Boxing with Wolverine

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  • Dedicated to Ashley Adams

I walked down the long dirt road until I came across a small little bar, and I thought to myself might as well stop and rest for a couple minutes and even get myself a drink. I strolled up to the wooden doors and gently pushed them open. I slid inside and closed the door behind me and headed straight for the bathroom to wash the blood off of my face and hands. Standing in the bathroom I closely examined my face, and my face was smeared with blood not mine of course and my pupils were dilated from all of the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I turned on the hot water and began scrubbing the blood off of my face. I watched the red substance swirl down the drain and disappear into the black abyss.

                I slowly made my way to the bar and sat down. “What’ll it be” the bartender inquired “I’ll have a beer” I grunted out and waited for my order. He slid me the frothy beverage and I let the refreshing liquid slide down my throat. I listened to the crowd cheer as some drunken jackass was either taking or giving a decent beating to another drunken jackass in the caged ring behind me. The bell sounded and I could hear some disgruntled customers complaining about their loss. Just then the referee spoke into the microphone “does anyone wish to step into the ring and challenge the champion of the ring Wolverine?” No one spoke up “if you can last five minutes in the cage that person will win five-hundred dollars…any takers.” I decided to test my luck and spoke up “I’ll take that challenge” I smirked taking off my jacket and laying it on my bar stool. I swiftly strolled to the cage and got inside, and you could hear the laughter fill the room from all the drunks. I just shook my head and prepared to fight. The ref covered the microphone and stared down at me in disbelief “you sure you want to do this kid?” I just smirked up at him “I think maybe you should be asking the other guy that” I said with a smug tone in my voice. “Alright kid it’s your funeral…” and with that said the bell tolled and the ref exited the ring allowing the match to start.

                My opponent turned around to size me up, but little did he know I was doing the same thing. We circled each other. He had dark brown hair and even darker eyes to match and stood at five foot three inches and he wasn’t wearing his shirt which revealed his well-toned torso and upper arms. I blushed slightly at this but then shook my head snapping out of my daze allowing me to regain my composure.  I waited for him to throw the first punch and I blocked it with my left hand and then brought my right elbow down hard on to his head. Then I followed this with a kick to his stomach and a left uppercut causing him to fall to the ground in pain. He lay there for a couple seconds but then he got back up and scowled at me, because obviously that had not happened to him in a very long time. I gave him a smirk right back and we continued the fight  throwing punches and kicks one right after the other and neither of us seemed to be getting hurt or even slightly tired. The bell sounded and it was time for the fifth and final round. We stepped out of our corners and came out swinging I punched him right square in the face and kicked him in the stomach. Then he punched me right in the nose breaking it and you could hear the bones already resetting themselves as the cut above my nose healed its self almost instantly. After what seemed like only one minute the match was over with and no one had won it so they went to the judges for the final tally. We both stood on stage waiting for the result and the ref took the microphone and spoke into it his voice echoed over the crowd “the winner and still undefeated champion of the ring the Wolverine” he held up his hand and the crowd roared in approval. I nodded my thanks for the good fight and stepped out of the ring to go collect my money.

                I went to the owner of the fight ring and collected my five-hundred dollars and went to go sit at the bar. I slung my leg over the bar stool where my jacket held my seat for me and slid my jacket on over my arms. I placed down a fifty dollar bill and told the bartender to give me a pitcher of beer and to keep them coming. I planned on trying to get a nice buzz going, if that was even possible due to my regenerative properties. I chugged down my second beer in like two minutes when my opponent came up to me and sat next to me. He sat down and lit a cigar which I loved the smell of and I offered him a beer which he gladly took. “The names Drusilla, but you can call me Dru…” I said as I poured both of us a drink. He nodded “my names Logan, but most everyone calls me wolverine.” I smirked and raised my glass “well wolverine, here’s to good health and keeping promises to yourself no matter what.” We clinked glasses and chugged them in one gulp. “So… where are you heading” he asked trying to make conversation with me. I stared into my empty beer mug and sighed heavily “well I am on a mission, right now I am looking for a William Stryker…ever heard of him?” He just stared at me in disbelief then let out a small growl “yeah I know that son of a bitch Stryker, he ruined my life…and I think I just might know somebody who can give you his location. His name is Charles Xavier and he runs a school for…gifted youngsters.” I smirked at him “don’t you mean mutants?” he sighed and shook his head yes. “Do you want to come with me and see if he has any answers as to where he might be?” I shook my head in agreement and hopped up off of the bar stool and he led me out to a black Harley Davidson motorcycle and handed me a helmet which I rejected while tapping my skull with my knuckles “don’t need it, I’ve got a built in one thanks to Stryker.” He just sighed and hopped on the bike and I hopped on behind him and we drove off into the night heading towards the mansion for some answers.   

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