I lust you part one

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      The road seemed to go on forever as we went around twists and turns. We were on our way to the airport…you see Striker’s new hide-out was in Germany. I was almost about ready to pass out and drift into a deep slumber when the bike skidded to a halt in front of the airport. I lifted my head from its position on Victor’s back and stared up at the tall building that had planes taking off in the background. A small sigh escaped from my mouth as I hopped off of the bike and arched my back into a stretch allowing my entire vertebra to crack back into their proper alignment. Victor put down the kickstand and shut off the engine pulling the key out of the ignition. He walked around the front of the bike and stood beside me “you ready to do this” I sighed and ran a shaky hand through my hair “as ready as I’ll ever be” we proceeded towards the sliding glass doors and entered the airport. I casually strolled up to the counter and placed a credit card down on the counter top and slid it over towards the lady behind the desk “excuse me mam I would like two, first class tickets to Berlin, Germany” she smiled a warm friendly smile and started to punch in something on the computer in front of her. If only they knew who…or should I say what I was and what I was going to do. Pathetic excuse for an existence, mutants are the future and we will reign supreme…I smirked to myself as I thought about the new order that humans would learn to fear and respect ‘The Brotherhood’. There would be no more hiding what we really are…no more running and no more cowering in fear from them. I was brought back to reality as the voice of the clerk rang out “just sign here” her voice had a thick Jersey accent as she pointed to the screen in front of me. Soon after I signed it she printed out two plane tickets and told us to have a good day I just smiled at her and turned quick on my heel to go find the plane.


                After an excruciating eight hours of riding on a plane we finally landed in Berlin. We walked down the stairs of the plane and hailed down a taxi. I sat patiently…well as patient as I could be in the back of the cab with Victor sitting beside me. I let out an annoyed sigh as I sat fidgeting in my seat “gawd could this ride take any longer” I mumbled more to myself but that didn’t stop Victor from hearing it because he let out a low chuckle that only I could hear. Finally the cab pulled up in front of the Eurostar’s Berlin hotel. It was one of the nicer hotels I’ve been to and it would have to do for now, besides we would only be here for a couple days…a week at best. I strolled in through the revolving doors and walked up to the clerk who stood behind the front desk with an overly nice smile on her face…sickening. “Listen, I want the nicest suite this place has to offer” I said in perfect German as I whipped out one of my many credit cards and placed it in the human’s bony hand as she swiped it through the machine. I gave her a fake smile as I took back the credit card along with our room keys. I turned and headed for the elevator that would take us to the suites that were on the top floor. Victor stayed silent the whole time and kept close on my heels as I strutted towards the elevator. As we entered the annoying elevator music began playing and we had about eighty floors until we reached our destination “here” I said handing Victor his card to the room. He took the card and I could feel his eyes still lingering on me…watching my every move. After about ten minutes we finally reached our suite. I pushed the door open and strolled into the large room with Victor right behind me. It was silent for a couple of minutes until Victor spoke “hey Dru…how exactly can you afford all of this” he said motioning to the large room. A large grin crept onto my face as I pulled the shiny plastic card from my back pocket “well…let’s just say that Stryker is going to be paying with more than just his life” I let out a small chuckle as I slipped the card back into my pocket.

------TWO DAYS LATER------

-Logan’s POV-

                It had been two days since I had left the mansion in order to find Dru and I was gaining on them. I finally came to a small city where their scents just stopped on the inside of an airport. Once I parked my bike I strolled quickly through the front doors and up to the nearest clerk. She gave me a friendly smile “how may I help you?” her voice thick with a jersey accent. I gave her my best smile and placed two pictures down on the counter in front of her “have you seen either of these people…it would have been with in the last two days or so” she paused and seemed to be deep in thought until she clapped her hands together almost triumphantly “oh yeah…those two they were here a couple days ago…seemed to be in a real hurry…not really the friendly type if ya ask me.” I smiled because I knew I was getting closer…I just hope that Dru will be ok until I can get there “you wouldn’t happen to remember where they were heading…would you?” she smiled and shook her head yes “oh yeah, they was headin to Berlin, Germany” I thanked her and purchased one ticket then boarded the plane…hang on Dru I’m on my way.

-Back to Drusilla’s POV-

                I sat on the bed next to Victor and he was watching some movie on the TV, but I wasn’t paying much attention because I had much bigger things on my mind. “Dru…” a deep soothing voice broke my train of thought and I looked up into a pair of quicksilver grey eyes that sent a chill down my spine. I was so deep into my thoughts that I hadn’t realized how close I had gotten to Victor…my head was lying on his shoulder and one of my hands was placed on his chest. I jumped up and could instantly feel my face become flooded with a scarlet red causing Victor to chuckle a bit before he pulled me back down on top of him “what’s the matter runt…you scared of me or something” his voice was mocking and sarcastic. I looked back into those beautiful eyes of his “or something” I muttered just below a whisper hoping he wouldn’t hear it but no such luck. This peaked his interest “what was that” his voice was so hypnotic. I let out a shaky sigh and averted my eyes from his “well…I guess I don’t actually not like you…in fact I kind of actually like you” I mumbled the last part but it didn’t help. A smirk played on his lips as he placed a finger under my chin forcing my head up to look at him. My eyes lingered on his lips…oh god how badly I wanted to just kiss him and as if he had read my mind I felt his lips crash down onto my own lips. After the initial shock I kissed him back a little more roughly with more passion and our lips moved in perfect sync together. Once we pulled apart for air he attacked my neck with a trail of fiery kisses, and it felt unbelievably good. My animal side was coming out and there was no way I was going to stop it and I decided to just go with it…I mean what’s the worst that could happen right? He finally found his way to my sweet spot causing me to let out a loud moan of pleasure, and upon hearing this he played there for a bit nipping and suckling on the skin…there would be no hiding the hickey that would surely be there tomorrow. I tore off my shirt with one of my claws and then did the same thing to his shirt…once that was taken care of I flipped us around so I was straddling him. Oh god my animal side wanted him so badly and that’s just what I was going to give it…one night of hot, thoughtless, raw, passion and so began our hours and hours of orgasmic lust.

---sorry…you’ll have to use your imagination ;D---  

------NEXT DAY------

                The sun beamed in through the curtains as I rolled over into something hard. I cracked open one of my eyes and realized it was the still sleeping Victor. I sat up and slid my feet onto the floor as my mind was flooded with the memories of last night’s experiments with Victor. I pulled one of the blankets tightly around my aching bare frame as I made my way towards the dresser to find clothes for the day. My body was surprisingly sore from the events that transpired last night…I mean I know they say a girl’s first time is supposed to hurt but I figured that with my accelerated healing factor…well you know. Once I picked out my outfit for the day which was a pair of tight leather pants, a black lace corseted top, and knee high leather platform boots I made my way towards the shower shutting the bathroom door behind me. I cranked the hot water up on high and just barely touched the cold water causing the steam to fill the room. I dropped the blanket to the floor as I stepped into the shower allowing the cascading waters to ease my sore muscles. After the shower I got dressed and straitened my hair. I walked into the bedroom to find Victor hadn’t even moved from his spot where I had last seen him…I chuckled and left him a note on the desk telling him that I would be right back after I went to get some coffee and did a little clothes shopping. Then I slipped out of the door after I grabbed my keys, phone, and purse.

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