Episode/Chapter 10: The Original Ones

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                                Episode/Chapter 10: The Original Ones

*****I would like to give some credit to frostydog09. :-D

        While Bella is swimming in the ocean, she comes across a silver ring with a blue gem in it. She quickly swims to the beach to see if the girls are there so she can show them the beautiful ring. Unfortunately they aren't there. So Bella goes to Cleo's to see if they are there. She gets to Cleo's house and starts to knock on the door when Cleo opens the door. Bella opens her eyes wide because she was caught off guard when Cleo opened the door. Cleo smiles at Bella. "Hey Bella. I was just leaving to go and look for you, Rikki, and Emma." Bella smiles back at Cleo and says in a friendly tone. "That's funny because I was looking for all of you." Bella laughs a little. Cleo responds. "Well take me off the list." She says as she smiles and closes the door behind her. Then Bella and Cleo walk away from Cleo's house. "Well lets go look for Emma and Rikki." Cleo says and looks at Bella. Then they continue to walk. When they get to the cafe, they find Rikki getting off work and Emma talking to Michael in a private booth. Stopped in front of the stage, Bella looks at Emma and nods toward her. "What do you think about Emma possibly crushing on Michael?"  (frostydog09's Idea) Cleo looks from Rikki to Emma. "I think it's true." Bella is still looking at Emma and says. "I do too." Cleo and Bella walk toward Rikki who is walking toward them. Rikki gets to the girls and asks them, "What do you think that's about." As she nods toward Michael and Emma. Cleo answers. "I'm not sure. That's what we were talking about." As she motions to Bella. Bella looks from Cleo to Rikki. "That's not what I'm worried about right now." Bella pauses while Cleo and Rikki look at Bella confused. "I'm worried about this." She pulls out the ring from her pocket and continues. "I found it in near Mako." Rikki and Cleo both look at it in shock. Rikki then speaks up. "It looks like the same stone as these." Rikki then slightly lifts here crystal necklace up. Cleo looks down at hers and nods with wide eyes. Bella looks at both of them. "That's what I was curious about." Bella looks down at hers and holds the ring up. "If the stone in this ring is the same as our necklaces, then who knows what this ring is capable of." Cleo and Rikki both nod in agreement. Rikki says. "Well I need to got to work at the Marine Park now. Maybe we can meet later to find out about the ring." Cleo and Bella nod and say bye to Rikki as she walks out of the cafe. Bella and Cleo start to walk toward Emma, but realize Emma is walking to them with Michael right behind her. Cleo and Bella both smile and say hi to Emma and Michael. Emma asks. "What are you guys doing here?" Bella answers. "To look for you and Rikki. Because we all need to discuss something after Rikki gets off work at the Marine Park." Emma rolls her eyes. "Stop asking me about Michael and I. We are just friends." Michael pulls Emma back, then Emma starts to walk away. But Cleo stops in front of her. "Emma! We didn't ask you about you and Michael. We just said we need to talk about something." Bella shakes her head in agreement. "Yeah Cleo is right. We just wanted to talk about this ring." Bella lifts it up in front of Emma's face. "I found it near Mako and we think it is the same stone as the one in mine, Cleo's, and Rikki's necklace." Cleo looks at Emma in disbelief. "What's wrong with you Emma?" Michael looks at Bella and Cleo. "She has been effected by the full moon that lasts several months. And it'll make her blow up randomly here and there." Cleo and Bella look really confused. Then Cleo asks. "How did it happen? I thought it happened only when the full moon is rising. Not days after it leaves." Michael looks at Bella and Cleo, then looks at Emma and starts to say something, but is cut off by Emma. "Don't  tell them Michael!" Michael ignores her. "It happens when a mermaid crushes on a merman and when she falls in love with a merman, she begins to forget about other mermaids and she will expose them." Cleo and Bella are standing and staring at Michael in worry and in shock, while Emma is glaring at Michael in pure anger. Then Michael continues. "The mermaid will also put humans under her control so they won't find out her and her lover are mer-creatures." Emma raises her fist up to punch Michael, but Cleo and Bella pull her back and holds her until she calms down. After she calms down Cleo says. "Lets go to the beach and do something Emma." Emma nods her head and they all start to leave. 

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