hadn't noticed her yet.

    "WHAT THE NETHER MAN?!?! You almost gave me a heart attack!!! Do you even KNOW what would have happened?!?! Why I oughta-" "You would blow up. Now will you shut up? I gave a sleeping BABY in my arms for- ya know what? forget it. I never want to hear the word Notch again. Starting now." I snapped at him. by the awe struck look on his face, I surprised him.

     "What's her name?" "I don't know." "you killed her family and most likely her village AND took her home with you, and didn't bother to learn her name?" "NO, I didn't kill her parents OR burn down her village, I told you I stopped killing both earthlings and minecraftians. especially minecraftians, ESPECIALLY  if they are BABIES!!!" "Then who did?" "if your looking for the killer, point your fingers at my brother." "STEVE!?!" "1st, No. 2nd, Quiet the nether down!" "Notch did this?" "yep" "How do you know?" he asked me. I sighed. by now, Emily, Sally and zex were in here staring at us. I guess they heard our conversation and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I sighed again, looking down, sure that the baby girl would be awake by now, but surprisingly, she was still asleep. I looked back up at cory. I guess I have to explain.

     "Well, I was on my way here, walking, and I heard a noise. Me, being the nosy son of a ghast I am, went to go check it out. I saw something I didn't want to see. Notch was covered in blood, holding this Baby. He noticed me at the same time that she did. While she smiled at me and laughed, he glared at me with a passion.  He asked me why I stopped killing, so I told him and asked about the girl. He got this sick, perverted, twisted grin on his face and a wierd gleam in his eyes. I never wanted to see that look on his face again. He told me that he had burned down the village, wrote on the signs backwards and had kidnapped her. In other words, he blamed me for it and took the girl to be his slave. His. SLAVE!

so I asked for the girl as calmly as I could. He said he wouldn't give her to me and told me that if I wanted her, come and take her. so I did that disappear and reappear trick you taught me, Emily, took her and teleported far enough away from Notch so that he could still hear me but couldn't grab the girl easily. He asked me how I did that and I said that I have many secrets that he doesn't know about and teleported here. You know the rest. So, No, I didn't bother to ask him what this girls name cory." I told him, sitting down on the couch.

    "So what are you going to do with her? Give her to steve like alice?" Sally asked me. I shook my head no. "That's what he's expecting me to do. He knows about alice, I'm sure of it so that's not safe anymore. And I can't take her to another village, because they aren't safe at all. I don't know what to do with her." I said, exasperated.

    "Why don't you keep her?" Zex asked. at this I bolted upright. "If you're suggesting that I use her as a slave, you don't know me at all. I would NEVER do that to a CHILD. It's inhumane." I snapped at him, barely able to keep my voice below a shout.

   "That's not what I'm saying I-" "Then what are you saying?" "If you would stop interrupting me, I could tell you. Now can I continue?" he asked me, a little angry. I backed off and nodded. "Good. now what about keeping her and raising her as your daughter. think about it, she has nowhere else to go besides the earth realm, and do you want to let those earthlings raise her?" he asked me. I shook my head no. I didn't really want to have her be raised by them. (Again, sorry about that comment if it offended you. This is just mine and my friends views.) I guess I didn't have much choice.

  "Okay. but what should I name her? I can't just refer to her as 'her' and 'the girl' every time I speak about her. any suggestions?" I asked them. All of them except sally shook thier heads no.

   "Aqua." "What?" I asked her. "I think you should name her Aqua because of her blue eyes." she said. I agreed. I liked the sound of it. and then she started crying.


    so bow you know why Notch is the bad guy. There you go. I now have more of a reason to hate him than just the fact that he left me to die. And that's how Aqua became My daughter. and I love her as if she was my own. Well, that's all for now. tune in next time to see what I did about her crying. And for all those haters out there, they don't know about us. and I did it again didn't I?

  Aqua's note : Yes you did. But I won't sing it. *Barely contains song, looks like she's about to blow up*

  FINE. you may sing the chorus ONLY.


  You sure about that?

  yes. That's all I can remember.

   okay then. so comment, vote and click that star. anything you want to add Aqua?

Not really. So Bye my friends!

  The endings new.

  it's what I'm calling my readers now.

  And the best you could do is friends?

  give me a break! All the good ones are taken!

   okay then. Bye Aqua's friends!

  Bye my friends!

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