I lust you Part Two

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       All of my senses were on high alert as I strolled down the busy streets of Berlin. My eyes scanned the face of every single person that passed by me which for a normal person this would consist of a challenge, but with my heightened senses this came quite easy for me. My body tingled with excitement as I searched the fast paced streets for any sight of Stryker as people bustled their way toward jobs, homes, loved ones, or maybe just out for a day on the town. A chill shot down my spine as I turned the corner and came face to face with the one person I wasn’t expecting to see…Logan.

------Wolverine’s POV------

            The warm breeze whipped around my body stirring up all the different scents that consumed the bustling town of Berlin. However, my senses picked up on one scent in particular…Dru. I darted down the crowded sidewalks pushing through the groups of pedestrians trying to find the source. I was drawing closer to the point of origin, as I was just about to turn the next corner my eyes fell upon the very person I was tracking. I couldn’t help but to smile as I looked down at her “Dru, I’ve found you” I wrapped my arms around her engulfing her into a hug as I pulled her small frame into my own slightly bigger frame and took in her scent. As I did this she seemed hesitant at first but then she hugged back. This made me incredibly happy, that is until I caught a whiff of another scent that was all over her that I neglected to recognize earlier…Victor.

------Back to Dru’s POV------

I was a little shocked to see Logan here, so even after he pulled me into a tight embrace I was in my state of shock and didn’t hug back for a couple minutes. I sighed pulling out of the hug looking up into his chocolate eyes that made my knees go weak “what are you doing here…I t-thought I told you not to come find me and that I had to leave.” I ran a shaky hand through my hair “that place was making me to soft…it was making me weak” I balled my hands into fists hard causing my nails to puncture my flesh and blood to trickle down and splatter to the ground mixing with the dirt below. Logan stared at me in disbelief but quickly snapped back into reality “I-I thought you were in trouble so I…” his eyes saddened at the realization that I wasn’t kidnapped and I left willingly. His eyes hardened in a split second “where is he…where’s Victor” he snapped. I shook my head as I turned to walk away from him but my wrist was snagged by his steel like grip as he turned me back around to face him. “Please…just go” I begged as a pang of sorrow shot through my heart. “Do you love him…” his voice was serious with a hint of jealousy and anger. Letting out a shaky sigh I nodded “yes…I believe that I do, but nothing more can happen until I finish the mission.” His head shot up at this “nothing else? What do you mean nothing else…what else has happened.” My face turned with a light shade of pink as I shifted my weight from each foot “well…” I ran a hand through my hair and starred at my feet so he couldn’t see my rapidly darkening face. At this action he realized what we had done and he backed away from me slowly and turned to walk away. My eyes swelled with tears as I watched him walk away “I-I’m so very sorry…” and I fell to my knees and allowed the tears to fall freely to the ground.  

------2 days later------

            Today was going to be the day that I was going to kill Stryker and complete my mission and avenge my mother’s death. We had been doing tons of research or should I say I had hacked into the computer system and was doing scans to find him and yesterday I finally hit pay dirt. He was staying in a hotel on the other side of town and I was going to pay him a little visit, but first I would have to wear a disguise. I slipped into this (http://www.polyvore.com/drusillas_desguise/set?id=61359360#stream_box). The dress fit like a glove and the shoes added to my already tall height extenuating the muscles in my legs. I slid on the blond wig and adjusted the bright blue contacts in my eyes, and finally I slid a small weapons belt around my leg that concealed a dagger and a small pistol. Once I was satisfied that I knew Stryker wouldn’t recognize me I strolled back into the room with a small clutch bag in my left hand that also held a couple more weapons…just in case. I was finishing some minor touches in the mirror when I felt two large arms encompass me. Unfortunately I couldn’t prevent the smile that was crawling its way onto my face as he spun me around to face him. His eyes scanned up and down my body slowing down at certain parts as a playful growl escaped his lips “see something you like” I teased as I pressed up against him planting a kiss firmly on his lips. He pulled me even closer…if that was even possible and deepened the kiss sending shocks all through my body and making my knees go weak. I slowly pulled away “Vic…I can’t right now, but maybe…when I get back we could continue” he let out a frustrated sigh and pulled me into one last kiss “ok, but you owe me” he smirked as he said the last part. I nodded “anything you want Vic” I said as I skipped out of the door on my way to complete my mission.

            I was two blocks away from his building and my adrenaline was beginning to kick in to overdrive as my heart quickened and my breath became deeper in shorter gasps. After another ten minutes or so of walking I reached his building. Ok, the goal is to kill Stryker and anyone else who stands in my way I spoke silently to myself as I entered the building. I walked in and headed for the elevator when security stopped me. He asked me who I was here to see and I couldn’t tell him the truth or he might blow my cover. I thought long and hard before deployed my next move, and in one swift motion I brought my palm up hard and crashed it into his nose causing a sickening crack and soon after the warm crimson goo was trickling down from his nose and onto his clean, fresh work shirt. I wiped my hands off on his lifeless body and let it fall limp to the ground. Soon after I hid his body and made my way over to the main desk in search of the skeleton key that would unlock every room no matter what “bingo” I said as I snatched the last remaining key. I briskly walked to the elevator and hit the button for the top floor where he resided at. It seemed to drag on forever as the annoyingly loud elevator music played as each floor dinged by. Finally after about ten minutes of ridding the elevator doors slid open to reveal the pent house where two guards’ stood blocking the entrance way. I let out a small chuckle as I slowly allowed my nails to become six inch talons. Slipping out of the elevator I slowly made my way towards to two buff looking security guards. A coy smile played on my lips as one of the men approached me…bad move. I quickly brought my fist up and connected my claws with his neck plunging my claws deep into his jugular. I laughed evilly as he grasped at his neck in a failed attempt to stop the bleeding. He dropped to the floor laying on his back he gurgled and sputtered up blood until finally his body went limp as he lay in a pool of his own crimson essence. I stared up at his co-worker his face held a look of pure horror and his face was as white as snow “you know…you can save yourself…if your smart you will run and never look back.” He looked back down at his friend then back at me as he took aim…pity, but it has to be done and I did give him the option to run. I smirked as I lunged for him. He let off a few rounds but I easily dodged them edging ever closer until I finally dealt the final blow. I flipped behind him grabbing ahold of his head and neck in the process. Applying a bit of pressure I twisted his head all the way around until I heard that satisfying crunch that was soon followed by silence as I let his body fall to the ground.   

            Finally, it was time for my vengeance I was going to make him suffer for what he did. I slid the master key into the lock and slowly pulled it out. Upon hearing the click of the door signaling that it was unlocked I cautiously poked my head inside to make sure the coast was clear. When I was confident that it was safe I stepped in fully and shut the door behind me locking it in the process. My senses heightened to every minuscule detail…every sound, sight, and smell. I stopped in front of two doors and listened for any sounds. Just then I heard a gun cock and I felt the cool metal press to the back of my skull causing me to stop dead in my tracks. I slowly raised both of my hands in the air because if I know Stryker, which sadly I do…he won’t have regular bullets in that gun of his. I slowly turned to face my attacker. My eyes widened in shock “b-but i-it c-c-can’t b-be” they smirked as the crashed the gun down over my head causing me to black out. The last thing I remember was seeing my attacker looming over me along with someone else and then I fell into a black abyss. 

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