Episode/Chapter 6: Enemies Are Among Us (1 week after the party)

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Episode 6: Enemies are among us; 1 week after grad party

RIKKIS BATHROOM: Rikki gets into the bath one morning and her tail randomly changes from orange to purple. After she is lying in bath for a few minutes confused, she finishes washing up while she is trying to figure out what just happened to her tail. Eventually she drains the water out of the tub and dries off and gets out of the tub. She then calls Cleo and tells Cleo what just happened. Cleo on the other line of the phone says, "The same thing happened to me." Then there is a minute of silence then Cleo continues. "And here I thought we were done with this mysterious stuff." Rikki responds. "I thought we were too. I wonder if the same thing happened to Bella." Cleo on the other line says. "I don't know. I'll call her now." Rikki says. "Okay. Bye and see you at the Cafe."

CLEOS BATHROOM: Cleo says bye and hangs up. Then she calls Bella. "Hey Bella." Bella on the other line says worried. "Hey. I was actually just going to call you." Cleo says.  "Did anything weird happen to you this morning?" Bella pauses and says. "Yes. My tail turned purple when I got into the bath. Did it happen to you too?" Cleo then says. "Yes it did. It happened to Rikki too? What do you think it is?" Bella responds to Cleo. "I don't know. Let's talk about it when we get to the cafe." Cleo says bye and hangs up, then she puts her shoes on and walks out of her room.

AT THE CAFE: Rikki is looking through cabinets to find the book of mermaids and finds the dolphin statue that Elliot gave her a while ago and she puts it next to the dolphin statue Bella and Cleo made her. And she can't find the book at all. She rushes out of the office and runs up to Cleo, (who is sitting on a stool at the juice bar) and says. "Cleo we have a BIG problem!" Cleo gets off the stool and steps away from a friend (Lucy Fry) as she tells her she'll see her later. Then Cleo walks toward Rikki. "What's wrong Rikki?" Rikki responds. "I can't find the book of mermaids!" Cleo says. "Are you sure it's not in there? I just looked at it yesterday and I put it back." Cleo and Rikki both walk into the office and look for the book and it's still no where to be found. Zane walks into the office and closes the door behind him. "What are you guys doing?" Cleo and Rikki look back at Zane and say in unison. "We can't find the book." Then they continue to look for the book. Zane stands there looking confused. Then he finally asks. "What book?" Then Bella walks in shuts the door and says. "The mermaid book." As she holds up the book. Rikki and Cleo both stare at her in relief. Rikki walks toward Bella and takes the book out of her hand. "You worried us by taking this Bella. When did you come in here and get it?" Cleo walks to Rikki and Bella. "Did you take it after I looked at it?" Bella reponds. "I took it yesterday because Will and I wanted to see if there is anything in it that referes to merman, so we can be prepared what to expect when we come in contact with this merman." Cleo nods her head because Bella did get it after Cleo looked at it. Zane says confused. "I know I've been busy here at the Cafe lately, but since when is there a merman here?" Rikki says. "Since yesterday morning when our tails changed colors and Miss Chatham said it's due to a merman coming here to ruin our lives." Bella looks at Rikki. "She didn't quit say ruin our lives. All she said was she can't help us because she never came accross one before." Rikki nods. "Okay. She didn't say ruin our lives. But that doesn't matter because we all know from ancient mythology that mermans are powerful and usually want to rule over the ocean." Cleo says. "Now THATS true." As she enunciates "thats" and looks at Rikki. Then Bella says lightly. "Yeah." Zane looks worried and says. "You girls better be a lot more careful of what you say and do around people because there has been a lot of suspicious activity going on at Mako and it's probably because of that merman." Rikki rolls her eyes and shortly after, Zane finishes. "And Sophie and Dr. Denman knows you girls are mermaids..." Cleo finishes Zane's sentence. "And they might expose us." Zane nods at Cleo and says. "Yes and if they do expose you, then people may think you girls have been doing the stuff on Mako and..." Rikki interrupts. "...and kill us." Bella, Cleo, and Zane look at Rikki with wide eyes. They all say together. "Rikki!" Rikki looks at them, shrugs and smirks. "What? That's basically what he was talking about." Cleo changes the conversation. "I talked to Lewis earlier and he said he doen't have to go back to the states until the end of the summer." Cleo says with a big smile on her face. Rikki, Zane, and Bella laugh at Cleo's randomness. Rikki looks at Cleo and smiles. "That's great Cleo! I'm glad he's staying for a while so he can help us with this merman we are supposed to encounter sometime soon." Bella says in relief. "I know." Bella pauses. Then continues. "Speaking of mer-creatures. Where is Emma?" Everyone shrugs in curiousity. 

 Emma is swimming in the ocean and she goes into the Moon Pool because she hasn't been there for ages. When she gets into the beautiful, lustering, blue pool, there is already someone in the Moon Pool. She is very shocked to see that the person she is staring at and who is staring at her is a merman! After a few minutes of staring, Emma speaks up. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" She says with fear and anger in her voice. The merman senses the fear and anger in her voice. "That fear in your voice is going to get worse once I tell you what I'm doing here." Emma says in a bit more confidence now. "Okay. What are you doing here then?" The tan dark haired merman says in complete cockiness. "My name is Zachary Michael Poseidon, my pod calls me Michael and I am here to check out this beautiful island." He opens his arms and looks around the Moon Pool. Emma quickly interrupts him. "And why is that?" Michael clears his throat. "I am here to check it out before I bring my pod here to rule Mako." 

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