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            The feel of cold metal wrapped tightly around my wrists, ankles, neck and midsection pulled me from my dreamless sleep into my now hellish reality. I tried to blink the sleep from my eyes since my hands were bound to a table that I was placed upon. When my vision finally cleared I looked to be in some kind of laboratory and then it all came flooding back to me and it felt like I had been punched in the stomach multiple time. My heart rate quickened when I heard the door dob begin turning and then anger flooded me as my eyes landed upon the person who I thought I would never see again. A lot of questions flooded through my mind as panic began to set in, but the biggest question of them all was why. The waving of a hand in my face snapped me out of my wondering “why hello my sweet Dru…my how you have grown my precious baby girl.” I let out an animalistic growl as I lunged for her only to be stopped by the chains “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!” The tears were beginning to flow freely down my face and stain my shirt. She walked up to me and gently placed her hand on my face trying to wipe away the tears but I yanked my head away from her “do NOT touch me” I hissed filling my words with as much venom as possible. I felt a burning pain cross my face as she brought her hand across it “now is that any way to speak to your mum” that struck a nerve with me as I let out a sarcastic HA “you are not my mum…you are nothing to me. I thought you were dead and that thing…” I said motioning to Stryker who was standing behind this imposter “took me away and made my life a living hell for eight years until they made one fatal mistake and made me even stronger than I already was.”

I fell silent and let my head fall down allowing my hair to cover my face. I let out a small chuckle “you know what I don’t get is if you didn’t want to have me, why not get an abortion or give me up for adoption?” there was a brief moment of silence when she finally started to speak “well…at first I wasn’t going to keep you. I hated you with everything I had because you reminded me so much of your father” those words were like a knife being plunged into my heart and I felt the tears begging me to let them loose but I refused to give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry. “So the night I brought you home from the hospital I ended up having a few drinks and finally came to a conclusion that you should be killed because you didn’t deserve to live. You know that scar on your stomach well that is where I plunged the knife into your gut hoping to just end it all right there” she had a sickening smirk on her face as she continued speaking. “The funny thing is you didn’t die. After I pulled out the knife your wound closed and healed all by itself and that is when I realized that you were a freak just like my sister was. That was the night that Stryker came knocking at my door with a plan. You see we would wait for you to get older and then after you gained all of your powers they would take you away from me after they paid me a large sum of money of course.” My face contorted into a snarl and I could feel the anger flowing through me the beast was stirring inside of me and there was no way in hell that I was going to be denying it. I let out a bellowing laugh that continued to grow. They both stared at me like I had lost it “what…what is so fucking funny” I glared at her “you are…oh you’re so pathetic” my voice deepened into a more animalistic sound “you’re a weak, pathetic human and your kind needs to be exterminated off of the face of the earth” I felt my claws extend through my flesh and with on swift pull the chains that held me in place snapped and fell with a rattle to the floor. I stood up and stared at them. They both had a look of pure terror that covered their features. I could practically smell the fear, sweat, and adrenaline pumping out of them. I let the beast fully take over as I inched closer and closer to them until they were backed into a wall. I raised my hand and brought it down slicing through her like butter. I plunged my knives into her abdomen and felt the blood ooze out of her and onto my hand. It was warm and sticky and the perfect color too. I slowly pulled my fist away from her as she slid down the wall and her heart ceased to beat any further.

Once I was sure she was dead I whipped my head in Stryker's direction and found him huddled in a corner sniveling like the coward he is. I stalked towards him grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and hoisting him up onto the table. He was going to feel my wrath and was going to be put through all the pain he had caused me through the years. I strapped his motionless body onto the table. Oh how weak he was and I think he knew it. I undid his shirt and began slicing his flesh off of his body inch by inch. It was slow and agonizing trust me I made sure of that. Once his body was void of all flesh and his nerves were all still working I lowered him into a tub and brought my gaze to meet him “you deserve so much worse than this but at least you will be dead” I spat at him as I stood back up plunging a couple of needles into his now exposed muscles. I slowly turned on the machine that he was now hooked up to and it began to pump out a viscous material causing him to let out a blood curdling scream. Oh right…that viscous material was a type of acid they used on us ‘test subjects’ it was slow acting and hurt like a son of a bitch and it was now eating away at his organs which would take hours until he finally died. Once I was sure he was actually dead I made my way over to the small table that sat beside his now melted corpse and proceeded to set up a bomb that would blow in one minute. I casually walked out of the building and made my way down the street and finally felt the explosion rattle the sidewalk. I smiled to myself as I made my way back to the hotel. My mission was complete…now next on my list is destroying the humans.        

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