Back to base

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            I finally managed to make my way back to the hotel room. Sliding the key into the lock and pushing the door open to reveal a still sleeping Victor. I couldn’t help but chuckle at this because it was now five at night and he had been sleeping since seven o’clock last night. I gently placed myself on the bed and crawled over to where he laid tangled in the blankets. “Vic” I cooed gently into his ear “Vic honey I think you should wake up” I planted a gentle kiss on his lips earing me a moan. I smiled at this and continued to kiss him until finally he kissed back “morning sleepy head” he didn’t answer he only wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. He finally opened his eyes to reveal the quicksilver grey that I love so much “you know it’s already five…what did you just go back to sleep after I left?” He let out a small chuckle and nodded his head. Clearing his throat he spoke “so how’d the mission go” I smiled down at him “oh that went perfect…now if you will excuse me I need to take a shower to remove all of this blood.” He reluctantly released me and I got up to go take my well-deserved shower.

            I walked over to my closet and pulled out this ( and sat it on the sink in the bathroom. Then I turned the water on full blast and let my bloodied clothing fall to the floor at my feet. Stepping into the scalding water my body tensed but soon relaxed once I adjusted to the temperature of the water. I watched the mixture of sweat, dirt, and blood run off of my body, swirling down the drain allowing myself to get lost deeply in my thoughts about the events of the day. Stryker is dead, along with my mum who I assumed up until today loved me and was dead too and now she is dead thanks to me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a tapping at the bathroom door “Dru…are you alright” it was Victor who had asked this so I made up a quick lie “y-yeah I’m fine.” He must have sensed that it was false because the next thing I know he barged inside and pulled back the curtain to reveal how hot the water really was “Damn it are you crazy” he said as he adjusted the water temperature. My eyes scanned my body and I realized I was beat red, the only part of me that was my normal pale white was my face.

My knees were growing weak as I stood under the water and soon my legs turned into jello and gave out causing me to fall to my knees the water still pounding down on top of me. Victor grabbed my chin and forced my gaze to look at him and as I stared deeply into Victor’s eyes I felt the tears prick my eyes getting ready to fall any minute.

------Victor’s POV------

            My eyes locked onto the small clock that lay on the night stand beside the bed and I realized that Dru had been in the shower for over an hour now. I gently placed my feet on the ground and made my way over to the bathroom door. Placing my ear on the wood of the door I listened intently and thanks to my powers I was picking up every sound from the water pouring out of the showerhead to the sound the water was making going down the drain. Listening even closer I could make out talking…no not talking more like singing.

I knocked on the door as gently as I possibly could and the singing stopped. So I cleared my throat and asked “Dru…are you alright.” She paused for just a second and then replied “y-yeah I’m fine.” I didn’t even need my powers to tell me that she was lying so I barged inside and pulled back the curtain to reveal her standing under the scalding water. Her entire body was a scarlet red color everything except her face.

She just continued to stare at the floor of the shower until her legs gave out and she fell to her knees. She still wouldn’t look at me, so I grabbed her chin and tilted her head up towards me. Her eyes were glassy looking as if she wanted to cry. I had had enough of this so I turned off the water completely and grabbed a towel off the rack that hung on the wall. I wrapped the towel around her limp frame and then hoisted her up and out of the shower. I pulled her body as close to me as I possibly could and brought her out of the bathroom. I lay down on the bed and pulled her on top of me gently stroking her hair. Her body finally started to relax and I felt her cuddle closer to me and eventually we both fell asleep in each other’s arms.  

------Back to Drusilla’s POV------

            I slowly opened my eyes and I realized that I was on someone and they had their arms around me. Looking down I recognized that it was Victor who was holding me and I couldn’t help but smile. Then I realized that I was only in a towel and all the memories of yesterday came flooding back. I gently removed Vic’s arms from around me and slid to the ground. Standing up I craned my neck to look at the clock that now read eleven AM. I made my way to the bathroom and my clothes were still on the counter so I picked them up and got dressed. Once I had my outfit on I styled my hair and did my make-up. When I was fully satisfied with how I looked I made my way towards the bedroom to go pack.

            Victor was still lying on the bed sound asleep. A small chuckle escaped my lips as I approached the bed “well I will have to do something about this now wont I.” I snuck onto the bed and gently straddled the still sleeping Victor…man this guy could sleep through the apocalypse. I leaned down to where our bodies were completely touching and began trailing kisses up and down his jaw line. A slight moan escaped his lips that now held a smile. I placed each hand on either side of his face and gently planted my lips on top of his and began kissing him. After a minute or two I felt him begin to kiss me back. It felt so right like it was meant to be.

Our lips moved in perfect sync with each other’s. A couple minutes of kissing passed by and then I felt his arms snake their way around my waist and pull me down closer to him if that was even possible to deepen the kiss. Eventually I had to pull away to breathe and that is when Victor opened his eyes “good morning sleepy head” I said as I placed another kiss on his lips. He smiled into the kiss and replied with a muffled “well good morning to you too.” I giggled as I sat up to look at the time which now read twelve PM. I let out an exaggerated groan as I got up off of Victor “come on we have to pack and get ready to head back to the base.

Now it was his turn to groan as he sat up and began talking “oh yeah that reminds me…the base has been moved. Magneto called while you were out and said that the base had been compromised so it was moved to Genosha. So we are going to have to take a plane ride again.” I just smiled at him and nodded my head. We both began packing our bags and once we were done with that we made sure we had everything and made our way to the airport to head to Genosha.

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