stryker's dead

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  • Dedicated to Ashley Peters

I lay there in the pitch blackness that engulfed my cell that I was forced to live in. My eyes were shut tight, but I could still sense their presence when they entered the room even before they touched the switch. I could hear the click of the switch as they flipped it to the on position and light flooded the tiny cell. “Alright Drusilla time for more tests,” the harsh voice grunted as they had the past eight years of my horrible existence. It was always the same thing every day, they would come in at exactly nine in the morning and they would force me out of my cell and onto an icy cold medical table. Then they would continue to poke and prod, and slice me up or inject me with god knows what and all of this was because I was a mutant. I was forced up onto my feet and down the hallways, but today was different they didn’t take me down the same path they always had and I couldn’t help but to wonder what they were doing. After about five minutes of walking, we reached the end of the hallway and stood in front of two large metallic doors.

                We could hear the buzz of power tools scraping along metal and the loud crackle of electricity surging through the room. My eyes widened in awe as we stepped through the giant doors. There were huge scientific machines everywhere I looked, and in the middle of the room was a tank filled with water. Now the scientist in me was in wonderment and awe of everything around me, and the mutant in me was terribly angry because I knew what they used this equipment for, and of course the little piece of humanity that still coursed through my veins was scared to my very core. I was snapped out of my day dream as I was pushed towards the tank and towards the one person I loathed more than anybody in the entire world. It was William Stryker he was the man who snatched away my entire world. He was the man who ordered the kill on my mum. I scowled at him as we approached him and he just chuckled, “hook it up to the machine” his voice commanded the two goons that held me in their iron grip. As soon as he snapped his fingers I was shoved on to a metal table that hovered over the tank of water and I was strapped down to it and a breathing apparatus was forced into my mouth.  

                They slowly lowered the table down into the icy cold waters below me. It sent multiple shivers down my spine. Even over the muffling of the water in my ears, I could still hear the whirling roar of the machines starting up. In my peripheral vision I could see the needles getting closer and closer to my face and body. I closed my eyes and prepared for contact, and three…two…one. The needles penetrated my skin and sunk deep down into my skeletal structure. I could feel the hot goo that was being mixed inside the tubes outside of the tank being forced into my body. My body writhed in pain and I felt as if I was going to die, in fact this was the first time I had wished death upon myself. It would have been a sweet reprieve from the torture I was being put through. Just as I thought I was about to die from the pain, it stopped and I was raised out of the water. “Weapon XI is fully completed” a voice spoke out over the intercom.

                My head felt dizzy and my body felt like I had gained about a thousand pounds. They unstrapped me and made me stand up off the table. I closed my eyes and waited for the room to stop spinning. I could feel their grip tighten around my wrists “take her to the lab and erase her memory, we don’t need another weapon X on our hands” The voice was Stryker's. Just then I felt something snap inside of me. No way in hell was he going to take away my memories, because they were the only things that kept me sane. I roared in anger startling the two men that held me, and in two swift moves the men that were holding me were on the ground in a puddle of their own blood. I looked down at my body the crimson red color stained my clothing. Then I looked to my hands where three long razor claws protruded from in between my knuckles. A sickly sweet grin spread across my face. I was strong, well stronger and I was out for blood Stryker's blood.

The room around me was in full on panic mode. People’s screams filled the air along with the smell of sweat, fear, and blood. I let out a small chuckle and started to kill people left and right. A thick layer of blood started to quickly coat the floor where the bodies were piling up. They wanted the beast well now they got it. My lips curled into a smirk as I looked around at my handy work. I walked through the lab, stepping over dead bodies as I did. My eyes darted around the room looking for any sign of Stryker still being there, but he was gone. He and the rest of the scientists had escaped their fate for the time being, but it wouldn’t last forever. I would find and kill them all if it was the last thing I ever did. I strolled over to the metal doors and slid out my claws and pierced through the thick metal, and within mere seconds the loud clang of the doors hitting the ground echoed through the halls. I stepped out the doors and into the sunlight. Stryker had better prepare himself because nothing was going to stop me.

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