Episode/Chapter 8: Seriousness Goes Far

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Episode 8: Seriousness Goes Far

Rikki, Emma, Bella, Zane, Ash, and Will are all at the beach hanging out. Bella and Will are playing soccer. While Rikki and Zane are playing badmitton and Emma and Ash are sitting watching the other couples have fun. Ash asks Emma a serious question. "Would you be opposed if I asked you to go to dinner with me and my family? They really want to meet you and I want you to meet them." Emma smiles at Ash and answers. "That's a big step for use. But yes I would love to." Then she kisses Ash on his left cheek. Then Ash says. "I'm so glad you said yes." He looks at Emma nervously. "I love you Emma."  Emma's jaw drops in shock. "Did you say...." Emma loses her words. Then Ash says. "Yes I did. I'm sorry if I caught you off guard. And I know we have been together for almost a year and I never said that. But I've been trying to for a month now and I keep getting nervous when I try to say the words to you." Emma looks at Ash sympathetically. "It's okay because I have been thinking about saying it to you too, but I also get nervous when I try to tell you....." Emma pauses for a few seconds and continues. "I love you Ash." They both smile and they start to kiss, but are interupted by Bella walking up asking. "Are you guys ready to go now?" Emma and Ash say in unison. "Yes." Bella says. "Okay." And motions toward Rikki, Zane, and Will telling them they are leaving. "Oh and sorry for messing that kiss up." Ash and Emma laugh and look at eachother. Ash says. "Oh well. We have plenty of more opportunities. Like today after our romantic date." He winks at Emma, then he looks at Will, Ash, and Rikki walking up to Bella, Emma, and Ash. Ash and Emma get up and Emma flashes a big smile at Ash. Then Ash, Will, and Zane walk together a few feet in front of the girls. Rikki notices the big smile on Emma's face and asks. "What was that Emma?" Bella answers for Emma. "That is a face of a girl who's boyfriend was talking about making out with her." Rikki stops in front of Emma. "What? Really? You and Ash making out?" Emma rolls her eyes and still continues to smile. "No he never said that Bella." She says as she looks at Bella. Then she says. "I am going to dinner with him and his parents sometime. And he said he loves me." Rikki and Bella looks shocked and happy. Rikki says. "Finally!" Bella laugs at Rikki. Then she looks at Emma. "That's great Emma." She smiles and hugs her. Then Rikki says. "Well lets catch up with the guys so we can head to Mako." They all laugh and run up to the guys and they all put their arms around their girls.

Cleo walks into her room, locks the door immediately calls Rikki. "Hey Rikki. Miss Chatham came to my work and told me that the news said there is a comet ready to hit Australia really hard in approximately 2 hours. And it's supposed to be twice as strong as the other one. And it is aimed to hit Mako again." Rikki on the other line says. "Oh my gosh. I'll tell Emma and Rikki now because I'm with them now." Cleo then says. "Okay. Thanks and lets meet at Mako in 30 minutes." After she gets off the phone with Rikki she calls Lewis and Lewis says he looked up about the comet and one that strong last hit about 30 years ago. Immediately after she gets off the phone with Lewis, she changes out of her work clothes and gets her yellow, blue, pink, and purple flower backpack with medical supplies, food, and water in it and walks out the door and heads to Mako.

(The comet scene starts at 4:06pm.)

