Episode/Chapter 1 Reunited

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                                                                 Episode 1: Reunited

        The first scene takes place at Rikki's Cafe in the office and  Zane is sitting in his desk chair while Rikki is sitting in the blue velvet chair in front of the desk. Zane looks up at Rikki, who is admiring the dolphin statue that Cleo and Bella made her. "So is Sophie finally okay with Will and Bella dating?" Rikki looks up confused because the topic came out of nowhere. Rikki shakes the confusion away. "Uhhh. She's not okay with it. But she has been backing off." Rikki pauses. "Why?" Zane looks at his computer then looks back up at Rikki. "Because, I have been considering re-hiring her again. Because she does have a lot of experience and she was a great worker, you know before she went sabotaging things." Rikki opens her eyes wide and starts to say something, but is interrupted by Zane. "Well that is if you and the girls are okay with it." Rikki gives Zane a worried slash angry look and rolls her eyes. "I don't know Zane. Out of all the things she has done, are you really willing to forgive her?" Zane leans closer to Rikki. "Yes, because that's all we can do right now. And I don't want to lose this place because it has your name on it and it's a step closer I have to be with you again Rikki." Rikki looks shocked of what he just said and changes the topic. "And what about how much this place means to this town. It's not just about us. You always think things are about us, but there are other people in this town Zane. Think about..." Zane cuts her off. "I'm sorry Rikki. Of coarse it's about them too. So what do you have to say?" Rikki looks at the dolphin reminding her of Cleo and Bella and shows it to Zane. "It's about them too."  Then she puts it on the desk and Zane smiles. "I already took care of that. I texted them both and Cleo said ok and Bella hasn't texted back." And he gets closer to Rikki and puts his hands on top oh hers. Rikki takes her hands out from underneath his hands and slouches in the chair. "Okay. But if she does anything to wreck this place or messes with us again. Then she's gone for good. I mean it, she'll be fired and banned from the cafe." Zane gives Rikki a thank you look that makes Rikki want to kiss him. But Rikki told him they are starting over. And Zane agreed. After Rikki gets the thought of them back together out of her head. She brings up another problem. "But there is still a problem." She pauses. "We still have the financial issues. And re-hiring Sophie will make it worse. Unless she works for free. Which we both know she won't do." Zane loses his smile and looks at his desk and looks back up at Rikki. "Yeah I know. That's why I was wondering if you could get a second job." Rikki looks confused and angry. "First of all, why do I have to be the one to get a second job? And secondly, when I'm at my other job, who's going to help you?" Rikki looks at Sophies application near Zanes computer mouse then looks up at him. "Sophie. Sophie's gonna help you!"  Then Rikki gets out of the chair. Zane looks from the application to Rikki. "Yes. You two are going to be co-managers, and when you are at your second job, Sophie is going to do your responsibilities, and when you are here, you are going to..."..try.." He enunciates the word and continues. "..to work together." Rikki rolls her eyes. "I'll do it. But if she does anything, she's gone for good. And I mean it." Zane smiles at her and gets up and kisses her. "Thank you so much Rikki!" After he kisses her, he realizes what he done. "Sorr...sorry Rikki." Then he shakes his head. "I shouldn't have done that. We agreed to start over and take it slow, and here I kiss you." Rikki's eyes are wide open and lips partly open. She then shakes her head forgetting what just happened. "It's...it's fine." Rikki walks to the door with her head down and still shaking her head. "Well I'm going to get that job." When she opens the door, Bella is standing right there. "Oh.." shakes her head. "..hey Bella. Bye Bella." Then Rikki walks past Bella. Bella looks back at Rikki and mumbles. "That was weird." She looks at Zane who is standing and staring at the floor. "Are you okay Zane?" Bella asks confused. Zane snaps out of what just happened between him and Rikki. "Oh. Hey. What brings you here?" Bella answers his question. "I came by to tell you that Will and I can come in every so often to help you and Sophie while Rikki is at her other job." Zane scratches his head. "Oh. So  you did get my message. And you don't have to do that." Then he realizes the mischievous grin on Bellas face. "Ohhhh. You mean keep an eye on Sophie?" Then they both laugh and Bella nods her head. And Zane gives her an answer. "And yeah, we will appreciate that Bella." Bella says. "No problem. I'm going to Wills to tell him you're okay with our idea. I'm sure the girls will like it. See ya." And after Bella leaves he mumbles bye still thinking of how much he wants to take Rikki and kiss her again. 

