Is this goodbye?

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I sighed as I boarded the plane. I really did hate flying, but at least this time it's a private plane. I sat staring out the window at the small town shrinking slowly into the distance. A wave of nausea swept over me so I shut the blinds and tried to focus on anything else besides the sickness setting in. Victor sat down in the seat beside me, setting his hand down on top of mine. his touch alone was enough to ease the nausea. I opened my eyes and looked up at him, "Vic..." my words were cut short as the plane was slammed sideways. There was  now a giant hole in the side of the plane, wind gushing in and the oxygen levels dropped fast. I quickly fastened my seatbelt, bracing myself for what was to come next. The plane began falling apart and the next thing I knew I was plummeting towards earth. I crashed to the ground and everything went hazy, all except the blinding pain from hitting the ground, but that soon passed as my body began healing. Victor landed just feet from me, and he was knocked unconscious in the fall. All I could think of was getting Victor and getting the hell out of there before whoever did this decided to show up. 

I got up off the ground and slowly made my way towards Victor's side. All of a sudden my shirt grew darker and pain spread through my chest. my fingers gently touched the now wet fabric. It was my blood, I'd been shot. My knees gave way and I crumpled to the ground.  I rolled over to meet my attacker. My eyes widened in fear and rage, "you...but it can't be, you're dead." They let out a chuckle, "oh no my dear, that's just what we needed you to believe, we had to get you when your guard was down." I went to lunge at him but he shot me again, "these" he said motioning to one of the bullets as he loaded it into the gun's chamber "are specially made adamantium bullets for mutants like yourself, had to make them the last time we did this little experiment with weapon X. You see we've been monitoring you, and you've got something very important inside of you."  

I had had enough of this, "what the fuck are you babbling on about, there's nothing special about me." He laughed again "oh but there is, you're pregnant." My heart sank at those words "but that's impossible" he interrupted "oh but it's very true and your child is going to play a very pivotal role in the fight between humans and mutants, which is why we need that child." Fear crept in as I screamed as loud as I could "Victor wake up, I need you..." I could hear him stirring. He grabbed me forcefully by the back of my head and hauled me to my feet. A helicopter landed just a few feet away and he shoved me in front of him  "now walk" tears rolled down my face, so this is how it was going to be, back to the cage, the torture, my freedom, love, and baby taken from me. No, I refused to have that happen ever again. I bawled my hands up into fists, prepared to go down fighting.  

I turned ready to attack, surprised at what I saw, or who I saw. A smile sprung to my face, Stryker turned to come face to face with an angry Victor. Victor's hand was around his neck in two seconds, slowly squeezing the life out of him as he lifted him off the ground, "hello Stryker, it's been a while" Stryker gasped for breath. Victor turned to me "go ready the helicopter, we're getting out of here." I nodded and did as I was told, about five minutes passed and there was still no sign of Victor. I exited and went back to find him standing still taking to Stryker, but all of a sudden he fell to the ground, and my mother walked out of the shadows, I placed my hand firmly over my mouth to keep the scream that so badly wanted to be let out in. I watched on in horror as Victor fell to the ground, his blood pooling around him. My body shouted at me, telling me to run, that he was dead, but my feet wouldn't move.  

The love of my life and father to my unborn child was dying right in front of me and I couldn't even move. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, this was it, now or never. They weren't about to get away with this, not again. I forced myself to move, one step at a time until I was in a full on sprint down the hill. I was only a few feet away from them. I leapt ready to attack, only to crash into the ground. They were gone, Stryker, my mom, and Victor. They took him, and I have no clue as to where, I screamed as loud as I could.  I had to find him, but I was going to need some help and a lot of weapons. I pulled myself up off the ground and made my way towards the helicopter. I need someone smart, really smart... It was time to meet my father.

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