When Cleo gets there from the tunnel enterance; she sees Rikki, Zane, Emma, Ash, Bella, Lewis, and Will. She looks at all of them and puts her bag down and goes to Lewis and gives him a big hug. Everyone looks at them in awe. Cleo says. "Why are the guys here?" Lewis answers. "Because if you girls get hurt fighting off the comet, then we can tend to you. And hopefully that'll give you more energy and strength to demolish it." Cleo smiles at Lewis and kisses him. Then Bella says. "Okay. Are you ready to get started?" She asks Cleo, Rikki, and Emma. They all shake their heads and get into the Moon Pool. Will, Lewis, Ash, and Zane all watch the magic happen when their girlfriends turn into these gorgeous girls with beautiful golden tails. As this bright light appears far far in the sky, Cleo asks the girls. "Did all you talk to your family before you came?" As she has a few tears running down her face. They all shake their heads yes. Then Bella says. "My mom and dad were really scared when I told them I had to go take care of something before the comet hit and they tried to convince me to stay." As the comet gets closer, each girl says the same thing Bella said and all the girls raise their hands up and gets ready to destroy the comet. After a few seconds the start to push the comet away and they are struggling with redirecting it. Will, Zane, Ash, and Lewis all look worried. Right when the comet gets even closer to shattering the Moon Pool, the girls almost lose their strength. As they try their best to redirect the comet, the guys look even more worried and start to walk toward the girls to encourage them. When suddenly the guys see red hair coming from the water enterance in the Moon Pool and they back up. Then the body exposes a golden tail and top. All four of the girls look shocked because the person who belongs to the golden tail and red hair is Charlotte. She notices the girls are having trouble redirecting the comet and she helps them. The girls keep looking at Charlotte shocked and confused because the last time they saw her she wasn't a mermaid. Charlottes help slowly begins to work for only a few minutes, then the comet seems to get even stronger and they lose strength again. When Cleo's hand slowly lowers and her fingers begin to straighten, the comet gets so close that they feel the Moon Pool shake. Then Charlotte puts her other hand up and it helps move the comet farther away. So then Bella, Emma, Rikki, and even Cleo put their other hand up redirecting the comet. That helps even more, but they still can't seem to redirect the comet. After several more minutes, they still can't completly redirect it; although it is getting farther and farther away. Suddenly all the girls arms slowly lower and both Cleo's arms completly lose their strength and fall down into the water. All the girls look at Cleo worried as Cleo shakes her hands. Then comet gets closer to where it shakes the Moon Pool again. The rest of the girls lose their strength again and one of Bella's hands drops and the comet gets closer and shakes the Moon Pool more. Then suddenly everyone sees another tail appear in the water and the person comes up and it turns out to be Michael!(The Merman.) Everyone looks at him even more shocked than they were when the saw Charlotte enter the Moon Pool. As soon as he helps the girls the comet immediately moves away really fast. Then Cleo looks shocked at how fast it moved away, so she puts both her hands up and it moves a bit more. Then Michael puts his other hand up and it moves even farther, then explodes making a huge flash of light causing everyone to turn their heads away from the comet. Then peices of the comet fall into the Moon Pool and a few lightly hits Bella and Charlotte on the head. Everyone is suddenly staring up at the sky in shock. 

