The big bad

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  • Dedicated to Ashley Bower

The road seemed to go on forever as we went around twists and turns, but after about two hours of driving we finally pulled up to a mansion. We drove up the long winding driveway and parked the bike just outside the doors. I just stared at Logan giving him a smirk and nodding my head as to tell him go ahead and I’ll follow you. Logan pushed open the large door and stepped inside and I followed right behind him. I guessed that they had just let classes out because students filled the hallways. A couple students came up to Logan “hey Logan, who’s the new girl” a girl with dark brown hair and a white streak in the bangs inquired as she looked over at me. “Hey kid, this is Dru, but we can’t talk now because we have to go see the professor and you have a class to get to” he said matter of factly. She hugged him and said goodbye. We walked up the stairs and made our way through the maze of hallways until we finally stopped in front of two large mahogany doors with brass handles. Logan knocked and we both heard someone say come in, so Logan opened the large doors and stepped inside and ushered me in towards the professor.

                I slowly walked in and noticed a man he was an older gentleman and was in a wheelchair. He smiled at me and motioned for me to sit in one of the big leather chairs in front of his desk. I strolled over and sat down in one of the big leather seats. Logan sat on the couch that sat along the wall on the other side of the room. “So my dear what is it you wish to know” my eyes widened as I heard a voice sound off in my head. I shook my head and went back to my normal composure “ well I am looking for a William Stryker” I spat his name out of my mouth like a deadly poison. I could hear Logan let out a small growl when I said his name. I stared blankly at the man in front of me and waited for his answer he let out a sigh “sadly my child I do not know of his whereabouts but if you stay here at the mansion I promise that I will find him and in the mean time you can train with Logan and work on honing your powers.” I went over every option in my head and finally decided that I would stay but only for little while. I smiled at the professor and nodded my head “fine I will stay, but only for a little while and if you don’t find him within a couple months then I will have to move on and find him myself” I stood from my chair and walked over toward Logan and he showed me to my room.

-------TIME SKIP------- three months later

                I was working in the danger room with Logan and I noticed that I was becoming even stronger and faster than I was before. We had been training every day for the three months that I had been there. That was my schedule I would wake up, and then have breakfast, do some training with Logan, then have lunch, then work in the science lab with Hank so I wouldn’t become just another idiot. I mean I have a name to live up to even though I don’t really know my father I have read about him and plan on meeting him one day. Logan’s kick to my gut woke me from my daydreaming and flung me into the wall on the other side of the room. I stood up and brushed the rubble and dirt off of myself “ok kid I guess that’s enough for today” I nodded and walked out of the room. I was getting really frustrated waiting for the professor to find Stryker and I needed to find something or someone to take out the rage on. The animal inside of me was getting impatient and wanted me to kill something and I wasn’t about to argue. “Logan…I’m going out for a bit and I might be back late” he nodded his head and I walked out to the garage and jumped on Scott's motorcycle. I don’t know what it was about him but something just bugged me about him. I started the engine and drove into town looking for a bar to start a fight.

                I pulled up to a small bar and parked my bike outside…well Scott's bike outside. It was getting dark outside already and I walked inside and sat at the bar and ordered a pitcher of beer and slapped a twenty down on the counter for payment. I chugged the rest of my beer down and took in a deep breath. The whole place smelled of beer, cigar smoke, and cologne this sent a surge of adrenaline through me. All of a sudden I could sense another feral nearby and they were strong and heading this way. I turned in my seat to face the door and there stood a man he was the feral that I had sensed earlier. He stood at six foot six inches and had dark brown almost black hair and had grey blue eyes. I got up to leave and he blocked me. This guy was just asking for a hurting and I tried to move again and was blocked again “listen bub…you better move or I’m going to make you move.” I let out a growl and went to move again and this time he moved but he followed me outside “hey runt I know where you can find William Stryker.” I froze in my spot as the wind whipped around me and I stared up at him in disbelief. “Did I just hear you correctly” he smirked showing off his sharpened canine teeth “yep” I smirked back at him “ so you got a name or should I continue to call you bub.” “The names Victor creed” I paused for a minute I know I have heard that name before and then it hit me “your Logan’s brother” he growled when I said Logan’s name. He was much taller than Logan, and he was also better looking and better built than Logan. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I scanned over his entire body and then I got to his face and he was smirking at me “so where is he?” “You will have to come with me to find out” I shook my head yes “ok but first I have to stop by the mansion and grab my things” victor nodded and said he would meet me there at the mansion.

                I hopped on the bike and revved up the engine and headed back to the mansion. Once I got there I parked the bike and headed inside to grab my things. I quietly opened the door and slid inside I wanted to leave un-noticed. I mean these people were nice and all but I needed to find Stryker and find him soon and if this Victor guy knows something then I have to go. I headed up the stairs and made it to my room and then packed all of my things into a small backpack. I looked around the room and made sure I had everything and then I wrote a quick good-bye note and laid it on my bed. Slipping out of the house I took in deep breaths and locked onto Victor’s scent. He was waiting at the edge of the forest so I sprinted over to him he smirked at me “ready to go” his voice was so deep and it sent shivers up and down my spine. I looked back at the mansion once more and turned to face him “yeah I’m ready” he turned on his heel and motioned for me to follow him. “Good-bye Logan” I whispered as I followed him into the thick forest that surrounded the mansion.         

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