Over at Will's place, Bella tells Will, Zane agreed to let them watch over Sophie. Then Will pulls Bella by her waist and kisses her. But they are soon interrupted by Sophie. "Just because I can deal with you two together, doesn't mean I like it." Will and Bella slowly separate. Sophie gets what she needs and walks to the door. "Well I got what I need. So I'm off to get my job back, then I'm going back to my place."After she leaves. Will and Bella lock lips again. Then there is a knock at the door. Bella shakes her head and Will rolls his eyes and looks at the ceiling. "Come in" Rikki and Cleo walk in and Rikki says. "You better be careful the next time you openly invite someone in. I coulda been a robber." Cleo, Bella, and Will all laugh. Then will pulls Bella back and holds her in a warm cuddly embrace. Then both Bella and Will greet the girls. "Hey." "Hey." Cleo and Rikki say. Rikki gives them the good news. "I got the job at the Marine Park." Rikki says as she smiles. Bella jokingly says. "Wow! You are becoming quit the worker." And they all laugh. Rikki shakes her head and smiles and has her hands behind her back while she rocks back and forth.  "Yes I am." Cleo gets out of her thoughts about Lewis. "Congratulations! Why didn't you tell me on the way here?" Will looks at Cleo and says concerned. "Are you okay?" Cleo says. "Yes. I'm just kind of distracted." Cleo works up a smile. "So what kind of job is it?" Rikki responds to Cleos question. "It's actually your old job." And Will, Bella, and Cleo nod at Rikki. Then Rikki continues to talk. "Yeah. Apparently they can't keep employees that listen and do their job right. I guess one girl purposely froze a kids ice cream because the kid couldn't decide what flavor he wanted." Cleo rolls her eyes, "Wow! Some people don't know what limitations are." They all nod in agreement with Cleo. "So do you want to take a walk and maybe go by Emma's old house." Cleo looks at the rest of the gang. They all nod and say. "Sure." Will says. "I still wish we could meet her soon." Then Bella agrees with Will. "Yeah. I wish I could meet this other girl in the fish club." They all laugh and walk out of Wills place. When they walk toward the Cafe, Rikki tells them she has to go in and tell Zane she'll be back later. After a few minutes, Rikki comes back out. "Ok. I'm ready. But he said when I get back we need to talk...alone." "That's weird." Cleo says. And Rikki mumbles, "Yeah it is." 

When they get to Emma's old house they see an old women walk outside with a garbage bag. Cleo then walks closer to the trash can. While the others stay behind her. Then Cleo looks curious and walks closer to the woman. Bella shouts. "What are you doing?" Cleo takes a better look at the woman and turns around and says. "It's Miss Chatham!" Rikki looks at Cleo. "What?!" Then Cleo walks toward the woman and Rikki follows while Will and Bella start to make out. Miss Chatham recognizes the girls smiles and yells. "Hey girls." Then she throws her trash away. "Hey!" Rikki and Cleo say together. Then Rikki says. "I thought you went to Florida to live with your daughter? Why are you at Emma's old house?" Miss Chatham answers. "I'm here because the Gilbert's lent me their house while they are away. And I had to stay around close enough to help you if you girls really needed help. But not too close to where you would come to me with everything." She pauses. "And I didn't' tell you girls because I knew you could figure things out on your own." Bella and Will finally stop making out and walk to Cleo and Rikki. Then Rikki blows up. "So you thought it would be better if you let us get attacked by a TENTACLE, by ourselves!? Oh....no. How about almost being exposed by people mining Mako!" Rikki starts to say something else, but is interrupted by Bella. "Calm down Rikki. She may not have known. And if so, she probably knew you could figure it out." Miss Chatham speaks again. "I didn't know anyone would actually try to mine Mako. But I knew all three of you could handle it." Bella looks confused. And Miss Chatham looks at Bella. "Yes. I know you are one of them." And she points at Cleo and Rikki. And Bella and Will looks shocked. And Miss Chatham continues. "I can sense when other mermaids are around. And speaking of mermaids, Emma is coming home soon. She doesn't want me to tell you girls exactly when she'll be home because she wants it to be a surprise."  Miss Chatham looks at Will. "And you are?" Will responds. "I'm Will. It's nice to finally meet you. Cleo and Rikki talk about you a lot." Rikki and Cleo smile. Miss Chatham smiles and looks at them. "They have, have they?" The girls smile and shake their heads "yes".

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