Cleo and Emma are at the cafe sitting at a booth after the destroyed the comet, while Bella is ordering drinks for Cleo and Emma. And Charlotte comes in and walks toward Cleo and Emma and she sits next to Cleo on the left side of the booth. Charlotte tells Emma and Cleo that she is back because she was exposed as a mermaid in California and so was Lacie(Miss Chatham's grand-daughter) and Julie(Julia Dove's Grand-daughter). Then Bella walks over and sits next to Emma. Cleo introduces Bella and Charlotte. Charlotte looks at Bella. "Nice to meet you. I'm sure they told you about me. They probably called me a loose cannon." Bella nods at Charlotte and says. "Nice to meet you too. And yeah they may have mentioned that, but I'm sure you changed considering you helped us destroy the comet." Charlotte says. "Yeah I actually have." As she looks at Cleo and Emma. Then Rikki comes over and asks. "You guys want to go to Mako after I get off?" Then she realizes the looks on Cleo's and Emma's faces. "Are you guys okay?" Emma looks at Rikki and says quitely. "Charlotte came back because she, Miss Chatham's grand daughter, and Julia's neice all got exposed as mermaids in California, so that's why they came back here to Australia." Rikki stands there with her eyes wide open and says in shock. "What?! Seriously? I didn't even know Miss Chatham had a grand daughter." Cleo looks at Rikki. "Neither did we." As she points at Emma then at herself. Rikki looks at the office door. "Lets talk about this at Emma's place after I get off in about 10 minutes." Charlotte says. "That would be best because you girls can't take the risk of going to Mako and having the Sea Creature Hunters capture you." Rikki nods her head and starts to say something, when Cleo interupts on accident. "What are the Sea Creature Hunters?" Charlotte answers. "They are the hunters who found me, Julie, and Lacie and took videos of us and showed it to the entire town of Los Angeles." Bella finally speaks up. "And they are probably going to hunt you guys down." Charlotte shakes her head yes and says. "If they haven't started yet." Rikki then speaks up. "Well I really have to go and finish my shift. Lets meet at Emma's house." Rikki starts to leave, but she stops and turns around and says. "And that includes you too Charlotte." Cleo, Emma, Bella, and Charlotte all nod at Rikki. Then Rikki walks away and when she gets far enough to where noone can hear her, she whispers. "Why did I invite her." She walks into the office to see Zane on the phone whispering and he hangs up as soon as he sees her. Rikki looks at Zane curious and asks. "Who was that?" Zane answers. "Oh no one." Rikki rolls her eyes because he has been acting weird. "Okay. After I get off, I'm going to Emma's to talk to the girls and Charlotte about Sea Creature Hunters who may be searching for Charlotte, Miss Chatham's grand daughter Lacie, and Julia Dove's neice because they are all mermaids."  Zane looks from his computer to Rikki with wide eyes. "Isn't Julia Dove..." Before he could finish, Rikki finishes for him. "Yeah she was one of Miss Chatham's friends who was also a mermaid." Zane says. "Oh wow. Okay. Well see you later babe. Love you." Rikki looks shocked because he never calls her babe. She takes it in and says. "I love you too." Then she walks out of the office to finish her shift.

When Rikki gets to Emma's house, she notices there is a dog in the yard barking at her. Then she sees Emma walk out of the house telling the dog to stop barking. Then she lets the beautiful Chow puppy inside. Then Rikki walks up to the steps and Emma and Rikki both walk inside. When Emma and Rikki get into Emma's room. Rikki notices that she is the last one there and she sees Micheal there too. She looks at Michael furious and blows up. "Why in the world is he here. I didn't invite him." Emma looks at Rikki, closes the door and says. "I did because it's my house. Why are you always so hot-headed? I really don't appreciate it. Michael helped us destroy the comet and he is a nice guy. Why are you targeting him?" Cleo, Bella, Charlotte, and Michael all look at Emma shocked. Rikki glares at Emma and says. "I'm just mad he is here because he was going to take over Mako and no one told me he was going to be here. But I never targeted him. Are you okay Emma?" Emma rolls her eyes and sits on her bed next to Michael. Then Bella bravely speaks up. "I know this is none of my business, but Rikki never targeted Michael. She was just wondering why he was here." Bella says as she looks at Emma. Then Emma says. "No she was targeting Michael! What has he done to you." And she looks straight at Rikki. Then Rikki defends herself again. "Emma. I did not target Michael. Why are you defending him so much?" Emma rolls her eyes and gets up in Rikki's face and says angrily. "I am defending him because you are targeting him like he's the bad guy." Michael finally speaks up. "Emma, she wasn't targeting me. She was just mad that I'm here and she didn't know I was going to be here. So I think you can calm down." Rikki backs away from Emma and stands next to Cleo. Then Michael finishes what he was going to say. "Why are you defending me so much. I haven't done anything special for you Emma. It was for all of you girls." Emma then blows up at him. "Why are you accusing me of having a crush on you. I'm dating Ash. Get over yourself Michael. I don't think this meeting is necessary. You girls can go home now. Bye." Everyone looks at Emma confused, but they all leave anyway. 

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